The "cumulative interest-successive increase" on lent money-capital

Understanding the concept of: is a matter of public importance; it is a vital matter of life and deadly life for a believer.



1. Authoritative definition of word: ;

2. A group of Jews, and advocates of : equate it with: The credit sale.

3. Perception and Meanings of Verbal Noun:   The credit sale.

1. Authoritative definition of word: derived from Root "ر ب و"

   (a) Introduction: How do we arrive at authoritative definition of a subject or concept of Qur'aan?

Authoritative definition: The adjective "authoritative" denotes backed by an established and accepted authority [Encarta dictionary]. Definition is a brief precise statement of what a word or expression means. In classical thought definition was taken to be a statement of the essence of the thing. It was held that an object's essential attributes form it's "essential nature" and that a definition of the object must include these attributes. Thus there is a nominal/lexical/dictionary definition explaining what the word means; and a real definition expressing the real nature of the thing.

It is well known that Arabic words originate from Roots. Each Root has specific, defined, distinct, conspicuous, apparent perception folded in it. Experts suggest that it is useful to view the vocabulary of a language/text as a set of words referring to a series of conceptual fields. In linguistics, these divisions are called Semantic fields. A semantic field or semantic domain is a set of words grouped by meaning referring to a specific subject; languages will have fields of distance, location, size, shape, time, emotion, beliefs, economics, academic subjects, natural phenomena, etc. Each field can have many sub-divisions or lexical sets: actual words and expressions. Semantic fields are arranged hierarchically, going from the more general to the more specific. Linguists generally refer the general word as "superordinate" and the specific word as "hyponym". The propositional meaning carried by a general word or superordinate is part of the meaning of each of its hyponyms but not vice versa. Each Root is specific to a semantic field referring to a specific subject.

Each Root has specific, defined, distinct, conspicuous and apparent concept, phenomenon, perception and signification folded in it. It is the source, the reservoir of knowledge. Roots can be termed as "repertory of frames" of Arabic language if we follow frames approach to semantic analysis.

Words originating from these Roots on various well defined patterns-moulds-structuring frames retain the original perception; infolded in the Root, dominantly and conspicuously, in whatever semantic field they are used.

Additional meanings and connotation, shades and colours get added to the perception-concept-meanings infolded in the Root by the peculiar pattern-placing of vowels-syllabification and addition of consonants.

Moreover, relational aspect of the semantic field will also influence and add connotations to the word. Hence; the meanings, perception and connotation of an Arabic word is the composite whole of the perception infolded in its Root, coupled with meanings associated with its pattern, and its relation to the semantic field where it is used.

Grand Qur'aan is the book that has built in lexicon for its important words and terms, like books on law-constitution, and scientific facts. It defines its terms, and exposes the perception and meanings of important words in picturesque manner by using it in different semantic fields whereby one can perceive all its dimensions relating to substance as well accident, including metaphorical aspect. It exposes the perception and meanings of its important words picturesquely by relationships and contrasts. [Annexure: Inbuilt guidance for translation: Criterion - Keys for translation of Grand Qur'aan]

What is the difference between a word and a term? A word is usually defined as a complete meaningful element of a language. All terms are words, but not all words are terms. A term is a particular definition of a word, which is applicable to a special situation. Terms occur only in the process of communication. They occur when the writer tries to avoid ambiguity and a reader follow his use of words.

(b) Difference between and :

The subject: under consideration belongs to the domain of :  "Subset of Unitary verbal passages that contain commands and injunctions of firm, established and universal application".

