Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              005

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.



















































































































































































































5:86 Detailed Analysis





And the Jews said, "Allah's hand is in the state of tied up"

 Their fists are/may remain tied.

[This information about them is also in 2:88;4:46,52;5:13,78;47:23]

and they are discarded as condemned and cursed for what they stated.

They lied, the fact is that His hands are fully stretched, He openly flows the bounty as He wills.

[Reiterated in same words 5:68]

And what has since sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] from your Sustainer Lord, indeed this will in most of them become cause of increase in brimming out of bounds and disbelief [because of jealousy].

[Similar information in 5:14]

And We have allowed to exist wrangling and grudge/hatred/resentment between them [both groups of people of Book, Jews and self identified Nisaara condemning each other of having no concrete foundation of their system] until the Day of Resurrection.

Each and every time they excite/kindle fire for war, Allah extinguishes it.

[Same information in same words 5:33]

and they keep attempting in the Earth/society-world creating disturbance/distortions/ imbalances/panic/chaos.

[Similar pronouncement in 28:77]

And Allah does not approve/appreciate those who are distorter/creators of disorder/ imbalances/ spread wicked unsound ideas. [5:64]

And had the people of Book accepted/believed and remained steadfast/cautious and fearful and hopeful of Allah,

We would have certainly [as per the Agreement/Pledge with them-5:12,14] absolved them/overlooked/deleted from their record their sins/bad deeds

and indeed would have entered them Gardens/Paradise lush green beneath/side by which flow streams. [5:65]

And had they [in time and space] enforced/implemented/stood by At-Tor'aat and [with when came] Al-In'jeel and [afterwards with] what has since been sent for them [Grand Qur'aan] from their Sustainer Lord,

indeed they would have [instead of facing scorching heat from below and above] eaten from their above and from underneath their feet [in Paradise as per Articles of Agreement/Solemn Pledge]

Amongst them is a group fairly balanced;

[Similar pronouncement in 9:09;58:15;63:02]

but for majority of them is evil/extremely harmful  what they have been doing [because earned disgraceful torment-58:16]. [5:66]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

O you The Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] you just keep delivering/pronouncing for people/hand over/transferring what has since been communicated to you from your Sustainer Lord,

[don't wait for response and don't feel grieved that they don't accept it] since if you do not keep communicating [what is being sent successively] then you will not finish/bring to an end His messages/Aa'ya'aat;

and Allah will keep protecting you from people [who are getting annoyed and irritated with every incoming message and wish that nothing further is communicated].

[Same pronouncement in 2:264;9:37]

Indeed Allah does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] the people who have persistently and deliberately refused to accept. [5:67]



[Same information in same words 5:64]

[you keep progressing your job towards completion, it is reiterated] And what has since sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] from your Sustainer Lord, indeed this will in most of them become cause of increase in brimming out of bounds and disbelief [because of jealousy].

Therefore do not feel sorry/grief for the people who are deliberately and persistently refusing to accept. [5:68]

[Similar statement in 2:62;22:17]

Indeed any one; from amongst the people identified/recognized/referenced [in time and space] as believers [from amongst people who were not given earlier the Book], and any one from those identified as Jews, and Sai'been and Nisaa'ra;

[Exactly Same words in 2:62]

  [notwithstanding worldly identities] any one who had consciously accepted belief in Allah and the Last Day; and he performed/acted as a righteous person

[This sequel/result is also told at the end of 2:38;5:69;6:48;7:35;46:13]

for this reason/in consequence for such people there is no cause of fear and neither shall they grieve. [5:69]

Indeed We had taken a covenant/pledge from the posterity of Iesraa'eel; and We sent towards them Messengers [intermittently, one after the other].

[Similar information in 2:87]

Each and every time there came a Messenger with advice/command which was not in consonance with their desires/wishful thinking,

they publicly contradicted some, and they tried to ridicule/insult/ defame/irritate/annoy some other Messenger. [5:70] [for Read in conjunction with 2:87; 3:183;Also this charge sheet is  with such words in 2:61,91;3:21;3:112,181;4:155]

And they thought/presumed that there would be no liquefying test/trial therefore they went blind and deaf [to the words/commands/Book of Allah]

Afterwards Allah turned to them forgivingly, but after some time again most of them became blind and deaf

  [Same information in same words also in 2:96; 3:163]

And Allah is witnessing what acts they do/are doing. [5:71]

[Same verdict in same words 5:17]

Indeed those people refused to believe [in Allah] who said this, "Indeed Allah is he Al-Maseiha, son of Maryam"

[His similar statement in 3:51;19:36; 43:64]

And the Al-Maseeha, Easa alahissalam had said; "O you the Bani Iesraa'eel; be subservient/ allegiant to Allah alone, He is my Sustainer Lord and your Sustainer Lord;

Indeed the one whoever ascribes/associates partner/equal with Allah then for that reason Allah has certainly made the Paradise non permissible for him and his abode is Hell-Fire/heated Prison.

