Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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        Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    


































































































































[Similar questioning in 34:24]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who provides you sustenance/ provisions for life from the Sky and the Earth;

Who controls and commands the faculty of listening and vision?

[Similar information in 3:27;6:95;10:31;30:19]

And who brings out life from matter/dead and brings out matter from the living.

and who organizes/manages/commands all matters until their logical conclusion.

In response they will certainly state "Allah"

[Same questioning in 7:65;23:23,32,87]o

In response to their admission you ask them, "Would you people then for this reason not take heed and be cautious and fearful [10:31]

since He is Allah; your truly proven Sustainer Lord.

Then after the proven fact what is otherwise there except neglectful wandering?

[same pronouncement in same words in 39:06]o

Therefore how/for what reason you people turn away [from Allah]" [10:32]

[Similar info in 10:96]

This is how the word of your Sustainer Lord is proved and established, about those who transgressed/distanced away from restraints, that they will not accept/believe. [10:33]

[Read with 10:04,34;27:64;29:19;30:11,27]

You confront them, "Is there a one from your associates who originates the creation and afterwards recreated it?" [it is sensitive for them will keep mum therefore]

[Read with 10:04;27:64;29:19;30:11,27]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah originates the creation and afterwards recreates/revives-takes it to logical conclusion.

[Same query in same words in 6:95;35:03;40:62]o

Then how you people are deluded away from Him". [10:34]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] confront them, "Is there a one from your associates who guides towards the established truth/fact"

[they will not respond] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah guides for the Proven truth and fact/Grand Qur'aan.

Is he/that more deserving that he/it should be physically followed in letter and spirit which leads towards the eternal reality or that which does not guide except that is guided.

[Except فَ same query is 37:154;68:36]o

Then what is for you people relevant [apart from these simple evident facts] how you adjudge. [10:35]

[Similar information in 6:116;10:66;53:23,28]

And the most of them physically follow nothing except conjecture and hypothetic non verifiable assertions.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 53:28]

Indeed conjecture and non verifiable imaginative matter does not avail anything in the presence of the proven fact/eternal reality.

[Same pronouncement in 24:41]o

Indeed Allah is eternally aware of what innovative acts they perform. [10:36]

And this Qur'aan is not such Book that someone other than Allah could have compiled/authored it;

[Same information in same words in 12:111]

[About Grand Qur'aan similar information in  3:03;5:48;6:92;35:31;46:30]

and/rather it is the affirmation/authentication of the one which was sent before it;

and the elaboration/organization/differentiation/delineation, by the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds, of the Book within which there is no suspicious/conjectural/whimsical/un-certain/ perplexing/ disconcerting/illusory  matter/conflicting statement. [10:37] [Read in conjunction 12:111]

[Exactly same query in same words in 11:13,35;32:03;46:08]

Do they say that He [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam upon whom the Book has been sent] has drafted/compiled him [it] from his own perception/knowledge/understanding?

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them "if you think it is written/authored by me, you people then/for reason [if I have authored it then it is matter of common sense and absolute probability that there must be someone in the whole of world who could also write such thing] come to me with one Surat [chapter] resembling that of Qur'aan,

And for this purpose, except Allah, you may invite all your well wishers/advocates, within your reach,  if you are truthful [in your saying/observation]" [10:38]

The fact of the matter is that they have contradicted for the reason that they could not comprehend/ encompass the knowledge contained in it, and its ultimate objective perception has not yet come to them [since for people knowledge gets unfolded progressively]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:148]

In the same manner people who were before their times had contradicted.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 28:40]o

Therefore/for reason [to take a lesson, you the Messenger tell everyone to travel in land and] you see how was the conclusion/end result of the criminally guilty people. [10:39]

And from amongst them is one who accepts/agrees with the Grand Qur'aan and amongst them is one who does not accept/agrees with Grand Qur'aan.

[Similar information in 3:63]o

 And your Sustainer Lord is indeed eternally aware of those who create disorder/ disquiet/imbalance/ distortions/spread wicked, conjectural ideas/intellectual deceit/confusion in society. [by this act they  also get exposed to you] [10:40]

And if they publicly contradict what you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] stated/recited to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then you pronounce, "For me are my acts and for you people are your acts.

You people are absolved of that what I do

[Same pronouncement in 26:216]o

and I am absolved of what acts you people do presently and in future" [10:41]

[Same information in same words in 6:25;47:16]

And amongst them are some who [apparently/pretending] seem they are attentively listening you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

[Read with 43:40]o

Can you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] cause the deaf to hear despite that if they do not intentionally apply faculty of intellect/save the vibrating sounds [what is reaching to their eardrums which is first job of intellect/brain]? [10:42]

And amongst them is one who glances/looks towards you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]


Can you guide/show the path to the blind despite that if they do not have/apply vision. [10:43]

Certainly Allah does not do a wrong/minutest injustice, nothing of the sort, with the people;


but in fact the people kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [10:44]

[Read with 46:35;79:46]

And the Day He will gather them altogether; it will appear/will be the guesswork [of some] as if they had not stayed for an hour of the day. They will recognize/introduce between themselves.

[Same verdict in same words in 6:31]

Indeed they caused loss to their selves who contradicted presentation to and accountability by Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:16;6:140]

and they did not become guided. [10:45]