Format and organization is an important aspect in the criteria for evaluation of books. It needs to be seen that does the arrangement make sense and can be referenced distinctly. Miscellany of Qur'aan comprises of only two types of Verbal Passages: and: as is generally the arrangement in a Manual, User's Guide. Creator or manufacturer of a quality product provides a manual that contains instructions for its operation and information about its structure, mutual relationships of its constituents and with outer world. Manual also contains instructions for its upkeep, maintenance and troubleshooting when problem arises. Man is the finest and top of the line "Product" ever created; evidence being the exalted Universal Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is declared the great of created realm [68:04]. Man has the best of existing machines. Man once created is, however, a self developing and operating machine. First type of Verbal passages gives him instructions as how to conduct in time and space. And others are like that part of a User's Guide which gives information about the surroundings and area of operation of a system. It is about the nurture; environment of its audience-primarily human beings.

The miscellany of verbal passages of Grand Qur'aan

(i). : Passive participle: Indefinite; plural; feminine; nominative; [Form-IV]- مصدر-اِحْكَامٌ Verbal Noun. اسم مفعول:مرفوع-جمع سالم مؤنث/باب افعال

It was translated by John Medows Rodwell as; "themselves perspicuous". Thereafter, majority of translators seem to have merely "re-translated" or "re-worded" the earlier translation, which replaced "perspicuous" with synonyms or synonymous words like; "clear in and by themselves"; "definitive"; "clear and precise"; "perfected/tightened"; and like words. Please scrutinize all the entries of Lane Lexicon under its Root "ح ك م"; you will not find any of these words therein.

The meanings of a Passive Participle are directly related to their descriptive nature and the verb from which they are derived. Basic perception infolded in the Root and Passive Form-IV Verb and Verbal Noun إِحْكَامٌ is to restrain and withhold someone from acting or doing something evil, or corrupt, or that which he desired. Lane's Lexicon depicts its primary signification in basic Form-I, in these words:

"حُكْمٌ حكم [inf. n. of 1, q. v.,] originally signifies Prevention, or restraint. (Msb.) ― -b2- And hence, (Msb,) Judgment, or judicial decision: (S, Msb, K, TA:) or judgment respecting a thing, that it is such a thing, or is not such a thing, whether it be necessarily connected with another thing, or not:" [unquote]

Ibn Faris [died 1005] described the basic perception of Root as "المَنْع من الظُّلْم"; to restrain and prohibit exceeding a limit. This is called command, order, direction, and injunction or decree-حُكْمٌ plural أَحْكَامٌ. One who exercises authority of issuing and administering commands, injunction, and writ is حَاكِمٌ.

The effect of a command, injunction, or writ is to stop and restrict persons on a certain point-a mode of conduct and behaviour, ensured by backing of coercive authority or fear of requital. Thereby, that command and writ becomes inviolate, unassailable, indissoluble and clenching. This is the meaning and effect incorporated in the Passive Participle: . They at their own have no further role to perform.

(ii). Active participle: Indefinite; feminine; plural; nominative; [Form-VI]-مصدر-تَشَابُهٌ Verbal noun.   اسم فاعل:- ممرفوع-جمع سالم مؤنث/باب تفَاْعَل

Form-VI Active Participle is related to Measure III meaning. It has a reflexive meaning of Measure III. Generally, the meaning of Measure VI is two or more subjects doing whatever the action of Measure III is. Its Root is "ش ب ه". Learned Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated in his famous Lexicon [مقاييس اللغة]:

يدلُّ على تشابُه الشّيء وتشاكُلِهِ لوناً وَوَصْفا

That it leads to the perception of analogy, resemblance, look alike; isomorphism, resemblance in colour and portrait, or description.

Quotes for Lane's Lexicon which is based on Classical Arabic Lexicons:

"inf. n. تَشْبِيهٌ, (S, K, KL,) He made it to be like it, or to resemble it; he assimilated it to it; (MA, KL;) i. q. مَثَّلَهُ [meaning thus: and also meaning he likened it to it, or compared it with it; agreeably with the explanation here next following]: (S, * K:) شَبَّهَتُ الشَّىْءَ بِالشَّىْءِ I put the thing in the place, or predicament, of the [other] thing, by reason of an attribute connecting them [or common to them]; which attribute may be real and ideal; real as when one says, “ this dirhem is like this dirhem, ” and “ this blackness is like this blackness; ” and ideal as when one says, “ Zeyd is like the lion ” or “ like the ass ” i. e. in his strength or his stupidity,....

