Meanings, statistics and Root
and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window]
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o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[These directions, East and West are Qib'laa'tae of Nisara and Jews; in Madina Munawwara East and West has nothing to do with Kaa'aba and Aaq'saa/Bait Muq'aduss, since they are respectively in North and South of Mad'ina]
[one can exit from Ka'aba, around which is Sacred Mosque, in 360 directions] [
The known fools/Muna'afiqeen
have been declared
You the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce [for information of new comers in Islam from the people of Book]; "The East and the West are the domain for Allah Recurrence:
He guides whom He wills/who wish to be guided upon the Way/Path that keeps heading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility". [2:142] And understand that this is how [by declaring Kaa'aba as the qib'laa'taa for everyone, reviving its original position of having been raised for entire humanity] We have made [taken out for humanity 3:110] you people a justly balanced moderate community [always on the middle line, no extremities] for the purpose that you people may attain the position of witnesses over the people of society, and the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, embodiment of mercy] may be the witness over you. And [let Me tell you the Messenger] We have not appointed/declared that Qib'laa'taa for everyone, upon which you ever were, except only to expose/differentiate/known to people, the one who [from the new comers in Islam from people of Book] consciously and heartily keeps following the Messenger, from the one who purposely at his own will turns away upon his heels/declaration of acceptance. And know that this declaration of Messenger's Qib'laa'taa as the Qib'laa'taa was indeed heavy/momentous for people [of Book who quite for long kept East and West as their respective Qib'laa'taa] except for those whom Allah had guided. And know that never would Allah intend to make your belief of no effect. [Recurrence:
It is a fact that Allah is to all people most surely full of kindness, the Most Merciful. [2:143] We are indeed continuously seeing, [O you the Messenger] the frequent turning of your face into the Sky. [We know your feelings] For this reason We swear/assure you that certainly We will give you the guardianship of the Qib'laa'tan; that will make you persistently pleased. Therefore [relax, since you know Our promise gets executed and] cause your face to confront/face to face the Sacred Mosque so long when you are out/away from it. [Recurrence:(1)2:144(2)2:150=2] And, wherever you people [who have believed] have been, for reason you cause your faces to confront/face to face towards that Mosque, when you are out/away from it. And it is fact that those people whom Book was given earlier indeed know very well that this [promise of giving guardianship in the Grand Qur'aan] is a matter of fact from their Sustainer Lord. And beware, Allah is never unmindful about that which acts they people are/keep doing. [2:144] [what to say of one evidence/sign of acquiring control of Ka'aba] And be sure that supposedly if you, Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, had brought, to those people who were earlier given the Book, each and every individual evidential sign/unprecedented occurrence, even then they would not have followed in action your Qib'laa'taa [Ka'aba]; And you will never be the follower of their Qib'laa'taa [to make them pleased with you, refer 2:120 and because it is stupidity to deviate from the prescribed procedure of Iebra'heim alai'his'slaam 2:130]. And neither they, the two segments of People of Book, will ever be practical followers of Qib'laa'taa of each other [East and West; since both have own objective-desire of separate identity 2:148]; [therefore you reiterate as told earlier in 2:120 to each one] "and be mindful that, if supposedly you inclined yourself to act/pursue upon their conjectures/desires/wishes, after that One [Qur'aan] which has brought to you facts of the concrete knowledge, then in that case/at that point in time, you will certainly be considered from amongst the distorters". [2:145] [Recurrence:(1)2:146(2)6:20=2]
Those whom We had earlier given the Book, they recognize him [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in the manner as they conveniently recognize their sons [for reason of having found written and described in black and white about him in Tor'aat and the In'jeel-7:157]. And it is a fact that a group/elite-clergy belonging to them/the people of Book certainly and persistently conceals/withholds from narrating the fact, and they do it deliberately since they know/understand it. [2:146] This Statement of Established/indisputable Proven Fact [Grand Qur'aan] is from your Sustainer Lord. [People of the Book do recognize and know it to have been sent by your Sustainer Lord] Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should not henceforth be amongst the worrywarts [for such people of Book]. [2:147] [since]/And notice that a point of interest/goal/objective is the hallmark for each and every one/group. He is the one who focuses/diverts his affiliation towards that. Therefore [leave them engaged in their diversions] you people consciously incline yourselves to hasten strive in doing the best things. Notwithstanding, wherever you people may have located yourselves, Allah will bring you all collectively [to accountability-justice]. Indeed Allah has absolute command and control over each and every thing. [2:148] And [O you the Messenger; on acquiring control of Ka'aba] from whatever direction you left the Sacred Mosque, thereafter for reason of being outside//distant from it, cause your face to confront/face to face the Sacred Mosque And this [Grand Qur'aan, news of giving you the control of Ka'aba] is undoubtedly the certain truth/fact from your Sustainer Lord.
(1)2:74(2)2:85(3)2:140(4)2:149(5)3:99=5] And you people be mindful that Allah is never unmindful of that which acts you keep performing. [2:149] And [O you the Messenger; on acquiring control of Ka'aba] from whatever direction you left the Sacred Mosque, thereafter for reason of being outside//distant from it, cause your face to confront/face to face the Sacred Mosque; [Recurrence:(1)2:144(2)2:150=2] and you the believers also whatever direction you leave the place, thereafter for reason of being outside/away, you turn yourselves face to face the Sacred Mosque; so that argument/counter reason/accusation may not lie for the people [of Book who sanctify direction of East and West] against you people, [regarding considering turning of face towards particular direction as virtue like them, believers confront all 360 directions] except from amongst them those who slander/irrationally conduct with distortions.
Therefore, if they slander/irrationally conduct/argue on this issue, thereat you people should not care for them, and instead be careful/mindful of Me. And so that I may conclude My Favour/Grace upon you people, and whereby on completion of My Favour you people may consciously and heartily guide yourselves [by getting complete Grand Qur'aan and completely knowing the practical method, conduct, procedure, way of life leading to destination] [2:150]
[conclude My Favour/Grace/boon] Like that obliging beneficence that We have since sent/appointed-declared among you as the Messenger who was perpetually and persistently a believer-Muslim from amongst you. He keeps reciting, word by word/syllable by syllable for you people, Our Aa'ya'at/verbal statements conveying information, facts, and thus uplifts/sanctifies/elevates you [by removing shackles of all conjectural myths/belief] and educates/instructs/teaches you people [all Aa'ya'at comprising] the Book and [thus revealing the knowledge about invisible] wisdom/the invisible information/data [contained in Aa'ya'at].
And he tells you the knowledge/information/data which hitherto you did not have [for lack of Book]. [2:151]
Therefore you people remember and keep mentioning Me, I will take care of you people. And express thanks/gratitude for My favours. And be mindful that you people should not deny/hide My favours/grace. [2:152]