Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
The example of those people, who have consciously and deliberately adopted/perceived for themselves as protectors/benefactors/god fathers other than Allah, is like the peculiar state of a specific she-spider who deliberately adopted a house [for protection of her off springs]. Know the fact that the flimsiest house is certainly that adopted house of the female spider; had they but known/ have the information. [29:41]Certainly Allah fully knows whatever thing they call upon other than Him/Allah [Same pronouncement in same words in
14:04;16:60;30:27;31:09;35:02;45:37;57:01;59:01;59:24;61:01;62:03]o And He is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/ secreted/infolded. [29:42]
[Similar pronouncement
6:73;14:19;15:85;16:03] Allah has originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration].
[This is complete verse
15:77]o Indeed in this is certainly a sign for the true believers. [29:44]
[Same advice in
18:27] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] convey them word by word from the Book/Grand Qur'aan that which has since been communicated to you. And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] keep organizing the assembly for the performance of Ass-sa'laat; it is certain that the Ass-sa'laat prevents from the illicit sexual activity and unfamiliar conduct;and certainly the remembrance of Allah is the greatest preventer [of misconduct].o And Allah is fully aware of that which you people artfully devise/fabricate. [29:45] And you people do not indulge in mutual argument/discourse with the people of Book except with such argument which is most balanced and appropriate; except entering into discourse with those from them who have done evil/distortion of fact/unjust. And you people say, informing them, "We have believed in that one which has since been sent upon us and in that which was sent to you people; and our Iela'aha and your Iela'aha is The Singular One;[Same pronouncement in same words in
2:133,136;3:84]o and we are for Him the Muslims/those who physically follow His prescribed Code and Procedure." [29:46]
And for that We have sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book/Qur'aan.
In response those whom We have given the Book they accept/believe in it/Grand Qur'aan,
and from amongst these [whom Book was not given earlier] are also those who believes in it/ Grand Qur'aanAnd no one deliberately and knowingly publicly refutes acknowledging Our Verbal Communications except the non-believers/those who have deliberately/knowingly refused to accept. [29:47]
The fact establishes that [they do so despite being aware] in times BEFORE this Book [![]()
Nay, you have not drafted it, the factual position of the matter is that it is in the chests of those whom knowledge has been given as containing distinct and vivid Aa'ya'at.And no one deliberately and knowingly publicly refutes acknowledging Our Verbal Communications except except the evil/distorters of fact/unjust people. [29:49] And they/ruling elite said to people, "Why have not unprecedented demonstrative signs sent to him from his Sustainer Lord?" You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for public information, "the unprecedented demonstrative signs are only from Allah
[Same pronouncement in 22:49;26:115;29:50;38:70;46:09;51:50,51;67:26]o and I am for you people only the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/Admonisher" [29:50]
[they talk about other demonstrative aa'ya'at] Has it not sufficed for them that We have since sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book which is recited to them, word by word?
It is certain that in this Book is definite Mercy and for true believers this Book is frequented source/Reference Book for advice/guidance/ [in time and space]. [29:51] [Same pronouncement in same words in
13:43;17:96] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], pronounce, "Allah suffices as witness between me and between you people
[Same pronouncement in same words in
64:04] He fully knows all that which is in the Skies and the Earth.
and those people who believed in the false conjectural scum and refused to accept Allah [His Aa'ya'at]
[Same verdict in same words in
2:27:8:37;9:69;39:63]o These are the people who cause/earn loss to themselves. [29:52]
[Same information in same words in
22:47;29:54] And they seek you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for hastening the Doom/the infliction;
And had there been not a term of determined period with appointed time, the punishment would have indeed reached them;
[Same pronouncement about last day in
12:107;26:202;29:53;43:66]o and certainly the Doom Day shall reach them all of a sudden [even in less than a wink of an eye] and they have nothing for its perception/apprehending. [29:53]
[Same information in same words in
22:47;29:53] They seek you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for hastening the Doom Day/infliction; [Same pronouncement in same words in
9:49]o And indeed the Hell-Prison certainly surrounds/imprisons [serves as crucible for] in its fold people who deliberately and persistently refuse/disbelieve. [29:54] The Day when veil upon them the infliction from their above and from beneath their feet o and it will be said, "you people taste the result of that which you people kept doing" [29:55]
[Same pronouncement in
39:10] [Listen] O My those servants who declare to have accepted, it is factually true that My Earth is vast and spacious
o since I am exclusively [its creator and Lord] therefore you people remain subject/subservient/loyal/ allegiant to Me exclusively and absolutely. [29:56]
[Same information with same words in
3:185;21:35] Each and every person shall taste the death.
o Afterwards [resurrection on second blow in Trumpet] you people will be brought towards Us for accountability. [29:57] [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:82;4:57,122;7:42;29:07,09,58;35:07;40:58;42:22;47:02] And those who accepted/believed and did act righteously/moderately as directed,
it is certain that We will definitely accommodate them in the Paradise, lofty dwelling.
Canals of water are flowing side by; they shall reside therein perpetually; [Same pronouncement in same words in
3:136; see also
39:74]o and what a pleasant/exalted/aggrandized reward of performers is; [29:58] [Replica/Mirror 16:42]
[great reward for] those who exercised patience/remained firm and coolly perseverant and they have trust and hope in their Sustainer Lord. [29:59]