
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


Cobra finds mention in Grand Qur'aan































































































































































































































Root: ش ط ن

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 88  [85 occurrences for famous Devil and 3 occurrences as Cobra snake]

b) No of constructions: 12

1. Perception and meanings mentioned in Lexicons.

2. Representative of Species Jinn named Ieb'lees is characterized by specific name subsequent to exposure of his distinctive qualities of mind and feeling.

3.  Cobra is also identified by the name .

We find the following about this Root in the Classic Lexicons:-

Ibne Faris [died 1005]

(شطن) الشين والطاء والنون أصلٌ مطّرد صحيح يدلُّ على البُعد.

 والشَّطَن: الحَبْل. وهو القياس، لأنَّه بعيدُ ما بينَ الطَّرَفين.

وَأمَّا الشَّيطان فقال قوم: هو من هذا الباب، والنون فيه أصليّة، فسُمِّي بذلك لبُعده عن الحقّ وتمرُّده. وذلك أنّ كلَّ عاتٍ متمرّدٍ من الجنّ والإنس والدوابّ شيطان

وقيل إنّه أرادَ الحيّات: وذلك أنَّ الحيَّة تسمَّى شيطاناً

Lisan al-`arab

والشيطانُ: حَيَّةٌ له عُرْفٌ.

Taj -al-`arus

(و) الشيطانُ:(الحيَّةُ) و قِيل: نوعٌ من الحيّاتِ له عُرْفٌ  قبيح المنْظر; و قيل: هي حيَّةٌ رقيقة خفيفة

Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon, based on the classical Arabic lexicons such as those above

The basic perception infolded in the Root is that of becoming something distant or remote. It is therefore primarily a relational word-Root since one thing gets distant and remote in relation to another thing. It is used to refer particularly to a long Rope perhaps with an understanding that its two ends are turned distant away from each other. It is used by Arabs to refer to a snake for reason that it turns distant away from men. It is also said that it is one species amongst snakes which is odious in view.

3.  Cobra is also identified by the name .

The Grand Qur'aan has confirmed that the word: was and is used by Arabs to refer to Cobra, a peculiar species of snakes.

  • Those who devour incremental gains on lent money/capital they endeavour-stand not except just like the standing of that person whom Cobra transforms [خَابِطٌ] confounded-diplopic, caused by bite.

  • This parable for their transformation is for the reason that they said to people; "The credit sale is just like the extra gain charged on lent money/capital; usury";

  • Realize the difference and distance between two; Allah the Exalted has declared the credit sale as permissible and has prohibited the incremental gain/usury on lent money/capital. [Refer 2:275

Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative [Form-V]; Suffixed Fronted Object pronoun, in accusative state;  مصدر-تَخَبُّطٌ Verbal Noun. Form-V verbs have transformative meanings. The basic perception conveyed by this state, as was mentioned by Ibne Faris [died-1005] and Lane's Lexicon is tramping;  going or journeying without direction, or one who beats the ground with his foot and know not in what land he is going; either because of the darkness or because he is blind. It is a confusion-directionless state. The subject of Verb causing this state through physical touch/bite is . The reason for exemplification specifies that they see and describe two different things as identical and similar in nature. The Cobra bite also renders its victim in confusion and diplopic.    

  • It is a fact that it: Az-Zaquem is a female tree. It emerges in the bottom of Hell-Prison. [37:64]

  • The fruit bearing Spathe of her [feminine tree] exemplifies alike if it were the heads/hoods of Cobras. [37:65]

In this Unitary Verbal Passage, the Spathe of a specific plant named: that grows in the base of Hell-Prison is exemplified. Exemplification of an unseen or unknown object is done to let the reader or listener perceive it by mentioning its similarity with some object that is already in his perception. The exemplification is never of two objects both of which are not within the perception of the listener or reader. The listeners and readers of Qur'aan have neither seen the tree named:  nor have ever seen: "the heads of the Devil-". Therefore, all such translations who ignored the basic principle of exemplification denoted by are patently incorrect, notwithstanding our acknowledgement of their scholarly skills.

Spathe as a part of a plant is a well known object for human beings. It is also part of Date-Palm, well known to Arabs, who were the first listeners and readers of Qur'aan. Spathe of Date Palm has also some resemblance with the head/hood of Cobra.

         Cobra                                                                     Date Palm-Spathe

Away from Arabian Peninsula, Men know about some plants, like Cobra Lilli, Japanese Cobra Lily, Arisaema nepenthoides-Eastern Himalayan species,  that have spathe closely resembling hoods of Cobra.

