Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.














































































































And We fragmented them into twelve generations/tribes with different parental root. 

[Similar information in 2:60]

And  We conveyed to Musa [alai'his'slaam], when his nation/people asked him for water that; "You displace/uplift the particular stone with your Stick."

[Similar information in 2:60]

 As a sequel of displacing particular stone there gushed water, flowing as twelve springs.

[Same information in exact these words in 2:60]

Each [of the twelve] group got known its own place for water.

And [for saving them from scorching heat of Sinai peninsula] We caused the lower/canopy/covering clouds as shade upon them and sent for them the Prandial "Munna and Sal'wa".

[Same words in 2:57]

[your forefathers were told] "You people Eat from "tayyi'baate" [nutrient, nourishing things] that We have given to you as sustenance".

[Same information in same words at end 2:57]o

  And they [your forefathers] did no harm to Us, rather they did harm to themselves. [7:160]

[Same words with different construction in 2:58]

And when it was said for [to] them: "You stay/sojourn and eat of the plenty therein as you wish;

and you pronounce praying " We beg forgiveness" and enter the door in humility posture;

[Slightly different in 2:58]o

We would like to forgive/overlook for you people about your omissions. Be assured, We will keep increasing blessings for those who conduct moderately/in a balanced way.  [7:161]

[Except same words in 2:59]

Consequently while entering, those amongst them who transgressed, substituted the utterance/word with an utterance/word other than which was prescribed/told to them;

 [Similar information in 2:59]o

 for this reason We sent upon such transgressors disquieting punishment from the Sky since they  distorted/did evil acts. [7:162]

And you ask them about the people of a town which was situated by the side of the sea

when they transgressed in the matter of Sabbat [rest/holiday for commercial activity] seeing that fish in their area emerge visibly on surface on their Sabbat day and on the day when they were not resting commercial activity the fish did not come to them.


This is how We subjected them to trial for the reason they used to transgress the bounds/limits. [7:163]

And when a group of people from amongst them said to advising people, "Why do you people advise cautioning a people whom Allah is going to annihilate or punish them with severe infliction"  

They replied, "Exculpation, We are doing so to get absolved [of responsibility of reminding prohibition] before your Sustainer Lord

[Same probability in 2:187;6:51;6:69;7:164;20:113;39:28]o

and so that they might become cautious, heedful and mindful and could avoid unrestrained conduct". [7:164]

For reason [of immediate worldly gain] when they deliberately effaced from memory what they had been reminded vehemently We rescued those who forbade evil conduct


and We seized, those who distorted and violated, with grievous punishment for reason of their transgression and unrestrained conduct. [7:165]

[Read with 2:65]

 For reason/as a consequence of their persistently extremely violating what they were asked to refrain [as per  prescribed solemn pledge, We discarded and condemned them-refer 4:47 when] We decreed for them "Remain, keep living like despised and rejected monkeys."  [7:166]

And when your Sustainer Lord proclaimed that indeed He will, till the Day of Resurrection/Standing, keep reviving/sending upon them those who will afflict upon them severe punishment.

Indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly swift in examining matters minutely till conclusion and [simultaneously] indeed He is certainly oft-Forgiving and Merciful. [7:167]

And We fragmented them [Bani Iesraa'eel] in the Earth as tribes/communities. 

Amongst them are the perfectionists and amongst them are [in majority] other than such people.

And We subjected them to trial with pleasant and odd circumstances so that they people may return/revert [to prescribed code of conduct] [7:168]

Thereafter/for reason, the later generations after them succeeded, they inherited the Book, they take the presented things of this lowly worldly life

and they say [deceiving themselves], "It will be forgiven/condoned for us [on the Day of Judgment]" And if similar more of it comes before them they acquire/hold it. [Let us we the Muslims find time to have a look on most of our own religious scholars and leaders]

Was a covenant not taken prescribing upon them in the Book that they would not say anything attributing to Allah except the proven fact and they had studied what was written there in the Book.

[Similar verdict in 6:32;12:109]

And indeed the Home of the Hereafter  is the best for the people who remain cautious and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct [beyond the parameters given in the Book].

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;6:32;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect as to what is the fact recorded in Book and conjectural utterances] [7:169]

And those people who firmly remain attached/restrain/confine themselves in/according to the Book/Grand Qur'aan and they remained steadfast in performing As-Salat [physical congregational prayer at appointed timings]


[they will be successful since] Undoubtedly We do not let unrewarded those who conduct as perfectionists [without creating conjectural distortions in the facts and code of conduct outlined in the Book].  [7:170]

[Read with 2:63,93]

And when [during the Earthquake] We jolted the mountain upon them in the manner as if it were a canopy and they apprehended that it was falling on them any moment;

[Exactly same advice in same words in 2:63]o

  "Hold firmly what We have given you and remember/recite/narrate what is [written] therein so that you remain careful/vigilant/fearful/guarded against what is prohibited." [7:171]

