Root: ر ب و
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 20
b) No of constructions: 14
Nouns: 8; Recurrence: 13; Verbs: 6; Recurrence: 7 [Form-I: 5; Form-II: 1; Form-IV: 1]
Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] had described the basic perception infolded in the Root in these words:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الراء والباء والحرف المعتل وكذلك المهموز منه
يدلُّ على أصلٍ واحد،
وهو الزِّيادة والنَّماء والعُلُوّ.
That it leads to the perception of increase, augmentation, raise; and growth; and altitude, elevation, superiority.
Lane Lexicon : It (a thing, increased, or augmented. It increased by usury
hill, elevated part of the land, to go on top of the hill, to be out of breath, asthma, to raise, to grow under someone care, swelling; usury.
And the illustration for those who heartily spend their worldly resources with the objective to seek the approval-appreciation of Allah the Exalted and to sustain belief of their inner selves:
It is like a garden at a hilly place:
A heavy rain watered it. Thereat, it yielded two-fold produce.
However, if no heavy rain watered it even then dewfall-drizzling suffices to produce good yield.
And Allah the Exalted is ever watching the acts which you people perform. [2:265]
And We have declared-rendered the son of Mar'yam [the truthful] and his mother as unprecedented indicative sign for the humanity.
And rescuing them from eminent life threat We had given both of them refuge towards an elevated-mountainous place; characteristically a place of long safe stay and verdurous- flourishing with springs. [23:50]
Those who devour incremental gains on lent money/capital they stand not except just like the standing of that person whom Cobra transforms [خَابِطٌ] confounded-diplopic, caused by bite.
This parable for their transformation is for the reason that they said to people; "The credit sale is just like the extra gain charged on lent money/capital; usury."
Realize the difference and distance between two; Allah the Exalted has declared the credit sale as permissible and has prohibited the incremental gain/usury on lent money/capital.
Therefore, he whom advice; information about the difference between credit sale of goods and usury, conveyed by his Sustainer Lord has reached and in compliance thereof he has diligently abstained indulging in it, thereat, the past finalized transactions are for him while his matter rests with Allah the Exalted.
And mind it; if someone reverts to it-usury;
Thereby such deviants will be the residents-inmates of the scorching Hell-Prison.
They will abide therein permanently. [2:275]
O those people/you, who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
You people remain mindful and self cautious to avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.
And give up what is outstanding part of incremental gain on lent money/capital;
If you people have been true believers then you must forego the remaining extra charge on lent money. [2:278]
Thereby, if you people have not acted upon the injunction, then be warned of the proclamation from Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him the Exalted about rendering the wealth spoiled and of no avail.
And if you have reverted away from usury, thereby, the principal amount of you people is legitimately due to be returned to you.
In this situation neither you people do a wrong nor a wrong is done to you. [2:279]
O those people/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
You should not devour usury: exorbitant gain on lent money, cumulatively compounded//build-up of an ever increasing debt.
And you people consciously remain mindful and avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted.
Adopt this attitude so that you people may attain-reap the fruits of perpetual success. [3:130]
And for the reason of their taking exorbitant gains on capital while they were prohibited and directed to remain away from practicing it;
And for consuming the property and wealth of people illicitly through deception-scamming.
Take note; We have prepared for persistently denying people amongst them a humbling chastisement, one of humiliation. [4:161]
Another illustrative example is the synonymous group of extend, increase, expand. They share a general sense but have different implications: [27] The company has decided to increase its sales by ten per cent next year. [28] The owner of the restaurant is going to extend the kitchen by ten feet this year. [29] The metal will expand if heated. Each of the three terms expresses a different kind of enlargement.
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اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد مذكر |
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اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد مؤنث |
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Verbs Form-I
Verbs Form-II
Verbs Form-IV