Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Do not those who refuse to accept see
that the Skies and the Earth were both reconciled/united/sewed together and then We parted/clove them both two asunder. And We made from water each and every thing having life. Will then they not believe. [21:30] [Same information in
31:10] And We placed in the Earth anchored/stabilizing mountains that she/Earth may not shake with them and We placed therein broad paths/passages for travel o so that they people are guided to destination. [21:31]
And We have made the Sky a well guarded/safe canopy.
o And yet those people turn away seeing the signs in the Sky" [21:32] And He is the One Who has created the Night and the Day and the Sun and the Moon. o All float/swim in a curved/girl's breast shaped course/orbit. [21:33] And We did not declare/made for a person [including Messengers 21:08] before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the perpetualness/indefiniteness. o Is then if you taste natural death would they people be living perpetually/indefinitely? [21:34] [Same information with same words in
Each and every person shall taste the death. And We will certainly subject you people to a test for exposure of your true worth/purity percentage through irritating odd circumstances [like something of disturbance/feel of insecurity/fear and economic recession and some loss in wealth/property/worldly material and personal lives and crops/fruit yields-2:155] and with affluence and comforts in the manner metals are liquefied for purity check and for purification from admixture. [Also read 3:186;5:48;6:165;21:35] And you people will be presented before Us [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [21:35] And when those [elite/chieftains of society] who have deliberately refused to accept see you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] they do not take you except non seriously mocking, [saying to other people] "Is this the one who mentions about various iela'aha of you people" o And they themselves are the rejecters of the Reminder/Grand Qur'aan of Ar'Reh'maan. [21:36]
Someone has mingled/molded the man confounded/perplexed/distracted/bereft with haste. o We will keep showing you our symbols of knowledge, therefore, you people do not ask Me hastening it. [21:37]
And they say tell us the data/time/period when this promise [of Last Day] will be fulfilled if you people are truthful? [21:38] [they would not have asked it] If those who have deliberately refused to accept/believe know the time when they will not be able to remove away the scorching heat from their faces/front nor from their backs; [Same information in same words at the
end of
2:48,86,123;21:39;44:41;52:46]o and they all will not get help [from anyone who could help]. [21:39] Nay, the fact of the matter is that it will come all of a sudden to them whereby it will bewilder them thereby they will not be capable to repel it o nor they shall have a moment of wait/relief/reprieve. [21:40]
[21:41 Replica 6:10]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask, "Who protects you during the night and the day from Ar'Reh'maan?" [None protects but Ar'Reh'maan] [Read with
23:71]o None, the fact of the matter is that they having seen/listened aversively refrain/keep away from the Reminder/Grand Qur'aan/remembrance of their Sustainer Lord. [21:42] Or for them are various iela'aha that [hope/perception of getting protected by those] hinders them away from Us. o They do not have the capability to help their selves and nor can they protect them from Us. [21:43] Nay [the actual cause is worldly vested interest], the fact of the matter is that We gave these people the affluence/worldly resources and to their fathers until the life period grew long for them. [Same pronouncement in
13:41] Do they people not see/notice that We are gradually reducing the Earth from its extremities? o Can they then be dominant? [21:44] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I admonish you people only with the Revelation/Communicated Words of Allah" [in the Book-Grand Qur'aan-18:27]
o And the deaf do not listen the call [recitation of Revelation] when they are admonished/cautioned. [21:45]
And certainly even if a whiff touched them from the affliction of your Sustainer Lord
[Same statement in 21:14]o indeed they would say, "Woe is for us, indeed we were wrong-doers/unjust" [21:46] [See the Weighing Scale
42:17;57:25] And We will lay down the Scales of ad judgment/evaluation/appreciation/weighing/Equity-the same Weighing Scale-Book of Allah. for the Day of Resurrection,
whereby/for which reason no person shall be treated unjustly even minutely. [21:47] And indeed in the past We had given to Musa and Haroon [عليهم السلام] the Criterion the source for discriminating right from wrong/fact and conjecture, i.e. a source of visible light [coupled with heat discharging being engraved on tablets] for activity and remembrance/lesson for those who are heedful and live a guarded life; [21:48] [Same information in same words in
[in time and space Mutta'qeena are those people] they remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord without being in their sight. [21:49]
[About Grand Qur'aan same pronouncement in
6:92,155;38:29] And this is the Grand Qur'aan/Awakener/Reminder; this has been given permanence and perpetuation/striking peculiarity of it is that it is prescribed/made to stay for ever; We have sent it
o Does in response you people are not recognizing it. [21:50]