Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              015

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy           [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 15] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.






Word by word syntactic analysis of 15:01 to 15:99








































































































































































































































































































































































  • Aleph [letter], Laam [Consonant] with prolongation sign/glyph, Ra [Consonant] conjoined with preceding letter.

  • These are the Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book;

  • And of Qur'aan [sent in Arabic]; its characteristic feature is that it renders its contents explicitly explicative.  [15:01]

  • They who denied to accept - believe will penitently wish that had they been Muslims: those who accepted and were practicing the Prescribed Code: Islam. [15:02]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them so that they may eat and they may enjoyably benefit;

  • And the deceptive hope amusingly fascinates them..

  • Thereby, its consequence soon they will know. [15:03]

  • And Our Majesty did not annihilate people of any locality - nation - civilization except in the circumstances that a book well known had been sent for her. [15:04]

  • Not a generation/nation hastened its appointed moment, nor they people were able to delay it. [15:05]

  • Know it; they had spoken: O he upon whom the Memoir - Awakener: Qur'aan has descended, listen;  "Indeed you are certainly deluded and hallucinated. [15:06]

  • Why not you come to us along with the Angels if you were indeed the truthful in your proclamation?" [15:07]

  • [let them keep shouting] Our Majesty descends mot the Angels routinely; but are sent for a purpose to convey the infallible communication or to execute the determined action when it has become due.

  • And at that point in time they people would not be whom respite is given. [15:08]

  • Indeed Our Majesty have successively communicated the Memoir - Reference Book: Grand Qur'aan.

  • And know it We are certainly the protector and guard for it. [15:09]

  • And indeed We had sent Messengers [and the Awakener/Book] in times before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] amongst people of varying identities. [15:10]

  • And whenever the Messengers came to them they but purposely adopted with him a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with.  [15:11]

  • This is because We let this non serious jesting psyche penetrate in the hearts of the criminals; [15:12]

  • While they accept/believe not the Messenger.

  • Indeed traditions/precedents of earlier people of such psyche have passed/occurred. [15:13]

  • And had Our Majesty opened upon them a gateway hanging from the Sky, thereat they kept ascending in it all the day; [15:14]

  • They would have certainly said, "Indeed our visions have been dazzled;

  • No, perhaps that is not the case, we are rendered a people illusionary/hallucinated," [15:15]

  • And We have indeed made in the Sky towers-structures-Asteroids.

  • And have made the Sky attractive for on lookers. [15:16]

  • And Our Majesty have made her/the Sky of the Earth secure from every Cursed and condemned Shai'taan; [15:17]

  • Except [regard to safety] that he who listened something clandestinely, thereupon, a visibly piercing, shone and intensely glistened fire ball-Comet followed him. [read with 67:05]  [15:18]

  • And the Earth, We did spread/stretch her;

  • And We placed therein anchored/stabilizing mountains;

  • And We sprouted in her, each and every thing mutually equated and balanced; [15:19]

  • And We have rendered therein for you people means for acquiring livelihoods-sustenance;

  • And for the one for whom you people are not the providers of sustenance. [15:20] 

  • And there is not a thing but its treasures are with Our Majesty.

  • And Our Majesty intermittently descends it not but in known quantity-measure. [15:21]

  • And We sent the Winds in state of uplifting "semen of stallion"-aerosols-condensation nuclei.

  • Thereby, We flash descended water from the Sky, whereby We caused it a drink source for you people,

  • Mind it, you are not capable for persevering it in stock [for abundant quantity and other reasons]. [15:22]

  • Be aware, it is a fact that Our Majesty causes life to emerge and Our Majesty causes the natural death to alive;

  • And Our Majesty are the owner of demesnes. [15:23]

  • Beware, Our Majesty have known those amongst you people who aspire to advance forward;

  • And indeed We have known those who lag behind. [15:24]

  • And indeed your Sustainer Lord is the One Who will gather them;

  • Indeed He the Exalted is the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realms and are the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of visible and invisible domains. [15:25]

  • The past time fact is that Our Majesty had created the Man;

  • Man was corporeally created with the raw material comprising sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:26]

  • And Our Majesty had created the Species Jinn in earlier time line shaped from the fire-flame of the hot-porous-poisonous-piercing air. [15:27]


  • Know the history of point in time when your Sustainer Lord had said for the Angels;

  • "I am about to create a being of "skinned corporeal compact structure";

  •  It will be corporeally created with the raw material comprising sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:28]

  • Consequent to composing-coagulating and subject to I having caused it-the Masculine Structure stretched and proportioned-fashioned;

  • And when I would have blown within him the Essence-Verbal Command about My decision-finalized affair [kun-take existence as living];

