1213 |
Interrogative particle+
which shows cause and effect +
of Noun:
Singular, masculine; accusative/Time adverb and [الضَّرفيَّةُ] adverbial
, joining two
verbal clauses in a time sequence.(1)2:87=1
حرف فَ
+ ظرف زمان منصوب + مَا مصدرية زمانية |
1219 |
Interrogative particle+
which shows cause and effect +
Negative Particle.
(1)37:58=1 الهمزة-للاستفهام
حرف فَ
+ حرف نفي |
1814 |
Interrogative particle +
of and [الضَّرفيَّةُ] adverbial
, joining two
verbal clauses in a time sequence.
(1)2:100=1 الهمزة-للاستفهام +
عطف + ظرف زمان منصوب + مَا مصدرية زمانية |
1) Prepositional
Phrase. Prefixed Preposition
بِ; +
Relative pronoun.
[The diacritic/ancillary
glyph/prolongation sign/mark-called Mad'da
extends/stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added.
Its presence reflects that the consonant in the text followed by it is
"Hamza, ء"
which can distinctly and audibly pronounced only if the preceding letter
is pronounced elongate.
(17)5:45(18)5:47(19)5:47(20)5:48(21)5:49(22)6:44(23)7:75(24)9:77(25)12:03(26)13:36(27)14:09(28)14:22(29)15:39(30)16:55(31)28:17(32)28:48(33)29:66(34)30:34(35)33:51(36)34:34(37)41:14(38)42:15(39)43:24(40)52:18(41)57:23(42)60:01(43)69:24=43 |
Phrase. Prefixed Preposition
بِ; +
Relative pronoun. (1)2:10(2)2:59(3)2:61(4)2:76(5)2:87(6)2:91(7)2:95(8)2:96(9)2:110(10)2:164(11)2:171(12)2:225(13)2:233(14)2:234(15)2:237(16)2:255(17)2:265(18)2:271(19)2:283(20)3:36(21)3:49(22)3:79(23)3:106(24)3:112(25)3:120(26)3:153(27)3:156(28)3:161(29)3:163(30)3:167(31)3:180(32)3:182(33)3:188(34)4:34(35)4:34(36)4:47(37)4:62(38)4:88(39)4:94(40)4:108(41)4:128(42)4:135(43)5:08(44)5:14(45)5:38(46)5:44(47)5:48(48)5:61(49)5:64(50)5:70(51)5:71(52)5:78(53)5:85(54)5:89(55)5:105(56)6:30(57)6:49(58)6:60(59)6:70(60)6:70(61)6:70(62)6:93(63)6:108(64)6:120(65)6:124(66)6:127(67)6:129(68)6:138(69)6:157(70)6:159(71)6:164(72)7:09(73)7:39(74)7:43(75)7:70(76)7:77(77)7:96(78)7:101(79)7:134(80)7:137(81)7:155(82)7:162(83)7:163(84)7:165(85)7:173(86)8:35(87)8:39(88)8:47(89)8:51(90)8:72(91)9:16(92)9:25(93)9:64(94)9:74(95)9:82(96)9:94(97)9:95(98)9:105(99)9:118(100)10:04(101)10:08(102)10:18(103)10:23(104)10:36(105)10:39(106)10:52(107)10:70(108)10:74(109)11:31(110)11:32(111)11:36(112)11:92(113)11:111(114)11:112(115)12:19(116)12:69(117)12:77(118)12:81(119)13:24(120)13:31(121)13:33(122)13:33(123)15:63(124)15:94(125)15:97(126)16:28(127)16:32(128)16:88(129)16:94(130)16:101(131)16:112(132)17:25(133)17:47(134)17:69(135)18:19(136)18:26(137)18:58(138)18:73(139)18:91(140)18:106(141)20:15(142)20:96(143)20:104(144)22:10(145)22:68(146)23:26(147)23:39(148)23:51(149)23:53(150)23:91(151)23:96(152)23:111(153)24:24(154)24:28(155)24:30(156)24:41(157)24:53(158)24:64(159)25:19(160)25:75(161)26:112(162)26:132(163)26:188(164)27:22(165)27:52(166)27:85(167)27:88(168)28:47(169)28:54(170)29:08(171)29:10(172)29:34(173)30:32(174)30:35(175)30:36(176)30:41(177)31:15(178)31:23(179)31:29(180)32:14(181)32:14(182)32:17(183)32:19(184)33:02(185)33:09(186)