6 تَشَابُهٌ  signifies The being equal, or uniform; syn. اِسْتِوَآءٌ:

تَشَابَهَا They resembled each other so that they became confounded, or confused, or dubious.

And مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ Things like, or resembling, one another." Unquote

: These are the performers of a job signified by the verb from which it is derived; they relate two things by comparison, one known and the other unknown. This is what we call in English "Metaphor".  Metaphors are used to help us understand the unknown because we use what we know in comparison with something we don't know to get a better understanding of the unknown.

The purpose of quoting similes is to explain and elaborate  information facilitating the reader to conveniently perceive and understand it comprehensively. Metaphors are employed to let reader have a general idea and perception about an unknown abstract reality and phenomenon. Using similes and metaphors does not mean that the concept, abstract reality and phenomenon highlighted through them were earlier vague and undefined in absolute sense. Level of information, intellect and understanding of men varies. Explanation and elaboration through Similes and metaphors help make perceptions explicit. [Annexure: Miscellany of Grand Qur'aan: and Format and Organization]

It is therefore evident that the subject under consideration belongs to the domain of :  "Subset of Unitary verbal passages caused to contain commands and injunctions of firm, established and universal application". One characteristic distinction of such Ayahs: Verbal passages is that command verbs and such objects that relate to human conduct and behviour will find mention.

(c) Authoritative definition of: given in Qur'aan.

The authoritative definition of: will be that which is in consonance with the basic perception infolded in its Root: "ر ب و". This Root is used twenty times and fourteen are the words made from it that occur in Grand Qur'aan.

Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] had described the basic perception infolded in the Root in these words:

ربي/أ (مقاييس اللغة)

الراء والباء والحرف المعتل وكذلك المهموز منه يدلُّ على أصلٍ واحد
، وهو الزِّيادة والنَّماء والعُلُوّ.

That it leads to the perception of increase, augmentation, raise; and growth; elevation; piling; superiority.

Its concept, perception and meanings are evidently disclosed by its use in different semantic fields and with different collocates:

: Adjectival Phrase; first noun is the direct object of preceding verb. : Active Participle: Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative, is the modifier that specifies the adjectival description of head noun. Used as an adjective, the Active Participle acts as descriptive term. Functioning as adjectives, Active Participles reflect the gender of noun that they modify. This phrase thus signifies "scum which is characteristically uprising". Please retain the ultimate end and destiny of : characteristically uprising scum to find the same fate of: "cumulative gains" on lent money.

The perception infolded in Root "ر ب و"  is exposed by using it for depicting a verifiable physical happening:

:These are not just literary expressions; but narration of physical facts-the response behaviour of the soil on meeting with water. Grand Qur'aan is a statement of absolute fact. Today, we observe with microscope the response acts of dried soil and see them as is verbally portrayed by these two verbs.

: Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; feminine; ت feminine marker; Subject pronoun hidden;  مصدر-رَبْوٌ Verbal Noun. (1)22:05(2)41:39=2. It denotes act of swelling/enlargement/increase in volume of the soil particles. It is a verifiable fact and helps in authoritatively determining the perception infolded in its Root "ر ب و" and of the word: with financial connotation.

The use of this Root for describing a location/place also reveals its basic perception and meanings:

Noun: Indefinite; singular; feminine; genitive. (1)23:50=1 This is also from Root "ر ب و". It signifies an elevated/high altitude or mountainous place. Its characteristic feature/adjectival portrayal is by possessive phrases : holder of a location and state of long protected and safe abode; and second trait is: a place which is verdurous: vivid green of plants-flourishing with springs.

