Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              068

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

[Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 68] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.


denotes and and resembling the pot of ink, and touching of the nib of pen creates a dot.  Beginning of everything including writing, drawing a picture is with a dot and then is its expanding and stretching.













































































































Noon [twenty sixth consonant of Alphabet with prolongation glyph above it];  the ink and swearing is by the Pen. And the point at issue is that which they keep scratching/slandering.  [68:01]

[Same pronouncement in 52:29]

The swearing is to emphatically pronounce [for negating false and deceptive propaganda/scratching of lines by the Non Believers] that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], because of the Grace of your Sustainer Lord, are certainly NOT retarded, demented; [68:02]

and that indeed for you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is certainly a reward which will never be abated; [68:03]

 and that undoubtedly you the Messenger [Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly elevated as the Greatest/Finest Creation. [68:04]

Therefore [remain coolly perseverant on what they slander] soon you will see and they will see [68:05]

as to who amongst you people is exclusively/actually in the state of disquieting liquefaction/disharmony/de-concentration/irritated like the metal in crucible/demented. [68:06]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:125;53:30:68:07 similar  6:117]

Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows best the one who has lost away from His Path,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:117;16:125;28:56]

and He certainly knows the best those who have inclined themselves to keep moving on guidance. [68:07]

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not listen and accept the word of those who are perfidiously liars publicly contradicting the fact. [68:08]

They [with deceptive tactics] desired that somehow you cause yourself to be little obliging/soft whereat in response they would apparently/deceptively compromise. [68:09]

and you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] do not incline to listen and accept the word of each and every habitual swearer on worthless/baseless opinions, [68:10]

defamer/ill reputing others roaming with malicious gossip, [68:11]

a preventer for anything of good import, persistently inclined to remain distanced away in sinful conduct; [68:12]

harsh and on top of it he is enjoying reputation of a faceless irrational person. [68:13]

Since he had been holder of wealth and sons, [68:14]

[Replica/Mirror 83:13]

when Our Aa'yaat [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book] were recited to him, he said, "Tales of the ancients" [68:15]

We will soon brand him/make a [identification] mark upon the nose. [68:16]

Indeed We have subjected them to trial as we had subjected the partners of the Garden

 when they decided on swearing that they will certainly pluck the fruit getting up early in the morning [68:17]

and that they will not cause for themselves any exception. [68:18]

Thereat a Visitor directed by your Sustainer Lord visited the Garden circumferentially while they were asleep, [68:19]

whereupon it turned out to be like the one already reaped and plucked. [68:20]



  • Therefore, they called upon one another rising from sleep early at dawn; [68:21]

  • Saying, "you go and reach upon your cultivated land during dawn and early morning if you people were to cut the produce" [68:22]


Therefore they set out while they were talking consciously keeping their voices low [68:23]

that, "Today ensure not to let any needy person enter it towards you". [68:24]

And they went early with determination in enforcing mood of their decision. [68:25]

Thereat on reaching when they saw it/the Garden, they said, "We have certainly lost, [68:26]

no, rather we have become deprived" [68:27]

The most moderate of them said," Had I not told you people that why not you repetitively express the praise of Sustainer Lord". [68:28]

They said, "Our Sustainer Lord! Glory is for You.

[Same confession in same words in 7:05;21:14,46]

Indeed we were wrong-doers/unjust" [68:29]

Thereat some of them confronted face to some others condemningly blaming each other. [68:30]

They said, "O! Woe is for us, truly we have been a people who over brim in transgression. [68:31]

It is possible that our Sustainer Lord may substitute for us better than it,

indeed we turn to our Sustainer Lord devoutly". [68:32]

Like this is the infliction,

and certainly the punishment of the Hereafter is much severe

[Same also at the end 2:103;16:41, 29:41,64;39:26]

 had they but known/have the information. [68:33]


68:34-52                        Index/Main Page