34:11(187)34:17(188)34:37(189)35:08(190)35:45(191)36:27(192)36:64(193)36:65(194)38:26(195)39:07(196)39:70(197)40:17(198)40:75(199)40:83(200)40:84(201)41:17(202)41:20(203)41:28(204)41:40(205)41:50(206)42:34(207)42:48(208)43:17(209)43:49(210)43:72(211)45:14(212)45:22(213)46:08(214)46:14(215)46:20(216)46:22(217)46:34(218)47:02(219)48:10(220)48:11(221)48:24(222)49:18(223)50:45(224)52:19(225)52:21(226)53:31(227)53:36(228)56:24(229)57:04(230)57:10(231)58:03(232)58:06(233)58:07(234)58:08(235)58:08(236)58:11(237)58:13(238)59:18(239)60:01(240)60:03(241)62:07(242)62:08(243)63:11(244)64:01(245)64:07(246)64:08(247)69:38(248)72:28(249)74:38(250)75:13(251)76:12(252)77:43(253)84:23=253 |
Conjunction فَ
indicating cause and effect + Particle
. (1)2:16(2)2:26(3)2:85(4)2:196(5)2:196(6)3:146(7)4:24(8)4:88(9)4:90(10)5:67(11)6:136(12)7:05(13)7:13(14)7:39(15)7:101(16)7:132
(59)44:29(60)45:17(61)51:31(62)51:36(63)51:45(64)54:05(65)57:27(66)69:47(67)74:48(68)74:49(69)84:20(70)86:10(71)95:07=71 |
Relative Pronoun.
Relative pronoun
[ما الموصولة].
+ Prolongation mark, since it is being followed by a word with
" ء" with vowel. (1)2:04(2)
Interrogative Noun.
Negative Particle.
Particle [مصدرية]
Gerundival. It renders the following perfect or imperfect verb into
the gerund meaning.
[زائدة] Extraneous Particle.
Negation Particle. This
is called "The one that Resembles
ليس –
المشبهة بـ"ليس"
When When it enters upon a nominal sentence it leaves the subject of the
sentence nominative and renders the predicate accusative. The accusative predicate can be used as
a clue to determine that it is this
If the predicate is a single word or a short
phrase, an extra بِ comes
before it in order to emphasize the negation, as is the case
in this sentence. Next occurrence
7. Adverbial –
ما الظرفية
ما is widely considered to be a particle and it gives the meaning
of “as long as”. It comes before both perfect and imperfect verbs, and
specifically, it is popularly brought before an imperfect verb with
لم. But this does not mean that every
ما in this position will be
ما الظرفية.
[اِسم شرط جازم مبنى على السكون فى محل نصب مفعول به مقدم]
Relative Pronoun/Condition noun
Negative Particle
This ما is called "ما" الإبهامية
(the "maa" denoting generality and vagueness) and acts as a kind of
adjective in the sentence)
هنا نكرة تامة، ويسميها بعضهم "ما
الإبهامية"، وتعرب: اسما مبنيا على ...
الأدوات التى
تجزم فعلين.
إنْ:وهى حرف شرط يجزم فعلين، مثل قوله تعالى:"إنْ يعلم ِ الله فى قلوبكم
خيرًا يؤتكم خيرًا مما أُخذ منكم".
يعلم: فعل مضارع(فعل الشرط) مجزوم بإن وعلامة جزمه السكون ولكنها حذفت وكسر
الفعل منعًا لالتقاء الساكنين.
يؤتكم:جواب الشرط مجزوم بحذف حرف العلة .
من: اسم شرط يجزم فعلين للعاقل ويكون فى محل رفع مبتدأ مثل قوله تعالى:"من
يعملْ سوءاً يجزَ به".
ما: اسم شرط لغير العاقل ويعامل مثل من،مثل
قوله تعالى:"وما تفعلوا من خير ٍيعلمْه الله".
مهما: اسم شرط لغير العاقل وأصله ما مافهو تماما مثل ما ويعرب إعرابها.مثال:
أغرك منى أن حبك قاتلى
وأنك مهما تأمرى القلب يفعل.
