Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy           [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 55] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

















































































He, Ar'Reh'maan taught the [Grand] Qur'aan.

He, Ar'Reh'maan created the man.

He, Ar'Reh'maan taught him/the man regarding distinguishing/narrating/explaining.

[Similar information in 6:96]

The Sun and the Moon are with equation/calculation/measure. [55:05]

And the Plant/Herb and the Tree they both prostrate to Me [to seek My approval] [55:06]

And the Sky, He raised it high and He made evident/apparent/established/appropriated the Balance/Equilibrium, [55:07]

that you people must not transgress/overstep in maintaining the equilibrium/state of tranquility. [55:08]

And you people cause the weight to equalize on the basis of equity and neither you should make deficient the weighing scale. [55:09]

And the Earth He/Ar'Reh'maan spread/laid it for the creatures. [55:10]

Therein are fruits and Date-Palm trees the possessor of coverings/wrappings/sheaths. [55:11]

And the grain plants [Family: Grasses] the possessor of Grain Seed; and the Phytoliths ["plant stones" furnishers of strength and respiration/carbon dioxide] [55:12]

Therefore which of the [innumerable, some mentioned hereinbefore] blessings of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict? [55:13]

He/Ar'Reh'maan created the man from sand mixed crinkled clay alike the baked admirable/ excelled/outstanding pottery. [55:14]

[Read with 15:27]

And He/Ar'Reh'maan created the Jinn from fidgety/disconcerted mingling flame from fire. [55:15]

Therefore which of the innovative styles of creation of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict? [55:16]

The Sustainer Lord of the two East and the Sustainer Lord of the two West. [55:17]

Therefore which of the places of presence of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict?

He has set free the two seas both making themselves interfacing/confronting each other.

[Read with 25:53;27:61]

In between the two of them is an obstruction which they both do not transgress/encroach each other/mingle. [55:20]

Therefore which of the invisible obstructions set by the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict? [55:21]

The Pearls and the Corel come forth from both of them. [55:22]

Therefore which of the free grants of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict? [55:23]

[Read with 42:32]

And [the gratitude is due] for Him are the ships surfaced above in the oceans like tall and long mountains.  [55:24]

Therefore which of the favours of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict?

Each and every one of those who is upon it/Earth is the perishing/deteriorating/changing one.

[Read with 25:58;28:88]

And the existence of Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is to remain perpetual, the holder of Majesty and Absolute Honour. [55:27]

Therefore which of the grandeur of the Sustainer Lord of both of you will you both contradict?[55:28]

55:29-45                           Index/Main Page