[Same information in same words in 2:270;3:192]

 And for mischief-mongers/distorters of fact there shall be none from helpers".  [5:72]

[Read with 4:171]

Indeed those people in fact refused to accept/believe [Allah and the Messengers and His word/Book] who said that Allah is third entity in the trinity,

[Similar pronouncement in 4:171]

while the certain fact is that there is none as iela'aha except The Only One Iela'aha [Allah].

[Asked for this 4:171]

And if they do not stop/leave propagating this what they say

certainly those amongst them who refused to accept/believe they will face severe torment. [5:73]

[having known this] Why then they not turn towards Allah repenting and seek forgiveness from Him.

[same words in 2:218; 3:31,129;4:25;5:74;8:70;9:27, 91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]

 And Allah is The Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [5:74]

[This fact also stated in 4:171]

Indeed Al-Maseiha, Easa the son of Maryam was a Messenger, indeed Messengers had passed away [died natural death] before his time;

and his mother was the truthful lady;

 both  [Easa alai'his'slaam and his mother, Syeda Maryam-the Truthful] used to eat meals.

Look at how We make for them the Aa'ya'at evidently distinct and understandable [by quoting even simple known and acknowledged facts like living mother and son eating food].

Afterwards again look at them how they get deluded [with conjectured myths about Easa]. [5:75]

You question them, "Do you people worship/exhibit allegiance and subservience to some other than Allah that does not possess for you people any power/capacity for harming and nor benefiting you

[Similar pronouncement 2:137; 6:13,115;10:65;21:04;29:05,60]

while/and Allah is He the eternally All-Hearing, the All-Knowing". [5:76]

[Similar advice 4:171]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] admonish, "O you the people of Book! do not admixture your prescribed code of conduct with other than fact conjectural fabricated myths [attributing those to Allah],

and do not practice the conjectural sayings of the people [earlier generations] who went astray before your time [gone and dead people don't have desires; they leave behind their fabricated conjectural myths-mere utterances of mouth without knowledge]

and they made many neglectful and strayed them from the middle/straight path to destination. [5:77]

Condemnation and curse was pronounced for those, from amongst Bani Iesraa'eel, who refused to accept by the tongue of Dawood [alai'his'slaam] and Easa [alai'his'slaam] son of Maryam

[Same information in same words in 2:61; 3:112]
   This happened to them because they did not accept the word [of Allah conveyed to them through Messenger] and went on transgressing/went beyond prescribed limits. [5:78]

They used not to restrict/forbid the deceptive fabrications, therefore they kept structuring it afresh.

[Read with 5:62,63]

Indeed abominable is what they did new things [artfully fabricated fresh conjectural myths-فعل is an act done for the first time-عمل  is the repetitive act done by retrieving data already stored in memory] [5:79]

You will see many from them that they turn intimately to those who have refused to accept.

[Similar information in 3:162 5:80;47:28]

Indeed abominable is what they have forwarded for their selves [result wise would indeed be frustrating for them] that Allah took criminal cognizance against them

[with the result] and they are perpetually in torment/Hell Prison. [5:80]

And had they believed in Allah and An-Nabi [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam about whom they find written in At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel, to discharge their obligation/pledge] and what has since been sent for them [Grand Qur'aan] they would not have adopted them/the non-believers as their intimates/ patrons/guardians

[Similar information in 3:110; 5:59;5:81;57:16,26,27]

but/and indeed most from them are "fasiqoona"/aberrant/the promise breakers and transgressors who go out of the prescribed bounds. [5:81]

Indeed you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] will find, from amongst people, strongly hostile for those who have accepted/believed are the Jews and those who ascribe feminine named sculpted idols as partners to Allah.

And indeed you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] will find nearer in loving association for those who accepted/believed such people who identified themselves saying "We are Nisa'ara"

This is because amongst them are indeed people devoted to learning and are seekers of the appreciation/approval of Allah

And that it is a fact that they do not incline themselves to be puffed up with feel of grandeur and pride. [5:82]

and when they listen what has since been sent to the Messenger you see their eyes  filled with tears overflow for what they have recognized is the statement of fact;

they say, "Our Sustainer Lord, we have accepted/believed, therefore write us along with the testators/those eligible to be witness upon people" [Their forefathers, Hawariyun, had made a similar statement when Easa alai'his'slaam had brought Al-In'jeel-3:53] [5:83]

[they say to their fellows] "And  what cause/ground is for us that we do not believe in Allah and what has come/brought to us as statement of fact,

and we are desirous that our Sustainer Lord enter us [into Paradise] in the company of righteous people" [5:84]

[Read with 4:13]

Therefore/in consequence Allah rewarded them with what they said/desired [Grand Qur'aan is a statement of fact. It should be remembered that performance of righteous deeds is a secondary requirement for eligibility of Paradise since acts are performed in time and space. A man accepting the truth affectionately and wholeheartedly without having seen the death may not find enough time, therefore he is to be rewarded for his truthful declaration, as stated here]

[Replica 4:13]

the gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually.

[Except و same pronouncement in same words 39:34]

And this is the reward for moderate/balanced people. [5:85]

[Mirror 5:10]

Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book],  they are the ones who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. [5:86]

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