متى(للزمان) متى تأت شهور الصيف نسافر.
أيان(للمكان) أيان تذهب تر الجمال.
أينما: "أينما تكونوا يدرككم الموت".
أنى:اسم شرط بمعنى أين،مثل: أنى تجلس أجلس.
"السعادة شجرة ماؤها وغذاؤها وهواؤها وضياؤها الإيمان بالله والدارالآخرة".
عائض القرنى
أدوات الشرط الغير جازمة.
لو:حرف شرط غير جازمتأخذ فعل شرط وجواب شرط ولا تجزمهما،مثل:"وليخش الذين
لو تركوا من خلفهم ذريةً ضعافا خافوا عليهم".
أما: حرف تفصيل،تقوم مقام أداة الشرط وفعل الشرط أى يكون لها جواب شرط
مقترن بالفاء،مثال:أما النتيجة فكانت حسنة،"فأما اليتيم فلا تقهر".
إذا: تفيد المستقبل،وهى اسم شرط غير جازم، مثال:إذا أردت الخير فاسعَ إليه.
As explained
earlier, conditionals are used with 2
actions; one of them depends on the
other. Therefore, there must be 2
embedded verbal sentences in each
conditional sentence. With (مَنْ)
and (ما),
both the past tense and the present
tense can be used; with (متى)
and (أين),
the present is used mainly. Consider for
مَنْ يَدرسْ
كثيراً، يَنجَحْ.
studies a lot, succeeds.”
سَافَر إلى مِصر، شَاهَد الأَهْرامات.
traveled to Egypt saw the Pyramids.”
مَا تَزرَعْ،
“What you
sow, you reap.”
دَرَستُه أمس، تَذَكّرتُه اليَوم.
“What I
learned yesterday, I remembered today.”
تَصِلْ، تَجِدني في اِنتِظارِك.
“When you
arrive, you find me waiting for you.”
تَصِلْ، فاتَّصِل بي.
“When you
arrive, call me.”
تَجلِس، أَجلِس بِجِوارِك.
“Where you
sit, I sit next to you.”
تَسكُن، تَجِد جِيراناً طَيبين.
“Where you
live, you find good neighbors.”
Relative Pronoun.
Pronominal –
ما الموصولة
Relative Pronoun.
Interrogative Noun.
Negative Particle.
Particle [مصدرية]
Gerundival. It renders the following perfect or imperfect verb into
the gerund meaning.
3-B) Relative pronoun:
Extraneous Particle.
[اِسم شرط جازم مبنى على السكون فى محل نصب مفعول به مقدم]
Relative Pronoun/Condition noun
Negative Particle
ما is a Relative Pronoun (a type of noun) used for inanimate
objects. Consequently, it is translated as “that which”, or simply
“that/what/which”. This is a very popular usage of the word. Consider
the following.
Follow that which
has been revealed to you. |
اتّبع ما أوحي إليك |
Often there will be a pronoun in the relative
clause that refers back to this
ما. This will indicate that this word is in its pronominal
function. However, even if the pronoun has been dropped, the context is
almost always clear and sufficient to deduce which
ما is being used. In the example above, we would never employ the
translation “follow.... what has been revealed to you?” This is quite
clear from the context.
What is This Tutorial About?
There are approximately ten types of
ما in the Arabic language. That is to say, these are ten
homonyms. Some of these
ما are nouns while others are
particles, and their meanings and functions can be vastly different.
Therefore, being able to recognize which
ما is which is an essential skill for grammar
and comprehension, the lack of which can lead to major errors in reading
and comprehension.
This tutorial discusses each type of
ما with respect to its meanings and provides some helpful clues
on how it will be used in sentences.
The Types of
Interrogative –
ما الاستفهامية
ما is a noun which is used to ask a question and it is typically
translated as “what ...?” For example, we may ask “what is wrong with
you?” Consider the example below.
What is wrong with
you that you do not fight in the way of God? |
ما لكم لا تقاتلون في سبيل الله؟ |
It will be the very first word in the sentence
unless it is preceded by a particle such as “and” or the like. Consider
the example below.