The perception of this Root is also made explicit by its use with reference to raising an infant and child to a grown up age:

: Root "ر ب و"; Verb: Perfect; Third person; dual; masculine; [Form-II]; الف Subject pronoun in nominative state; نِ noon of protection + Object pronoun ى : Suffixed Object Pronoun: First person; singular, accusative state; مصدر-تَرْبِيَةٌ Verbal noun. (1)17:24=1

: Root "ر ب و"; Verb: Imperfect; First person; plural; masculine; [Form-II]; Mood: Jussive evident by dropping of last delicate consonant; Subject pronoun hidden; Suffixed Object Pronoun: Second Person; masculine; singular, in accusative state; مصدر-تَرْبِيَةٌ Verbal noun. (1)26:18=1 "We raised you."

It is thus evident that the perception infolded in Root: "ر ب و" is that of successive progression of object from surface in enlargement, swelling, extending, expanding, increasing, and rising by the running time. It does not refer to onetime leap.

2. A group of Jews and advocates of:  equate it with: The credit sale.

Having learnt the perception and meanings infolded in the Root "ر ب و"; the word  is explicitly imaged at very first occurrence:


: Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative [Form-V]; Suffixed Fronted Object pronoun in accusative state;  مصدر-تَخَبُّطٌ Verbal Noun. Form-V verbs have transformative meanings. The basic perception conveyed by this state, as was mentioned by Ibne Faris [died-1005] and Lane's Lexicon is: going or journeying without direction, or one who beats the ground with his foot and know not in what land he is going; either because of the darkness or because he is blind; and he who is confused. It reflects a disoriented state of mind and lack of clarity.

: It is the subject of Verb; Noun: Definite; Masculine; singular; nominative. The object of Verb has become the victim of aforesaid state because of the effect of Cobra's touch-bite. Here it refers exclusively to Cobra since Satan does not physically touch and harm a man. He always poses to be a friend and well wisher of humans to deceive them. Harm does not cause deception; rather deception causes harm. [Annexure: Cobra finds mention in Qur'aan].

The effect of cobra bite upon the victim is like that which is portrayed by the verb: . He becomes confused because toxins inserted by bite render him diplopic. It is a state of double vision: seeing two of everything; a condition in which two images of the same object are seen simultaneously because eyes though functioning cannot converge to target the desired object. Its technical name is diplopia.

Allah the Exalted has given the reason for selecting this exemplification:

The reason for exemplification specifies that they see and describe two different things as identical and similar images in nature. They see, perceive and pronounce that: is alike ; they see their image alike; they treat both as synonymous.

The reason for exemplification specifies that they see and describe two different things as identical and similar in nature. The Cobra bite also renders its victim in confusion and diplopic.

Negating their superfluous perception, Allah the Exalted has drawn attention towards the difference-distance between both by informing:


The definite verbal noun: made from Root: " ب ى ع" will further lead us to meanings of: since both are declared as diametrically opposite of each other. The first and foremost denotation and judgment about componential features of: is that Allah the Exalted has declared it a prohibited fiscal activity. Having known this basic denotation of it, whoever practices it is warned that he will be the resident of scorching Hell-Prison.

Since it is prohibited and its practice can cost a person Hell-Prison, the believers are advised:

: The verb signifies eating and its object is: the ever accruing surcharge on the lent capital. Same verb is used prohibiting consuming property and wealth of others by deception and scam:

The eating of ever accruing interest upon the lent capital, and the assets of others by deceptive and foul methods is prohibited. What is allowed to be eaten-consumed is the income-profit-gain accruing from mutually beneficial-pleasing consented commercial transactions. The upshot of violation of any of the two fiscal prohibitions is Hell-Prison:

: It is the circumstantial clause [حال] for: ;  

Some general rules of: حال ; usually translated as circumstantial adverb, include the following:

1-The حال will be in the accusative state and its governor will be a verb

2-The حال will usually be a participle;

3-The ذو الحال will usually be definite and the حال indefinite, as is the case here: definite.

