Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              017

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          








































































We have made the Night and the Day as two symbols/signs.

For reason/for that [reckoning] We have obscured the symbol of Night and the symbol/reckoning/knowledge of the Day is brightness/vision

so that you people may engage in the pursuit of sustenance/livelihood from your Sustainer Lord;

[For lunar calculations 10:05]

and so that with these two symbols you people may reckon/know the count/number of the [solar] years and other calculations, equations and assessments.


And each and every bit of knowledge/information/thing We have made it vividly distinct/ demarcated/isolated/alienated/crystal clear, in the manner that each isolated quite distinctly. [17:12]

And We have for each and every human being permanently fixed the record of his deeds in his neck


and We will bring out it in writing/print out for him on the Day of Judgment/Resurrection which he would see openly [and will be asked]; [17:13]

"You read your book/record;


today you suffice for yourself as accountability judge. [17:14]

 Whoever [the Qur'aan having reached to him] is guided then undoubtedly he guides/leads on the way for his own self.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:108;39:41]

And the person who remained neglectful/indifferent [towards Grand Qur'aan] then indeed strays/ neglects upon own self.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:164;17:15;35:18;39:07;53:38]

And none of the bearer of burden shall lift the burden of another one.

[Read with 6:131;28:59]o

And We never inflict punishment until and unless We have sent revivalist as Messenger. [17:15]

And when We have decided that We may annihilate a dwelling We commanded [through the Messenger] the ruling elite of it, then/for reason they transgressed in it


thereby the word got proved against them, thereby/for reason of fulfillment of promise becoming obligatory We destroyed it, destruction by forceful entrance. [17:16] [Read with 6:123]

And many of civilizations after Noah [alai'his'slaam] have We annihilated.

[Similar pronouncement in 25:58]o

And your Sustainer Lord, eternally absolutely informed and everything under His focus, suffices to watch the slanders and sins of His created ones. [17:17]

[Read with 3:145;4:134;11:15;42:20;75:20;76:27]

And whoever aspires for [reward of his efforts in] this worldly life We hasten for him in it what We will for the one for whom We intend.


Afterward We have declared for him the Hell-Prison wherein he will be forced to scorch disgraced and discarded. [17:18]

And whoever decisively aspired for the Hereafter and he exerted for that its required efforts provided he is a believer;

[Read with 53:40;76:22]o

thereby such are the people whose efforts will be recognized appreciatively. [17:19]

For all We extend, for this type and that type of people, from the grant of your Sustainer Lord,


And the grant of your Sustainer Lord has not been made restrictive. [17:20]

[Read with 16:71]

You look how have We given distinction in grants [of sustenance] to some of them over the others.


And indeed the Hereafter is greater in elevations and greater in distinction. [17:21]