And what is wrong
with me that I do not worship the one who created me? |
وما لي لا أعبد الذي فطرني؟ |
We usually find this
ما before nominal sentences, but it may come before a verb. Often
in this situation, the
ما acts as the direct object of the verb, as in the following
What will you
worship after me? |
ما تعبدون من بعدي؟ |
And often the word
ذا comes between
ما and the verb, in which case the
ما is the subject of the nominal sentence. Consider the
What is it that God
intends with this as an example? |
ماذا أراد الله بهذا مثلا؟ |
A final point to note is that this particular
ما will lose its aleph when in the genitive case. This applies to
both being preceded by a genitival particle as well as being in a
possessive structure. Consider the following.
Regarding what do
they question each other? |
عمَّ [عن ما] يتساءلون؟ |
Negative –
ما النافية
ما is a particle used to negate the perfect (past tense) verb. It
almost invariably comes before such verbs; consider the following.
They would not have
added to you (anything) except disorder. |
ما زادوكم إلاّ خبالا |
Although this
ما is almost always followed by a past tense verb, it does not
mean that every
ما followed by such a verb is negative; it may be pronominal, for
example, as in the following example.
Then for them is
two thirds of what he has left. |
فلهنّ ثلثا ما ترك |
Finally, this
ما is sometimes followed by an imperfect verb,
[2:99]. This has minor
rhetorical considerations and is somewhat rare. An example follows.
Say: I do not ask
you for a reward for it. |
قل ما أسئلكم عليه من أجر |
نافية تعمل عمل لَيْسَ
Negative Particle functioning like لَيْسَ.
The one that Resembles
ليس –
المشبهة بـ"ليس"
ما, too, is negative. The difference is that this one enters upon
a nominal sentence, not a past tense verb. It acts like
ليس in both meaning as well as in the fact that it leaves the
subject of the sentence nominative and it renders the predicate
Although this
ما is relatively scarce, the accusative predicate can be used as
a clue to determine that it is this
ما. Consider the following.
This is not a man. |
ما هذا بشراً |
ليس, if the predicate is a single word or a short phrase, an
باء comes before it in order to emphasize the negation. Consider
the example below.
I am not at all
responsible for you. |
ما أنا عليكم بحفيظ |
And many a time we find the subject preceded by
مِن also for the purposes of emphasizing the negation. In such a
situation, the predicate is often omitted. See the following example.
There is absolutely
no creature (in existence) except that He has a hold on its
forehead. |
وما من دابّة إلاّ هو آخذ بناصيتها |
Adverbial –
ما الظرفية
ما is widely considered to be a particle and it gives the meaning
of “as long as”. It comes before both perfect and imperfect verbs, and
specifically, it is popularly brought before an imperfect verb with
لم. But this does not mean that every
ما in this position will be
ما الظرفية.
If you divorce
women so long as you have not touched them |
إن طلّقتم النساء ما لم تمسوهنّ |
And it is also popularly brought before the verb
دام, in which case the
ما is both
ظرفية and
مصدرية. Consider the following.
And He enjoined
prayer and charity on me so long as I am alive. |
وأوصاني بالصلوة والزكوة ما دمت حيا |
Gerundival –
ما المصدرية
The indefinite pronoun
is used to introduce a clause equivalent to Masdar or infinitive and is
in that case called ......Hence its use in conditional clauses as "ma of
condition" or in reference to time 'ma of time". If added to certain
adverbial nouns, it gives them a conditional and general signification,
"ainama, haisoma" whenever, wherever;
Particle [مصدرية]
Gerundival. It renders the following perfect or imperfect verb into the
gerund meaning.
Much like the particle
أنْ, this
ما renders the following perfect or imperfect verb into the
gerund meaning. And it is a particle just like
ان. Below is an example of its usage.
And the land became
constricted upon you despite it being vast. |
وضاقت عليكم الأرض بما رحبت |
It is quite often seen after locative nouns such as
حين, and others. Below is an example.
So whoever changes
it after having heard it |
فمن بدّله بعدما سمعه ... |
And, in this capacity, it does not necessarily have
to be followed by a verb. Below is an example where it is followed by a
nominal sentence.
While I was walking |
بينما أنا أمشي ... |
Indefinite Adjectival –
ما النكرة الموصوفة
ما connects with the indefinite word prior to it, becoming an
adjective for it, and exaggerates the indefiniteness. It is a noun. For
example, compare “meet me at some time” and “meet me at any time at
all.” The Arabic equivalent is below.
