Arabic term: قَرْضٌ: Perception and meanings.
It is a verbal Noun [مصدر]
derived from Root "ق ر ض".
Ibn Faris [died 1005] described its basic
القاف والراء والضاد أصلٌ صحيحٌ، وهو يدلُّ على القطع. يقال: قَرَضت الشيءَ بالمقراض.
That it leads to the perception of cutting off, shearing from a thing; and a cutting tool is called المقراض. Lane's Lexicon quotes its primary signification as cutting a thing, garment, a piece of cloth, and bread.
Grand Qur'aan has 13 occurrences of words made from this Root. It is always used for a financial dealing with Allah the Exalted, and not as dealing between persons. Thereby, according to Qur'aan, it does not signify what is ordinarily and legally meant by the term "loan".
All the occurrences are mentioned hereunder:
Would there be someone who heartily gifts Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from his wealth: financially helps people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted?
Whereby He the Exalted might reciprocally inflate it in his favour in tremendous magnitude.
Be encouraged by the fact that only Allah the Exalted restricts to measure and expands the sustenance-affluence.
And be mindful; you will be presented before Him the Exalted for accountability. [2:245]
This interrogative sentence again finds mention with a similar response clause:
Would there be someone who heartily gifts Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from his wealth: financially helps people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted?
Thereby, He the Exalted might reciprocally extensively inflate it in his favour.
Be aware; a par excellence reward is ready-in wait for him. [57:11]
It is adjectival phrase. Its role in the sentence can be taken as second
object of the verb or as cognate adverb [المفعول
It is modified, adjectively portrayed by Adjective resembling participle:
Adjective resembling participle, or termed
as Verbal Adjective, is a noun derived from an
intransitive verb in order to signify the
one who establishes an action or state with the meaning of permanence.
Its Root is:
ح س ن.
The basic perception
infolded in it is that of balance and proportion. An exacting balance
and proportion makes a thing appropriate and beautiful which
is positively delightful. This phrase thus denotes "act and state of
shearing which is beautifully proportioned and is of permanent nature".
Throughout Grand Qur'aan the term used is:
If you people gift to Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from wealth: financially help people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted;
He the Exalted would increase and inflate it for you.
And He the Exalted would forgive granting protection for you people.
Be aware; Allah the Exalted is the Recognizer, the Acknowledger and the Most Appreciative; and is Most Forbearing; imperturbably over looking/forgiving. [64:17]
This was also an article of Covenant of the Sons of Iesraa'eel alai'his'slaam: the posterity from the second Son of Iebra'heim alai'his'slaam.
And that you people gifted to Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from wealth: financially helped people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted. [Refer 5:12]
Before we read the remaining occurrences in the meanings of a
transaction with Allah the Exalted, let us see an occurrence of this
Root in its general meanings:
Know it, if you go the location of that cave you would have seen the Sun, when it rose, angles aside their cave on the right;
And when it set, it cuts-leaves them aside on the left;
While they were located sleeping in the open space within that cave.
This positioning of the cave with relation to Sun's movement is part of the evident signs of Allah the Exalted. [Refer 18:17]
Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular;
feminine; Mood:
Indicative; Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third Person; plural; masculine; in
accusative state; مصدر-قَرْضٌ Verbal noun.
The imaging of the map of the Cave is at the time of rising of the Sun
and its setting. While rising it tilts away from the Cave
at its right side, while at setting it is imaged in relation to those
pious youngsters who were sleeping in the open space within the Cave.
The Sun leaves them aside on the left which shows that its rays-setting
location is slightly on the right side of the sleepers.
The people who gift Allah the Exalted:
also leave aside the human beneficiaries. They are the generous men and
Indeed those generous men and generous women who had heartily gifted Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from their wealth: financially helped people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted;
He the Exalted will render it increasing and inflating relatively manifold for them.
