Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    














































































































[reverting back to the question of unsolicited gains in war-8:01] And you people be informed that whatever material things you got unsolicited, then  for the disposal of Allah and the Messenger is one fifth of all that [i.e. for the state-remaining four fifth for participating soldiers and families of the killed ones-distributed at the discretion of the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

[Same pronouncement in same words  in 59:07]

for taking care of the near ones [of state, informers etc] and the orphans, and the destitute and the wayfarers,

if you people have believed in Allah and what We communicated/sent to Our sincere servant on the vivifying/distinction/Discrimination day, the day the two armies met/confronted each other [at Badr].

[Mirror, same words in 2:284; 3:29,189;5:17,19,40;9:39;59:06]o

  And Allah has eternally power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [Indeed, Allah has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter] [8:41]

when/that day you people were on the lower level corner and they were on far farther corner and the caravan was further at lower level than you people.

And had you reciprocally made an appointment certainly you would have delayed/lagged behind in the appointed time.

But it so happened so that Allah may accomplish the matter as His command always gets executed;

so that He may annihilate on vividly apparent evidence [of criminal conduct] whom He destroyed and he may live who lived on vividly apparent evidence [proving truthful belief];


and indeed Allah is eternally The Listener, The Knowledgeable. [8:42]

And when Allah was showing them to you in dreams as smaller in number during your Rapid Eye Movement sleep [read with 8:11, dreams are seen and impurity is caused only during such sleep],

and had He shown them to you in great numbers you people would certainly have lost courage and surely you would have disputably debated the matter but instead Allah gave you people tranquility.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:05;35:38;39:07;42:24;67:13]o

Indeed He is absolutely aware of what is possessed inside the chests. [8:43]

[what you saw in dreams took physical appearance] And when you people were watching them in smaller number on reaching in the sight of  your eyes and He showed you people smaller in number to their eyes [at that time because of visionary illusion due to geographical location of both parties placement-8:42 but coming to close proximity and start of mutual combat you seemed to them double their number 3:13-perhaps because of the presence of caravan on lower plank-8:42]

[it encouraged both parties to get closer for combat] so that Allah may accomplish the matter as His command always gets executed.

[Exact these words are in 2:210; 3:109;8:44;22:76;35:04;57:05]o

And all matters are returned/presented for settling/decision by Allah. [8:44]

O you who declare to have accepted!

When you people meet/confront face to face an army then you people remain firmly determined,

[Same advice in same words in 62:10]o

and you people remember and recall Allah frequently so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [8:45]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 58:13]

and you people affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the word of Allah and His Messenger,

and you people do not enter into mutual controversies which might cause you liquefaction/weakening [of homogeneity-bond] and it may take away your strength.

And you people be coolly persevarent.

[Exactly same information in same words in 2:153]o

 Certainly Allah is with the patiently consistent ones/coolly perseverant. [8:46]

And you people should not act like those who came out from their houses boastfully and showing off to people

and they hinder people from the Path leading to Allah.

[Similar pronouncement in 3:120;4:108]o

And Allah always encompasses/records all acts that they do. [8:47]

And when/that day the Shaitaan made their deeds/preparations alluring for them

and inspired to them, "Today none from the people can be a dominant for you people and I am by your side"

Then/for reason of advancing, when the two hostile forces came in sight to each other he turned away on his heels

[Read with 59:16]

while saying to them, "I am absolved from you people [what I inspired earlier to you]. Indeed I am seeing [Angels were coming in succession] what you people are not seeing. Certainly I fear Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:11;similar in 8:52]o

and indeed Allah is severe in awarding punishment". [8:48]

When/that day the Muna'fi'qoon/those who falsely and deceptively  orally declare publicly to be believers i.e./and those who have disease in their hearts [personality/psychological disorder] said amongst themselves "Their system/Prescribed code of conduct has deluded them [to fight against a larger and well equipped army]"

[they are themselves deluded people] And whoever places reliance and dependence upon Allah [victory/dominance is for him]


since Allah is undoubtedly the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [8:49]

[Read 47:27]

And if you could visualize [the scene after revival/resurrection] when the Angels will undertake intensively to alienate/segregate those who deliberately and persistently denied [and had died as rejecters], by smiting on their faces and backs [until they make them enter into Hell-Prison]

[Similar pronouncement in 3:181;22:09,22;85:10]o

[Saying] "And you people taste the scorching of heat/fire/temperature. [8:50]

[Replica 3:182 with difference of dagger Alif]

This is the result/effect/outcome of that which your hands had sent in advance. And certainly Allah is never unjust to His created ones". [8:51]