Meet me at any time
at all. |
لاقني في وقت ما |
Indefinite Complete –
ما النكرة التامة
ما is a noun and it is used in the place of the word
شيء (thing) or something similarly abstract. It is used in very
particular situations, one of which is after the verb
نعم. In the example below, the
ما that connects to the verb
نعم could have been replaced by the abstract word “thing”:
What a great thing
the Arabic language is! |
نِعِمّا لسان العربية |
Another instance, and perhaps the only other one,
is the use of this
ما before a verb of astonishment (فعل
التعجب). In the example below, the
ما is in the place of the abstract word “person”. The deeper
translation of the example would be “what person (or even thing) is
greater than Zaid?!”
How great
Zaid is! |
ما أحسن زيدا |
Preventative –
ما الكافة
when appended to Inna, Lakinna, it hinders
their regimen and is called
ما comes after the
حروف مشبهة بالفعل. It is a particle and it stops these
حروف from carrying out their typical grammatical influence. In
the case of
إن especially, even the meaning is altered from “indeed” to that
of restriction. Below is an example.
Say: I am only a
man like yourselves. |
قل إنّما أنا بشر مثلكم |
Extraneous Particle Extra –
ما الزائدة
This is the
ما that comes extra and it is considered a particle. It typically
comes extra before particles and nouns of condition, as well as after
genitival particles. An example of the first as follows.
And the witnesses
should not refuse when they are called upon. |
ولا يأب الشهداء إذا ما دعوا |
And an example of the second is seen below. In some
cases, the
ما coming after a genitival particle has no effect, yet sometimes
it stops the particle from rendering the following word genitive. In the
example below, the
ما does not stop the effect of the particle.
So it is due to a
mercy from God that you were lenient towards them. |
فبما رحمةٍ من الله لنت لهم |
Term |
Function |
استفهامية |
used to ask a
question |
موصولة |
introduces a
relative clause |
نافية |
negates the past
tense verb |
مشبهة بـ"ليس" |
ليس in meaning and function |
ظرفية |
“as long as” |
مصدرية |
turns the following
verb/sentence into a gerund |
نكرة موصوفة |
emphasizes the
negation of a preceding noun |
نكرة تامة |
in place of the
word “thing” |
كافة |
comes after the
particles that resemble verbs |
زائدة |
extra |
Identify all the instances of
ما from the following sentences and describe the function of each
ما قلتُ لهم إلاّ ما أمرتَني به أن اعبد الله ربي وربكم. وكنتُ عليهم شهيدا
ما دمتُ فيهم
وجعلني مباركا أين ما كنتُ وأوصاني بالصلوة والزكوة ما دمتُ حيا
سنلقي في قلوب الذين كفروا الرعب بما أشركوا بالله ما لم ينزِّل به سلطانا
إنْ تُبدوا الصدَقاتِ فنِعِمَّا هي
قل إنّما حرّم ربي الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن
وما هو بمزحزحه من العذاب أن يُعمَّر. والله بصير بما يعملون
لها ما كسبت ولكم ما كسبتم. ولا تُسئلون عما كانوا يعملون
قال عما قليل ليُصبحنّ نادمين
ويقولون هو من عند الله وما هو من عند الله
وقال الإنسان ما لها
38. The word
ما has different meanings, depending on the context. It could mean
"what," and in this case you are expected to have a demonstrative
pronoun or a definite noun following it.
What is
ما هذا؟
What is his job?
ما عملـُهُ؟
When the question word
is followed by a verb in the past tense, it changes its own function to
a negation particle.
I did not eat at this restaurant.
ما أکلتُ في هذا المطعم.
Negation of Past Tense Verbs. There are two methods to negate the
verbs in past tense. The easy way is by using
ما before
the verb. The other is to use the negation particle
followed by the jussive form of the verb.
We didn’t
watch/see this movie.
ما شاهَدنا هذا الفلمَ.
لم نُشاهِدْ
هذا الفلمَ.
82. It has
been mentioned earlier that
ما can
be used as a question word and as a negation particle for the verb in
past tense. In addition, it can be used to be as a part of a nominalizer
as in:
قابلتـَهَ عندما سَکنَ في هذا البَيتِ.
I met him when he lived in this house.