  • Thereat, he having taken existence in pursuance of My command, you all are directed to settle in the state-frame of mind showing obeisance for him- [Aa'dam alahissalam]" [15:29]

  • Thereupon, in compliance thereof the Angels, all of them collectively, did pay obeisance to him. [15:30]

  • However, Ieb'lees demurred in response to the command given to him separately, that he might be with those who humble in obeisance. [15:31]

  • Allah the Exalted enquired, asking, "O Ieb'lees! What was that for you which prompted that you may not be the reverent along with those who humble in obeisance?" [15:32]

  • He replied, "I did not find myself desirous and compromising that I might humble showing obeisance for a skinned being;

  • Your Majesty have corporeally created him;

  • With the raw material comprising sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound." [15:33]

  • He said, "Then you get out of it whereby indeed you are permanently discarded one; [15:34]

  • And indeed curse and condemnation will hover upon you to the Day of Judgment," [15:35]

  • Ieb'lees requested, "My Sustainer Lord! Thereby, [to prove my point] You give me respite up till the Day they will be Revived-Resurrected." [15:36]

  • Allah the Exalted said, "your request is indeed acceded, you are reprieved; [15:37]

  • Unto the Day of the appointed-determined Time and Date." [15:38]

  • Ieb'lees said: "My Sustainer Lord! Your Majesty has since condemned and ruined me because of human being;

  • I swear, I will certainly make for them fascination in the Earth [by false hopes and desires] and of course I will certainly distract and thereby ruin them, all collectively. [15:39]

  • Exception to my promised Endeavour against humanity is only with regard to those of them who are exclusively chosen as absolutely sincere allegiants of You the Exalted."[15:40]

  • He the Exalted remarked: "This course of exclusive and sincere allegiance is the high road that is incumbent upon Me to manifest for them. [15:41]

  • Indeed My allegiants are they that no authority and convincing argument will be available for you to influence upon them;

  • Except for him who purposely followed you while being amongst the divagating ones. [15:42]

  • And certainly, Hell-Prison is of course the promised abode for them, yes for them all such people. [15:43]

  • Seven gates are made for entrance therein..

  • Each of these seven gates is appointed-earmarked for groups-identities. [15:44]


  • Indeed they who endeavor to remain cautious and avoid conduct inspired and governed by emotion in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted;

  • They will enjoy the life in gardens and fountains. [15:45]

  • They will be requested, "You people enter therein with tranquility, living safe and sound." [15:46]

  • Know it, Our Majesty resolved-moved it out whatever resentment and ill-will was nurtured in their hearts in worldly life against someone of them.

  • They are sitting like brothers upon thrones in front of each other. [15:47]

  • Physical weakness and pain will not touch them therein;

  • And nor will ever they be expelled from it, the Paradise. [15:48]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] inform My subjects that; "I am certainly magnanimously Forgiver; infinitely Merciful. [15:49]

  • But the fact remains that ultimately My punishment is such that it is the severe punishment." [15:50]

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] inform them about the guests of Iebra'heim; [alai'his'slaam] [15:51]

  • When they had entered upon him whereat they exchanged greetings by wishing state of peace and tranquility.

  •  He said [after exchange of pleasantries and seeing they did not extend hand to served food], "We indeed are feeling disconcert." [15:52]

  • They said, "You should not feel disconcerted;

  • We indeed congratulate you with good news of a knowledgeable son." [15:53]

  • He said, "Are you people congratulating me when the aging has touched-overcome me? Therefore, reiterate and clarify what you people are congratulating/giving glad news for". [15:54]

  • They said, "We have congratulated you about a concrete fact,

  • Therefore you should not be amongst the despair." [15:55]

  • He said, clarifying he did not say what they thought, "Beware, none except the neglectful wanderers despairs from the mercy of his Sustainer Lord." [15:56]

  • He said, "Now onwards what is your mission, O you the sent ones as Messengers!" [15:57]

  • They replied, "We have indeed/actually been sent towards nation of criminals; [15:58]

  • Except the family and followers of Luet [alai'his'slaam]. Indeed we will rescue them all; [15:59]

  • Excluding his wife; We have already ascertained her;

  • Indeed she is amongst those who stay behind." [15:60]

  • Thereby, to fulfill the mission when the emissaries came to the family of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [15:61]

  • He said to them, "Indeed you are unrecognized-unfamiliar people." [15:62]

  • They said, "In fact we have come to you for that which they kept suspiciously disputing. [15:63]

  • And we have given you the news of absolute and imminent fact;

  • And indeed we are certainly the truthful. [15:64]

  • Therefore you travel with your family in the part cut from night: illusory dawn; and you follow them remaining on their back-posterior;

