
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.












Time Adverb

The particle idha can have a conditional as well as temporal function. In that case the content of the condition refers to the future. In this case the particle is often followed by a verb in the past tense with a future meaning. Since a particle with a conditional meaning is involved the condition always will have to be completed by a result clause which is the case for all conditional particles. As for this particle is concerned it is necessary that the conditional element in the sentence refers to a known case which will happen in any case. Consequently there may be no doubt about the conditions taking place. This way is stressed the temporal character of the condition. [when you stand for prayer]

Adverb is defined as a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence, e.g. "happily," "very," or "frankly".

The particle idha can refer to the future without having a conditional meaning. Here too the verb is in the past tense, but it has a future meaning. [53:01; 92:01]

The temporal particle idha can also refer to the past. Then the particle holds the function of "iz", as an example 62:11or 9:92.

Use of the particle as a noun. In that case it is preceded by "hatta" 39:71. [for this term zaida is used]

As alfujai- iza of surprise. It differs from other uses since in this case it is always followed by a nominal sentence and never by a verb phrase. It also differs because the conditional particle iza is always followed by an answer whereas this is not the case with iza al-fujai. Moreover it does not refer to the future time but to the present time. This is an example of surprise which occurs in the present time; 20:20. It is characterized by the fact that it is always linked to conjunction fa.

An adverb is a part of speech. It is any word that modifies any part of language other than a noun (modifiers of nouns are primarily adjectives and determiners). Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs.

Adverbs typically answer questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent?. In English, they often end in -ly. This function is called the adverbial function, and is realized not just by single words (i.e., adverbs) but by adverbial phrases and adverbial

Degree, manner, place and time. There are others also mafool le.ajal, mafool lahu; and the accusative of tameez.

Adverbs of degree describe and quantify concepts such as intensity [very, considerably, particularly], measurement "one by one", or amount [a little, a great deal, completely]

فَقَطْ Only, Solely. This adverb is a commonly used adverb of limitation. It is invariably in form and ends with a sukoon.

Adverbial modification is often managed in Arabic by using adjectives or nouns in accusative case. كثيرا, قليلا,تماماً

أجَمع This adverbial accusative of degree is a comparative adjective. It is not nunated because the word is diptote.

Repeated noun of measurement. In these expressions a noun in the accusative is repeated in order to indicate gradual sequencing. [فردا فردا] "one by one" individual by individual".


Interrogative particle + Separate Adverbial Particle, [Conditional and temporal function] referring to time-frame of a fact/happening/phenomenon. (1)13:05(2)17:49(3)17:98(4)19:66(5)23:82(6)27:67(7)32:10(8)37:16(9)37:53(10)50:03(11)79:11=11

                                                                                                         الهمزة- للاستفهام + ظرف زمان


Interrogative particle + Adverbial Particle, [Conditional and temporal function] referring to time-frame of a fact/happening/phenomenon. (1)56:47=1                                                                                            الهمزة- للاستفهام + ظرف زمان


  Separate Adverbial Particle-having a conditional as well as temporal function.


Separate Adverbial Particle with prolongation sign.


 Subjunctive particle/Separate Adverbial Particle. (1)2:145(2)4:67(3)4:140(4)5:106(5)5:107(6)6:56(7)7:90(8)10:106(9)11:31(10)12:14(11)12:79(12)15:08(13)17:42(14)17:73(15)17:75(16)17:76(17)17:100(18)18:14(19)18:20(20)18:57(21)23:34(22)23:91(23)26:20(24)26:42(25)29:48(26)33:16(27)36:24(28)53:22(29)54:24(30)79:12=30










  Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence +   Time Adverb. (1)2:200(2)2:222(3)2:234(4)3:159(5)4:06(6)4:81(7)4:102(8)4:103(9)4:103(10)5:23(11)6:44(12)7:34(13)7:107(14)7:108(15)7:117(16)7:131(17)7:201(18)9:05(19)10:47(20)15:29(21)16:04(22)16:61(23)16:98(24)17:05(25)17:07(26)17:104(27)18:98(28)20:20(29)20:66(30)21:18(31)21:97(32)22:36(33)23:27(34)23:28(35)23:101(36)24:61(37)24:62(38)26:32(39)26:33(40)26:45(41)27:45(42)28:07(43)28:18(44)29:65(45)33:19(46)33:19(47)33:53(48)35:45(49)36:29(50)36:37(51)36:51(52)36:53(53)36:77(54)37:19(55)37:177(56)38:72(57)39:49(58)39:68(59)40:68(60)40:78(61)41:34(62)47:04(63)47:21(64)55:37(65)62:10(66)65:02(67)67:16(68)69:13(69)74:08(70)75:07(71)75:18(72)77:08(73)79:14(74)79:34(75)80:33(76)94:07=76


  Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence + Time Adverb with prolongation sign. (1)2:196(2)2:198(3)2:239(4)4:25(5)22:05(6)29:10(7)30:48(8)36:80(9)41:39(10)47:20=10


Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause/reason-sequence and effect/consequence + (1)4:53=1




1)  Time Adverb.  (1)2:11(2)2:13(3)2:14(4)2:14(5)2:76(6)2:76(7)2:91(8)2:117(9)2:170(10)2:177(11)2:180(12)2:186(13)2:186(14)2:196(15)2:205(16)2:206(17)2:231(18)2:232(19)2:232(20)2:233(21)2:282(22)2:282(23)2:282(24)3:25(25)3:47(26)3:119(27)3:119(28)3:135(29)3:152 (30)3:156(31)4:06(32)4:08(33)4:18(34)4:41(35)4:58(36)4:61(37)4:77(38)4:83(39)4:86(40)4:94(41)4:101(42)4:102(43)4:140(44)4:142(45)5:02(46)5:06(47)5:58(48)5:61(49)5:83(50)5:89(51)5:93(52)5:104(53)5:105(54)5:106(55)6:25(56)6:31(57)6:44(58)6:54(59)6:61(60)6:68(61)6:109(62)6:124(63)6:152(64)7:28(65)7:37(66)7:38(67)7:47(68)7:135(69)7:201(70)7:203(71)7:204(72)8:02(73)8:02(74)8:15(75)8:24(76)8:31(77)8:45(78)9:38(79)9:59(80)9:91(81)9:92(82)9:94(83)9:95(84)9:118(85)9:122(86)9:124(87)9:127(88)10:12(89)10:15(90)10:21(91)10:22(92)10:23(93)10:49(94)10:51(95)11:40(96)12:62(97)12:110(98)

2) Time Adverb with prolongation sign.  (1)2:20(2)2:156(3)4:62(4)5:05(5)6:99(6)6:141(7)7:57(8)9:86(9)10:21(10)10:24(11)10:90(12)11:102(13)13:11(14)16:40(15)17:16 (16)17:83(17)18:77(18)23:64(19)24:40(20)25:13(21)25:67(22)27:18(23)30:20(24)30:25(25)30:33(26)30:36(27)36:82(28)41:51(29)42:39 (30)42:48(31)47:04(32)60:10(33)67:07(34)74:34=34


5)6)8 taken above


Subjunctive particle. This particle is usually used to denote a reply [aljwabo] to a preceding expression and requital [aljazao] of a conditional clause occurring before it. The difference between a reply and requital is that the reply is merely a response to the expression coming before it. The requital is a clause found in response to a conditional governing agent occurring before it. Wherein the conjunctive particle "fa" initiates the clause containing the requital, this particle usually governs a verb in the clause which is the requital of a conditional clause preceding it.

Essential factors in particle's accusative government:

First, that the particle is used for reply or requital; Second, that the particle initiates the expression, meaning that it should not be in apposition or following another word. Third, that the meaning of the expression is interpreted in the future-tense.

When a separator occurs between the particle and the verb which it governs, the particle governs in the nominative. Excepted from this rule are the words signifying oaths or verbs negated with La Nafia..

Whenever this particle follows Waw and Fa there are two perspectives regarding the Irab of verb. When these particles indicate the requital of a condition then it is permissible that the verb governed by it may be nominative or accusative, example 17:76 where perspective of the nominal state is due to the particle Izin following the conjunctive particle waw  which is in apposition with the verb which is nominative.