ما (Revisited).We
mentioned earlier three possible ways of using this word. The fourth
possibility for using
ما is as a relative pronoun like
الذي. With that, it can introduce a relative clause for an
antecedent that is only expressed in a form of an object pronoun.
اُحِبُّ ما / الذي قـَرأتـُهُ هذا الأسبوعَ.
I like what I read this week.
Pronominal –
ما الموصولة
ما is a relative pronoun (a type of noun) used for inanimate
objects. Consequently, it is translated as “that which”, or simply
“that/what/which”. This is a very popular usage of the word. Consider
the following.

[in the present
time and space]
Mutta'qeena are those, who
accept/believe in that [Grand
which has since been sent to you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and they also
accept/believe that which was sent/revealed by Allah
[from the Book; not conjectural myths/books written by human
hands and captioned with names of Allah's Books-5:48]
in the times before you [which
you certified/sanctified with/in
[2:104][In conjunction read
Often there will be a pronoun in the
relative clause that refers back to this
ما. This will indicate that this word is in its pronominal
function. However, even if the pronoun has been dropped, the context is
almost always clear and sufficient to deduce which
ما is being used. In the example above, we would never employ the
translation “believe.... what has been sent/revealed to you?” This is
quite clear from the context.
ما, is negative. The difference is that this one enters upon a
nominal sentence, not a past tense verb. It acts like
ليس in both meaning as well as in the fact that it leaves the
subject of the sentence nominative and it renders the predicate
ليس, if the predicate is a single word or a short phrase, an
باء comes before it in order to emphasize the negation. Consider
the example below.
Relative pronoun
[and places where it has been used for negation those are of permanent
value, stay, habit etc????] (1)2:04(2)2:27(3)2:63(4)2:93(5)2:136(6)2:136(7)2:136(8)2:136(9)2:137(10)2:145(11)2:159(12)2:164(13)2:170(14)2:170(15)2:173(16)2:174(17)2:215(18)2:231(19)2:262(20)2:270(21)3:65(22)3:73(23)3:84(24)3:84(25)3:84(26)3:152(27)3:153(28)3:166(29)3:172(30)3:179(31)3:199(32)3:199(33)4:19(34)4:37(35)4:54(36)4:60(37)4:61(38)4:64(39)4:79(40)4:162(41)5:03(42)5:03(43)5:28(44)5:43(45)5:49(46)5:52(47)5:59(48)5:59(49)5:66(50)5:67(51)5:68(52)5:81(53)5:83(54)5:87(55)5:104(56)5:117(57)6:56(58)6:79(59)6:81(60)6:91(61)6:93(62)6:104(63)6:106(64)6:107(65)6:107(66)6:124(67)6:134(68)6:145(69)6:148(70)6:165(71)7:03(72)7:48(73)7:94(74)7:144(75)7:171(76)8:41(77)9:31(78)9:59(79)9:92(80)9:92(81)9:97(82)9:124(83)9:127(84)
Phrase. Prefixed exemplifying Noun "كَ"
Particle [مصدرية]
with prolongation sign,
in genitive state.
تشبيه بمعنى مثل/مضاف + اسم موصول
في محل جر-مضاف إليه
Phrase. Prefixed exemplifying Noun "كَ"
Particle [مصدرية]
with prolongation sign.
Hans-Wehr calls it a conjunction introducing a verbal
clause, as, just as, [introducing a main clause] equally, likewise, as
well, [introducing a nominal clause] as, just as, quite as, such as its
is, as things are, such being the matter. A
particle-Zamakhshari-Muhit. At all places except 7:138 all are verbal
clauses. To express purpose or consequence with the subordinate verb in
the subjunctive or the indicative imperfect. Final/consecutive clauses
are often introduced by the simple preposition like li, kay or by series
of a complex form having those elements as core like li an, kama,
likay..so that/in order that.. No morphological or syntactical feature
allows discerning purpose from consequence. (1)2:13(2)2:13(3)2:151(4)4:163(5)6:133(6)7:27(7)8:05(8)11:112(9)12:06(10)12:64(11)15:90(12)21:25(13)28:77(14)42:15(15)73:15=15
Conjunction فَ indicating cause
and effect +
Relative pronoun.