  • And none of you people should look back; and you all keep going through the course you people have been advised to follow." [15:65]

  • Our Majesty had thus conveyed to him that this is the verdict-command;

  • That the back-posterity of these be cut-annihilated when they enter the true dawn. [15:66]

  • Know it; the inhabitants of the city came to his residence , they were rejoicing. [15:67]

  • He said to them, "Indeed these are my guests, therefore, you people should not let down/embarrass me;  [15:68]

  • And you remain mindful and cautious avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted;

  • And you should not humiliate me." [15:69]

  • They said, "why so, had we not forbidden you regarding other people?" [15:70]

  • He said, "listen, my daughters are the ones who are preferably permissible for marriage if you people intend marriage."

  • O you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]; swearing by your age of life;

  • Indeed they were certainly in blind distracted wandering in their stupefied state. [15:72]

  • Thereby,  the sound blast seized them when were awaking at true dawn. [15:73]

  • Consequently, Our Majesty rendered the upper land surface-layer of city as its beneath layer [by spreading on it layer of volcano mud];

  • And We showered-sprayed upon them stones ejecting from layers of baked clay. [15:74]

  • Indeed in this incident are signs for those who discern-distinguish from signs/marks. [15:75]

  • And indeed that city is certainly at frequented pathway. [15:76]

  • Indeed a guiding sign for the true believers manifesting abhorrence for that sordid act is inherent in this episode. [to abhor that sordid act]. [15:77]

  • Know it, the residents of "Al-Aikate" [afforested land-Nation Madyan-people of Shoaib alai'his'slaam] were certainly evil mongers-distorters, conjectured-altered realities and equations, falsifiers. [15:78]

  • Thereby, on termination of respite period We convicted them to punishment and indeed both two of these: City of nation of Luet and Shoaib [alai'him'slaam] are on a frequented passage. [15:79]

  • And indeed in the past the "People of Rocks" [Civilization Sa'mued] publicly contradicted the Messengers sent to them. [15:80]

  • And We gave them Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages; thereat, they deliberately and knowingly kept  avoiding, neglecting and refrained those. [15:81]

  • And they kept carving in the mountains residential houses, feeling quiet secure. [15:82]

  • Eventually, the sound blast [violent earthquake-7:78] seized them when they were awaking at true dawn. [15:83]

  • Thereat, that which they had attained could not avail to avert anything from them. [15:84]

  • Realize it, Our Majesty has not created the Skies and the Earth and all that which exists between these two randomly but by conditioning them scientifically: infallible governing rules for a determined purpose and time;

  • Realize it, the determined terminating Moment is certainly approaching.

  • Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] overlook and distance them in the most dignified and gracious manner. [15:85]

  • The fact about your Sustainer Lord: He the Exalted is the absolutely knowledgeable greatest Creator. [15:86]

  • Moreover, the fact remains that Our Majesty did give you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] Seven distinctly elaborative Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages selected-excepted from the Binary-Symmetrical-analogous Miscellany.

  • Furthermore, it also remains a certain fact that We have given the Grand Qur'aan to you the Messenger [ Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].  [15:87]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should neither henceforth lay your eyes - afford preferential attention for those groups of them: polytheists whom Our Majesty has given worldly affluence;

  • Nor you should grieve for them [about their awful end for non believing];

  • And stretch your hand of compassion for the believers. [15:88]

  • And tell the affluent: "Indeed me, I am the Warner-Awakener explaining manifestly." [15:89]

  • It is like that riches Our Majesty had bestowed upon those who mutually bonded by oaths. [15:90]

  • These affluent people are those who did assign the Qur'aan names of falsification. [15:91]

  • Therefore, by your Sustainer Lord, Our Majesty will certainly hold accountable all of them mentioned hereinbefore; [15:92]

  • About what they were doing. [15:93]

  • Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] diverge your attention from elite non believers that you are being advised;

  • And avoid-overlook those who ascribe hand sculpted idols as associates with Allah the Exalted. [15:94]

  • Indeed We suffice for you against the non serious mockers; [15:95]

  • They who assign and declare along with Allah another iela'aha: godhead

  • [you leave them] Thereby, soon they will know. [15:96]

  • And of course We know that the chest of you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]  feels contraction on what they people publicly say. [15:97]

  • Therefore, ignoring slanderous propaganda you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] continue exerting for the fulfillment of assigned job praising your Sublime Sustainer Lord; and remain with/in company of those who prostrate. [15:98]

  • And continue subservience and allegiance to your Sustainer Lord until the Definite Moment/Death might arrive to you. [15:99]


  Word by word syntactic analysis of 15:01 to 15:99