Be aware; a par excellence reward is ready-in wait for them. [57:18]
Active participles Form-V,
Verbal Noun, with Ta assimilated: The generous men and the generous
women who shear a part of their wealth for Allah the Exalted as
"shearing a part from the whole
which is beautifully proportioned and is of permanent nature". These men
and women give to people what is called
the donations-funding-gifts-grants. The
fact that
is but the:
is evident from the fact that we do not find
lenders mentioned in the elaborate list of people who will be rewarded a
splendid return; but we do find
in the list:
Know the certain fact about those who have these characteristics of conduct: The Muslim men and the women;
And the Believing Men and the women;
And the obediently and respectfully standing Men and Women;
And the Truthful Men and the Truthful Women;
And the coolly persistent and perseverant Men and the Women;
And the humble Men and the humble Women;
And the generous Men and the Women;
And the Fasting Men and the Women;
And the Men guarding their chastity-genitalia and the Women guarding their chastity;
And the Men who frequently remember and mention Allah the Exalted and the like Women:
Allah the Exalted has arranged for them a preserve and a splendid return/reward. [33:35]
Allah the Exalted inflates the sheared part of the wealth of the donors in their permanent deposit accounts, opened and maintained for their real and truly living life of the Hereafter. It is His promise that their sheared wealth is safe and returns of it are the best and the greatest:
And you heartily gift to Allah the Exalted a goodwill shearing from your wealth: financially help people only for seeking approval and appreciation of Him the Exalted;
And should you advance in the future for your selves anything substantive; you would find it secure with Allah the Exalted;
You would find it most substantive and magnified, by way of returns/reward. [Ref 73:20]
The antonym of :
mentioned in Qur'aan is:
Allah the Exalted spoils the incremental gain on lent capital [usury-interest-profit]. And He the Exalted enlarges the returns of the donations-funding-gifts-grants.
Be mindful, Allah the Exalted does not appreciate and approve for nearness everyone who is stubbornly ingrate with persistent laggardly psyche. [2:276]
Allah the Exalted
has used the same verb:
in respect of:
which is the intent of a money lender-usurer to
enlarge returns on lent money. The difference is that:
the material gain in the worldly life which is naturally bound to
perish; while the splendid returns on
are permanently secure in the account multiplying
almost infinitely. Those who practice usury have a very narrow vision of
life, while
are the enlightened people who see life as an unending phenomenon and
thereby invest and save permanently for their future life.
The Root of
is "ص د ق".
Learned Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated in
his classic
مقاييس اللغة
الصاد والدال والقاف أصلٌ
يدلُّ على قوّةٍ
في الشيء قولاً وغيرَه. من ذلك الصِّدْق:
خلاف الكَذِبَ، سمِّيَ لقوّته في نفسه، ولأنَّ الكذِبَ لا قُوَّة له، هو
That it leads to the perception of strength, solidity, intensity, force, effectiveness of a thing, be it a verbal statement or otherwise. It is thus used for a veracious statement since it has the inherent strength of accuracy and precision. Its antonym is a lie and false statement since it lacks strength, effectiveness and durability; it is like scum.
Active participle: They are the
persons who accept and relate the truth.
Hyperbolic Noun/Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle: Definite; sound plural;
Masculine; nominative; ( مصدر-صِدْقٌ
Verbal Noun). They are the persons who
are persistently truthful; they accept and say nothing but the truth.
participle: Plural; masculine; Accusative; [Form IV].
They are the persons who affirm the veracities.
Active participles Form-V,
Verbal Noun. They are the persons who donate;
perform act of strength and durability. This act of theirs tangibly
affirms the sincerity of their firstly being
The nature and
mannerism prescribed for
its and meanings of
A verbal pleasantry remark of explicit import and to excuse and overlook veiling the faults of others is far better than that donation to which an embarrassment remains attached.
