o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Arifa: This waw links words to words and sentences to sentences; According to Kyffan grammarians this waw points out an order [tartib]. According to others this is not the case. The conjunction waw points to a connection which does not elucidate order. (2) The subjuntivizing waw In these cases the verb following was is in subjunctive (3) was "Istinafia" or "al ibtadia" The recommencing Waw .This particle simply connects two sentences which can also occur separately. (4) Al halia- Circumstantial waw . Only Waw and never Fa can introduce a circumstantial clause. (4) Waw Qasam; waw of oath. (5) Comitative Waw. [Concomitance] The noun following this particle always stands in the accusative. (6) Waw Rubba [waw in meaning of many] (7) Waw "al-lusuq" Adversative waw. This waw connects a sentence which holds the function of an adjective with the other sentence. [you dislike and may be it is better for you]
Conjunction-حرف عطف
a) Total occurrences: b) No of constructions: Waw: {atf] It occurs at all levels of text "to signal an additive relationship". "And" is discourse coordinator, the presence of "and" signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to some prior unit. (a) Sentence starter: Sentences within an expository text after the introductory sentence are often initiated with "wa" "and" and/or other connective expression. (b) The coordinating conjunction "wa" functions as an additive term within sentences to link clauses, phrases, and words. In particular, Arabic uses wa in lists where in English a comma would be used to separate each item. The items in the list retain the case determined by their role in the sentence.
4) [زائدة], Conjunction; (1)2:12(2)2:13(3) 5) [الاعتراضية], Conjunction for parenthetic; (1)2:24(2) 6)
[حالية] The particle serves to connect two clauses, the second of which describes the state or condition either of the subject or one of the complements of the first clause, or else of a new subject. This takes place in such a way that: (a) The clause descriptive of the state is nominal; like which has a finite verb for its predicate; [ii} the circumstantial clause has a distinct subject; [iii] circumstantial clause has a distinct subject and a finite verb for its predicate. [2:22] (b) The clause descriptive of the state is verbal and affirmative, the verb being in the Imperfect Indicative, preceded by وَ قَدْ, (c) The clause descriptive of the state is verbal and negative, the verb being in the Imperfect Jussive, preceded by وَ لَمْ, or the Imperfect Indicative, preceded by وَ مَا, verse 2:08 (d) The clause descriptive of the state is verbal and affirmative, the verb being in the Perfect, preceded by وَ قَدْ, sometimes وَ قَد is omitted, and rarely one of two alone, (e) The clause descriptive of the state is verbal and negative, the verb being in the Perfect, preceded by وَ مَاْ, or rarely by مَا alone; 3)
الواو على وجوه أشهرها: ¨ العاطفة: ومعناها مطلق الجمع، فتعطف الشيء على مصاحِبِه، وسابقِه ولاحقِه، من غير دلالة على الترتيب أو عكسه أو المصاحبة. ففي نحو: [سافر زهيرٌ وسعيدٌ] يُحتمَل أن يكون كلٌّ منهما سافر قبل صاحبه، كما يُحتَمل أن يكونا سافرا معاً. وتمتاز الواو من سائر أحرف العطف - عدا ما تقدّم - بأحكام، أشهرها:
¨ الاستئنافية: نحو: ]لنبيِّنَ لكم ونُقِرُّ في الأرحام ما نشاء] (3) ¨ الاعتراضية: وتقع بين مُتَطالِبَيْن: (كالمبتدأ والخبر - الفعل وفاعله - الفعل ومفعوله - الموصوف وصفته) نحو: إنّ الثمانين - وبُلِّغْتَها - قد أَحْوَجَتْ سَمْعي إلى تَرجُمانْ ¨ الحاليّة: وتدخل على الجملة الاسمية والفعلية نحو: [سافرت والمطر منهمر، وعدت وقد انقطع]. ¨ واو المعية: وينتصب بعدها الفعل المضارع، لعطفه على اسمٍ صريح أو مؤوَّل.
ولُبسُ عباءةٍ وتقرَّ عيني أحبُّ إليَّ مِن لُبسِ الشُّفوفِ
- فالنفي نحو: ]أم حسبتم أنْ تدخلوا الجنّة ولمّا يعلمِ اللّهُ الذين جاهدوا منكم ويعلمَ الصابرين[ - والطلب نحو: لا تنهَ عن خُلُقٍ وتأتيَ مثلَهُ عارٌ عليكَ إذا فعلتَ عظيمُ ¨ واو المفعول معه: نحو: [سرت والجبلَ](4). ¨ واو القسَم: وهي حرفُ جرٍّ، نحو: ]والتينِ والزيتون] (5). ¨ واو ربَّ: ولا تدخل إلاّ على اسمٍ نكرة مجرور بـ [ربَّ] محذوفة(6) نحو: وليلٍ كموجِ البحر أَرْخَى سدولَهُ عليَّ بأنواعِ الهمومِ ليبتلي ¨ ضمير رفع، في نحو: [كانوا سافروا، وقد يعودون]. ¨ علامة رفع، في الأسماء الخمسة، وجمع المذكّر السالم، نحو: [سافر أخوك ومعلّموه]. ¨ زائدة، نحو أن تُسْألَ: [أسافرت؟] فتجيب: [لا وعافاك الله].