Prefixed exemplifying Noun +
Particle [مصدرية]
Gerundival. (1)2:108(2)2:146(3)2:167(4)2:183(5)2:198(6)2:239(7)2:275(8)2:282(9)2:286(10)4:47(11)4:89(12)4:104(13)6:20(14)6:94(15)6:110
9 taken above.
Prepositional phrase:
Prefixed preposition +
Relative Pronoun (1)2:41(2)2:66(3)2:89(4)2:91(5)2:97(6)2:101(7)3:03(8)3:50(9)3:81(10)4:47(11)5:46(12)5:46(13)5:48(14)10:57(15)11:107(16)12:68
Emphatic particle لَ +
Relative Pronoun. (1)2:74(2)2:74(3)2:74(4)68:38(5)68:39=5
-لام التوكيد-المزحلقة +
اسم الموصول |
Prepositional phrase:
Prefixed preposition +
Relative Pronoun (1)2:213(2)6:28(3)8:24(4)16:56(5)16:116(6)18:12(7)20:13(8)21:67(9)23:36(10)25:60(11)38:75(12)58:05(13)58:08=13
Emphatic particle لَ +
Relative Pronoun with prolongation sign. (1)3:81=1
and [الضَّرفيَّةُ] adverbial
, joining two
verbal clauses in a time sequence. (1)2:20(2)5:64(3)22:22(4)32:20(5)67:08=5
and [الضَّرفيَّةُ] adverbial
, joining two
verbal clauses in a time sequence.
which shows cause and effect + Prepositional Phrase: لِ
Prefixed preposition +
Interrogative Noun [
whose Alif is elided].
Phrase: لِ
Prefixed preposition +
Interrogative Noun [
whose Alif is elided].
22 taken avove
أداة مؤلفة من كلمتين هما:
كاف التشبيه،
المصدرية. وتختصّ بالدخول على
الجمل اسميةً وفعليةً، نحو: [اُدرسْ
كما درس خالد] و[أنت مجتهد كما
خالدٌ مجتهد].
* *
نماذج فصيحة من استعمال [كما]
قال زياد الأعجم:
فإن الحُمْر مِن شرِّ المطايا كما الحبِطاتُ
شَرُّ بني تميمِ
(الحبطات: هم بنو الحارث بن عمرو بن تميم).
[الحبطاتُ] مبتدأ، و[شرُّ] خبره. وقد دخلت [كما] على
جملة اسمية.
وقال نهشل بن حرِّي، يرثي أخاه:
أخٌ ماجدٌ لم يَخْزُني يوم مشهدٍ كما سيفُ
عمرولم تَخُنْهُ مَضارِبُهْ
(عمرو: هو عمرو بن معديكرب، واسم سيفه: الصمصامة).
[سيفُ] مبتدأ، وجملة [لم تخنه...] خبره. وقد دخلت
[كما] على جملة اسمية.
كما صَبَرَ أُولُو العَزْمِ مِن الرُّسُل[
(الأحقاف 46/35)
[صبر أولو...] جملة مؤلفة من فعل ماضٍ وفاعل، دخلت
عليها [كما]، وذلك من دخولها على الجمل الفعلية.
يألَمُونَ كما تألَمُون[
(النساء 4/104)
[تألمون] جملة مؤلفة من فعلٍ مضارع وفاعلٍ هو واو
الضمير. دخلت عليها [كما]، وذلك من دخولها على الجمل الفعلية.
ومن أمثالهم السائرة: [كما
تَدين تُدان] (مجمع الأمثال
أداة مؤلفة من [كلّ] و [ما]. وتُجمِع كتب الصناعة على أنّ
[كلّ] منصوبة على الظرفية. وأمّا [ما] فمصدرية ظرفية. فالمعنى في قوله
دخلَ عليها زكريّا المحراب وجد عندها رِزْقاً[
(آل عمران 3/37) هو: كلَّ وقتِ دخول:
[كلَّ]: ظرف زمان منصوب وهو مضاف، متعلق بالجواب المعنوي الذي هو
[ما]: مصدرية ظرفية. والمصدر المؤول منها ومن الفعل بعدها
في محل جرّ مضاف إليه.
تدخل [كلّما] على
الفعل الماضي، وتفيد التكرار، ولا بدّ لها من جواب.
وفيه دخول [كما] على جملة فعلية.