4-The حال usually closely follows the ذو الحال ;

5-The حال can describe the state of the subject, the object, or even both and together حال and ذو الحال will form a phrasal structure.

The circumstantial clause [حال] for: is portrayed by adjectival phrase: : Head noun is indefinite; feminine; broken plural/grammatical singular; accusative and its adjectival description is by a passive participle :  Indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative; [Form-III]. Both are relational words like spouse, and half. It denotes such multiple increments-surcharges that has the impact of piling-heaping the principle amount lent, over the life of loan. It is a progressive process which shows that interest is accruing all the time with every passing moment/day and is being collected and consumed by the lender at intervals. It does not refer to onetime leap. The profit charged on the cash sales of goods or the profit amount added to the sale price, or to fixed amount added to lent capital-loan payable on the expiry date of mutually consented commercial agreement which is in substance pleasant and beneficial for both parties, the lender and borrower.

The circumstantial clause about the act of eating the wealth-assets of others through deceit-fraud-cheating is described by verbal nouns: and , respectively denoting transgressive and tyrannical conduct and distorting the fact, cheating, deception, fabrication and scamming.

: It is a progressive process which shows that interest is accruing all the time with every passing moment/day and is being collected and consumed by the lender at intervals. The interest is fixed by percentage of loan amount with reference to life of loan and increments are collected during and not at the expiry of life of loan. Thereby, at every time before the expiry of life of loan, some sum is outstanding for payment to the lender by the borrower. Those who had already loaned against interest were directed to leave-write-off the remaining increments out of cumulative interest, if they were truly the believers:


  Verb: Imperative; second person; plural; [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-وَذْرٌ Verbal Noun.  Its Root is "و ذ ر". The basic perception infolded is that of a small peace of flesh which is detached, moved away, alienated from the bone or does not contain bone. Its primary signification is to leave or abandon a thing.

  Relative pronoun; It is the direct object of preceding imperative verb.

 Verb: Perfect; third person; singular; masculine; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر- بَقَاءٌ Verbal Noun. This verbal sentence is the Linkage Clause of Relative Pronoun [الجملة صلة الموصول]. It signifies a thing's remaining, continuing, lasting, or enduring state

: This prepositional phrase denoting a subset of set: cumulative interest. This phrase, according to grammarians, can link to preceding verb or to elided circumstantial clause for the preceding Relative Pronoun. Meanings are however quite evident and grammatical position either way will have almost no effect on semantics. The command for leaving is about that part of the cumulative interest which is still remaining due for payment by the borrower.

The instruction for abandoning-leaving and in present day terms "writing-off" is with regard to the installment of cumulative interest which is yet to be paid; and is not about those installments that have already been taken-eaten. The prepositional phrase also depicts a characteristic feature-component of: that it is collected in subsets before the expiry of life of loan.

Wealth is something to which value is tagged both for the purposes of worldly life and life of the Hereafter. Wealth will be spoiled and will carry no value in the Hereafter if injunction about it are not adhered to in worldly life:

: The conjunction/apodosis particle and the Prepositional phrase relate to the elided predicate of inverted nominal sentence which is the apodosis clause of preceding conditional sentence.

: These are two successive Possessive Phrase, head noun definite by construct is serving as the Subject of nominal sentence. It is plural noun that means heads; in fiscal context where orders are given to write-off the remaining part of the cumulative interest "the "heads" of the amounts of you people" will obviously mean the principle wealth which were loaned to people against cumulative interest rate for the life of loan.

This injunction coming into force with immediate effect could have placed some of the borrowers in difficult situation. It was taken care by a saving clause:

This saving clause also reflects that people were lending money on usury even to such people who were otherwise eligible for grants and donations for meeting their compelling situation.

