Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              011

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          


أَ Prefixed interrogative particle. فَ Prefixed conjunction. مَن Relative pronoun






































































































=Prefixed interrogative particle + Verb: Imperfect; First Person; plural; [Form-IV] + Attached Pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; + Attached pronoun هَا: Third person; singular; feminine. Root: ل ز م




















































[Same comparison in same words in 47:14]

Is then the one who has been and is on the standpoint of Evident and Distinct Fact from his Sustainer Lord [like the one who follows his own lusts and conjectures-47:14]

and he/the Witness-Messenger recites word by word from that [Grand Qur'aan],

[Same pronouncement in same words in 46:12]

and in times before that Book/Grand Qur'aan the Book of Musa [alai'his'slaam] was for people a guide and mercy.

Such are the people who believe in it, the Grand Qur'aan.

And the one who refuses to accept/believe in it from various groups of people, then resultantly the promised place for him is the scorching heat.

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] let not yourself be in disturbing worry for him [you will not be questioned/held responsible for residents of Hell].

Indeed that/the Grand Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact from the Sustainer Lord of you,the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 13:01;40:59]o

 but the fact is that most of the people do not accept/believe. [11:17]

[Exactly same words in 6:93]

{Similar verdict in 3:94;6:21,93,144;7:37;10:17;18:15;29:68;61:07]

And who is a greater evil-doer/distorter/creator of imbalances/disorder/over stepping than the one who conjectures a falsehood attributing it to be from Allah [which is neither written in the Book of Allah nor there is tangible evidence from knowledge]

These are the people about whom the witnesses would say, when they will be presented before their Sustainer Lord, "These are the people who conjectured falsely attributing to their Sustainer Lord"


Indeed the curse/condemnation of Allah is upon the evil-doers/distorters/creators of imbalances/disorder. [11:18]

[Same information in same words in 7:45;14:03]

They are the ones who hinder/divert people from the path of Allah [by distortions with conjectural myths] and they wishfully and vehemently attempt making therein distractions/diversions/ misaligning.

[same information in same words 12:37;41:07;similar 7:45]o

And they [themselves in the heart of their heart] about the Hereafter life, they are the rejecters of it  [11:19]

[Read with 22:51;24:57;29:22;34:05,38;35:44;42:31]

These people [authors of false conjectures] will not be able to thwart [Allah's Book] in the Earth.

And for them there is none from protectors other than Allah.

And for them punishment will be doubled

[Read with 18:101]o

for the reason that they did not use the faculty of listening and nor did they use the faculty of vision. [11:20]

Such are the people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:24;7:53;10:30;16:87;28:75]o

and that lost/vanished from them what they kept conjecturally fabricating. [11:21]

There is absolutely no doubt that indeed they are the ones who are the perishing losers. [11:22]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:277;10:09;18:30,107;19:96;31:08;41:08;85:11;98:07]

Indeed those people who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds,

and they surrendered [their freedom and will] affectionately before their Sustainer Lord;

[Exactly same at end 2:82;7:42;10:26]o

 they are the people who shall be the residents/companions of the Paradise; they will abide therein permanently. [11:23]

Example of two groups, one like the blind and the deaf and the other of vision and the listener;

[Same query in same words in 39:29]

are they both quoted ones identical [in public eye]?

[Same query in same words in 10:03;11:24,30;16:17;23:85;37:155;45:23]o

[why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect? [11:24]

[Same information in 7:59;23:23;29:14;71:01]

And indeed We had sent Noah [alai'his'slaam] towards his nation.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 71:02]o

[He said, O my nation] "I am  a Warner/Awakener/Admonisher making for you people things manifest/distinct/crystal clear; [11:25]

[Same command in 11:02]

[to command] that you people should not be subject/subservient/allegiant to any whatsoever except Allah.

[Similar pronouncement in 7:59;11:03,84;26:135;40:30,32;46:21]o

I am afraid and apprehensive of infliction of punishment of the Painful Day upon you" [11:26]

[Same information in same words in 23:24]

In response the ruling elite/chieftains of his nation who had refused to accept/believe they said,

 "We do not see and acknowledge you except as structured being resembling us;

[Read with 26:111]

and we do not see that people follow you except those who are vilest/riffraff among us, apparently just impulsively.


And we do not see for you people any distinction upon us, rather on the contrary we consider you people as liars". [11:27]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:63,88]

Noah [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! Have you thought that if I am on the standpoint of rational and logical reason/Fact [Aa'ya'at] from my Sustainer Lord

[Similar pronouncement in 11:63]

and/since He has given me Blessing from Him.

Then/for reason [attention deficit disorder/not applying intellect under influence of vested interest] that it has become obscured upon you; could we force entry into brain/paste that upon you people


while/and you people are aversively reluctant for that? [11:28]

And, O my nation, I do not ask you people for remuneration in kind for conveying that [Message].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:72]

Indeed my reward/remuneration is upon none except Allah.

And neither I am going to drive away/abandon those who have since accepted/believed,

indeed they will meet their Sustainer Lord.


But the fact is that, on the contrary, I find you a people that you follow passions and self motives. [11:29]

And, O my nation, who will help me from Allah if I abandon/drive them away?

[Same query in same words in 10:03;11:24,30;16:17;23:85;37:155;45:23]o

[why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect? [11:30]

[Same by Last Messenger in 6:50]

And I do not say for [to] you people that the treasures of Allah are with me; nor I proclaim that I know all the non visible secrets and nor I say I am the Ruler/King/Sovereign.

And nor do I say for those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will never give them affluence/pleasantness.

Allah fully knows about what is in their selves.


[The moment I abandon them] I will, instantly/at that point in time, be amongst those who are inequitable/unjust/wrongdoer" [11:31]

They replied, "O Noah listen, you have been arguing with us, resultantly you have frequently disputed us,


[but we have not listened and are not going to accept] therefore you bring to us that which you have been promising/threatening us about, if you are from amongst the truth tellers. [11:32]

He replied, " That will be brought/inflicted to you people only by Allah if [and when] He so willed,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:134;10:53;29:22;42:31]o

and you people certainly cannot frustrate/avert that. [11:33]

And neither would my well wishes and desire benefit you people that I wished good for you if Allah has decided to take you people to the threshold of doom [which you ask me to hasten].

He is your Sustainer Lord,

[Ssame information in same words in 2:245;10:56;28:70,88;36:22,83;41:21;43:85; Except 29:17]o

   and you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [11:34]