And remember; Allah the Exalted is the Transcendent; the absolutely independent of all that exists, and eternally imperturbably overlooking and forgiving. [2:263]
O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
You should not render your gifts of generosity as worthless scum by reproach/pronouncing account of it and by causing embarrassment to the recipient;
Like he who spends his wealth as a worldly pomp and show; pleasure of ostentatious display and he in fact believes not in Allah the Exalted nor the Last Day. [Refer 2:264]
And you the husbands give to the wives the committed bridal financial right: agreed financial obligation of them. The consideration and manner of discharging your liability be an act and state of a pleasant gift given with love-affection-respect.
However, for reason of it being a promised obligation, if they offer-remit any part of it for you of their own pleasure; you should consume it enjoying without any perception-fear of harm-negative implication. [4:04]
Noun: It is used as cognate adverb in the sentence. The other word of
its Root used in Qur'aan is
the bees, who manufacture honey in a quantity far more than their own
need. And honey is a healer. This illustrates the other term for
is a statutory obligation. Its Root is "ء ج ر".
The basic perception infolded and signification is that of recompense
and reward; and reparation of a fractured-cracked bone. It denotes
remuneration for rendering a service. Metonymically, it refers to
wedding gift. However, use of this word with reference to newly
wed-wives is elaborated and defined as pleasant gift, magnanimous
that one can afford, which is given without consideration of reciprocal
service [refer 4:4]. The fractured-cracked bone heals naturally and so
has the honey the healing effect. The manner and magnitude of giving the
pleasant gift of wedding is described by the Cognate Adverb
Noun: Indefinite; accusative]. There is no parallel of Arabic language
in subtleties and delicacies, one will have to agree.
The gifts of generosity also serve as cleanser and elevator for the
donor person and these earn the acknowledgment and appreciation of the
elevated Messenger and Allah the Exalted.
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] accept as gift of generosity for public utilization some part of their wealth;
You cleanse them and improve-uplift them by utilizing their generosity;
And you bless upon them approval and appreciation. Indeed your approval and appreciation is a source of tranquility for them.
Know it; Allah the Exalted eternally the Listener, the All-Knowledgeable. [9:103]
Have they yet not known that Allah the Exalted indeed accepts the repentance and regrets from His subjects?
And that He the Exalted does acknowledge the gifts of generosity?
The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Fountain of Mercy. [9:104]
Every good deed sincerely performed in reverence of Allah the Exalted and His elevated Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam eradicates the dilapidating effect of acts of omissions and commission. This renders a man cleansed as the filth attached with him in the record is removed away from him. It makes him lighter and elevated:
If you people cause the gifts seen publicly; gifts given at ceremonial occasions, thereat, notwithstanding what is it, it is a praiseworthy gift.
And should you people opt to keep those gifts secret, and should you donate those to the needy, its consequence is the best for you people.
And He; Allah the Exalted will cause the deletion-hiding away from you people some of your recorded misdemeanors.
And remain mindful; Allah the Exalted is aware of all acts which you people keep doing. [2:271]
Allah the Exalted has therefore ordered the believers to hasten spending some part of the wherewithal given to them by His Majesty:
Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people in times before the death might reach someone of you;
Whereat he might say: "My Sustainer Lord! why not You the Exalted granted me a respite-delayed for a little more time;
That would have enabled me to become generous donor, and I should have been amongst the righteous-perfectionists. [63:10]
The gifts of generosity are meant for identified
people and purposes:
Take note, the gifts of generosity [including those in the state treasury] are only for the needy, and the destitute; and the managerial staff upon its management;
And for those whose hearts are absorbed in the cause of Allah [restraining their movement-2:273];
And for freeing the captive necks and the serf/under-debt; and for any other good cause for the sake of Allah; and for the wayfarer.
Subject to availability of gifts of generosity in state treasury this determination of deserving ones is ordained-apportioned by Allah the Exalted.
Remain cognizant; Allah the Exalted is the Fountain and Setter of knowledge-science of visible and invisible domains, realities. considerations; and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm. [9:60]