The propositional meanings, the essential attribute, essential nature mirrored by the word: is progression, cumulative increase as is the basic concept inherent in its parent Root: "ر ب و".   This is true with regard to nominal/lexical/dictionary definition explaining what the word means. But the real definition expressing its real nature in the evaluation and judgment of Allah the Exalted is differently described in the Grand Qur'aan:

Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; Mood: Indicative; مصدر-مَحُقٌ Verbal Noun. Root: م ح ق . The basic perception infolded in the Root is that of rendering a thing deficient and deprived of its blessing, or increase, or obliterate it.

The ostensible cumulative effect of lent money through: is; in the judgment of Allah the Exalted, like that : characteristically uprising scum which is uplifted by the inundation on heavy raining. Its destiny and end is that it vanishes away/goes away as froth. So is the fate of bulging amount of money exploited through : the cumulative interest [usury].

It is reiterated in combination with another instrument of obligatory spending:

This Ayah manifests for us the difference between Propositional-Denotative meanings and expressive meanings of words and expressions. Expressive meaning "relates to the speaker's feelings or attitude rather than to what words and utterances refer to". The basic proposition and the essential feature referred by both the words: and is increase, augmentation, growth, enlargement, accumulation. With regard to propositional meaning and intended effect of: , it is not the case in the consideration and evaluation of Allah the Exalted. It is like scum and dross of no worth in the consideration, evaluation and judgment of Him the Exalted. Similarly, the propositional meanings of: are synonymous to: but the apparent effect is that it relatively diminishes the fiscal position of its payer. But in the evaluation and judgment of Allah the Exalted, its dictionary meanings are genuine and true. It is a unique spending that enhances the economic worth of a man but for his life in the Hereafter.

Lending money on condition of usury has the intent of cumulatively increasing it in relation to the financial aspects of other people. The propositional meanings are thus evident showing visible increase in money given against usury in the real world. This is the evaluation of the money lender. He considers it enlargement, increase in his wealth. He may also think it expressively as riches. But it is not an increase in the consideration of Allah the Exalted. The same verb is used but in the expressive meaning with co-occurrence of possessive phrase: in the consideration/evaluation of Allah the Exalted.

Money given with the intention : that it might increase manifold in relation to worldly wealth yields what is termed: . The money lenders: usurers obviously perceive themselves as : those who multiply their capital manifold. This is the propositional and expressive meaning of in consideration and judgment of a person fond of only the worldly life. But this increase is of no worth; and is nothing but scum in the consideration of Allah the Exalted.

: In contrast, in the consideration and judgment of Allah the Exalted, it has the same propositional and expressive meaning as are inherent in Root "ر ب و" and:  , but relates to the invisible Balance Sheet of its payer. It is the final Balance Sheet that matters and determines the social and economic status of a person. Such payers of money to state to cope with its economic situation are declared as truly : those who multiply their capital manifold. It is Active Participle: Definite; masculine; sound plural; nominative; [Form-IV]; verbal noun إِضْعَافٌ: an act and state of increasing, increment. Paying money to state statistically reduces one's financial balance in apparent worldly terms; but this payment renders them as the multipliers of their wealth in the evaluation and judgment of Allah the Exalted.

3. Perception and Meanings of Verbal Noun:   The credit sale.

Let us now see the perception and meanings infolded in Root " ب ى ع" and the word: :

After commanding us to spend for others benefit we are informed that the act and state denoted by verbal noun: will not be possible on the Day of Resurrection. What is: and what is its advantage if it is done today?

Allah the Exalted has today very kindly purchased our selves/life and our valuables-possessions-wealth against the promise of paying us the price on the Day of Resurrection or if and when we get killed in war for His cause. The price that will be paid is the transfer of title/ownership of Paradise to us. Salient features of this contract are: Allah the Exalted is the Buyer; We the true believers are the sellers, second party; the commodity is our lives and wealth; the date of payment by the Buyer is either on the Day of resurrection or at the point in time if we get killed in the War fought for the cause of Allah the Exalted; the price settled is the Paradise. The contract is recorded in black and white in the Book of Allah the Exalted. The nature of the contract is as if it stands executed because the promise of Allah the Exalted is always fulfilled and at every moment it is an established fact.

It is thus abundantly evident that: is what we call in commerce Credit sale: sale for which buyer can pay later; a sales transaction by which the buyer is allowed to take immediate possession of the purchased goods and pay for them at a later date. Credit sale agreement/contract is essentially a loan-lending for the purchase price of the item with the money being paid after a fixed period of time.

Allah the Exalted has informed that this Credit Sale Contract was and is duly recorded in writing in the Tor'aat, In'jeel and the Qur'aan. Thereby, is necessarily a written contract between the buyer and seller wherein the seller hands over the possession of tangible goods and the buyer undertakes the promise of paying its price at an agreed point in time in the future; and that it is essentially a loan-lending. It is, therefore, ordered simultaneously clarifying all the niceties of a transaction:


The credit sale which is but lending for a particular duration specified by the point in time/date of termination of the duration has to be documented and observed by the witnesses. The sentence: uses the verbal noun, it generally signifies the act and state of lending for a duration unto the named moment of termination. And then it is explained with an added injunction of witnessing when transaction of: is being finalized: : "When you have mutually finalized the credit sale".

 : The credit sale is differentiated and contrasted with : adjectival phrase meaning cash business transactions. And another characteristic feature [صفة ثانية] of is portrayed by this sentence: : "you keep rotating her: hand to hand selling and purchasing between yourselves". This contrast is again evident in this Ayah: Verbal unitary passage:

Praise is specified for Allah the Exalted; Grand Qur'aan has explicitly explained the perception and meanings of: which does reflect some imagery of to many people but is opposite to it. : It refers to actual and real delivery of valuable tangibles: capital goods and/or consumer goods to the possession of buyer without acquiring its price on the spot. It is lending of the goods at mutually agreed value higher than the spot-value depending upon the duration of period when the price is to be paid on the appointed/named date. In contrast and contrary to it the concept: will denote monetary lending: loan of money/capital/paper notes/currency, which are not real wealth but a measure, on the condition of cumulative interest.

Grand Qur'aan has informed that history of usury predates the Jews. They were prohibited to indulge in it. A group of Jews who are now the perpetuators of economic exploitation of the world did indulge in money lending with the condition of obtaining bulging returns and kept usurping the wealth of the people through deceptive and foul tactics:

The explicit information given in Grand Qur'aan exposes that: in ultimate analysis is worthless scum and froth; and is just a fantasy-wealth and illusion. It is now a global activity. Let those who do not believe that they will ever face a reckoning for their actions remain in the vicious circle of fantasy. It is their weakness/disease of the heart that they believe it gives them the power, they can tame and enslave people and become the in charge of existence. They wish to acquire the real wealth of the people and give them false and worthless paper/card money and put them in a perpetual indebted state. They are dangerous Saamri. He took away the real wealth of the people, their gold ornaments, converted some of it into a golden calf with the fascinating trick of producing sound void-of-words, and in return gave them a false idea and concept of god/lord. The whole nation was befooled despite warning and clarification by the elevated Messenger Haroon alai'his'slaam. They all gathered around the sculpted golden calf; Saamri had momentarily enslaved them.

We should avoid money borrowing on cumulative interest; instead prefer and promote in economy and society the concept of  : Credit sale of real goods; and practice lending-loaning: with instrument of fiscal deal of promissory nature: lending whose maturity term is specified by appointed due date for payment which does not have successive-cumulative leaps.

Another two antonyms of: mentioned in Qur'aan are: [Root: ص د ق]; voluntary generosity, and Root: ز ك و. Like the Root "ر ب و" of  the Root: ز ك و of has the basic perception of increasing and augmenting. Authoritative definition of these two terms need to be defined while deciding the issue of: in the Muslim Economy.

  : Term used in Qur'aan: Perception and meanings