The cobra lily is a carnivorous plant usually found in Northern California and Oregon. It gets its name from its appearance, reminiscent of a cobra’s reared head and hood, with dangling petals that look like a snake’s tongue.
It typically grows in acidic, nutrient-poor soil, within bogs or seeps with cold running water. Due to the nature of the soil it grows in, it gets most of sustenance from insects, which enter the plant under the hood. The true exit hole is hidden from the trapped insect by curling it closed, and numerous translucent false exits are revealed. The insect, unable to climb free due to the lubricated walls and fatigue from buzzing around the false exits, falls into the plant and is digested by the mixture of water, bacteria, and digestive enzymes that the plant has.

 Japanese Cobra Lily                      Arisaema nepenthoides                                             Cobra Lilli


  • Moreover, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention Our Sincere Allegiant, Ayub [alai'his'slaam].

  • Mention this episode when he called upon his Sustainer Lord, saying, "It is a fact that I am in pain, the Cobra has bitten me causing fatigue and pain". [38:41]

In view of the fact that the word: does denote the snake/serpent and the effect of its bite/touch reported as fatigue and pain left no room to interpret it in the meanings of otherwise famous the Devil. The response from Allah the Exalted not only further exposes this fact but also provides the information as to the location/area where this incident had happened, the desert. Allah the Exalted advised Ayub alahissalam to undertake this treatment, first aid.

  • Allah the Exalted responded, advising, "You prod the ground with your heel/foot. [he did it water came up].

  • This is cleanser/cleansing location [to wash the wound to remove away venom]. It gives cooling-soothing effect [pain reducing therapy]. It is also drinkable". [38:42]

There are certain spots, termed oasis in the deserts where water-spring is available immediately below the surface. He was asked to prod at that point with his heel/foot whereupon the water emerged thereat. This shows us the location of incidence of suffering fatigue and pain; he was somewhere in a desert [not home]. In oasis, the water table is just beneath the ground surface. On emergence of water, it was described as: [Passive Participle/Locative Noun] a cleanser/cleansing location. The basic perception infolded in its Root  "غ س ل" is to wash with water, signifying the removing of dirt, or filth or the like thereof by making water to run over it resulting in cleansing/free from unpleasantness-impurity. The peculiarity of that washing water was described as , masculine active participle,  the one that gives cooling-soothing effect. This is important to note that the: -a cleanser water was qualified by an active participle-causer of coldness, thus indicating that the water was cold. [It seems as if that particular cleanser had iodine content in it to make it suitable disinfectant and wound-healer]. This is the immediate first-aid prescribed for Cobra bite. Further information about that water was its drinkable quality. Please take note that it is only informative, he was not asked to drink it instantly. However, this information must have prompted him to replenish his water stock.

What was the purpose of identifying to him the availability of a cleansing location containing cool water just underneath the surface of ground? He did the act of prodding with his heel, the water came up which he saw and thereby it was referred by the Demonstrative pronoun . He was asked to make use of this water for cleansing the wound to distance/flow away some venom to Earth.

  • [reverting from parenthetic to cobra bite treatment suggested] And take hold with your hand a [palm curved as bucket] handful of cleansing cool water, thereby expose-separate the bite-venom with cool cleansing water. Mind it, you should not desist-deviate [this given advice in quickly doing it]".

  • It is a fact that We had found him coolly perseverant. What a remarkable sincere servant was he!. It is a fact that  he was ever mindful/heedfully returning [to Allah the Exalted]. [38:44]

Appositive/Conjunction particle. It links the following clause with the verb .

Verb: Imperative; second person; masculine; singular; Subject pronoun hidden;  مصدر-أَخْذٌ Verbal noun. This act, meaning to hold/take, was to be done after prodding the Earth, which resulted in emergence of water in the small ditch/well made with heel/foot. 

 Prepositional + Possessive Phrase relates to verb: بـِ Inseparable preposition + Noun: Definite; masculine; singular; genitive + Possessive pronoun: Second person; singular; masculine; in genitive state.

: It is a singular accusative noun, and is apparently the object of preceding verb , linked and is subsequent to earlier act: accomplished and result achieved in the shape of cleansing water. Its Root is: "ض غ ث". The basic perception is to collect together. Whatever amount/quantity is collected together, and grasped with the hand. The source, where water was available, was only of such nature that could enable take from it only to the extent of handful/scoop of water. It was a small ditch made with heel/foot. Only palm of hand curved as bucket could be put in to take water from it.

 : This verbal sentence is Prefixed with conjunction فَ, which shows cause and effect-logical sequence. This signifies that the act hereinafter is to be performed when the previous act is accomplished. : It is an imperative transitive verb. The subject pronoun is hidden referring to Ayub alahissalam. The verb is transitive and it needs at least one object. The mention of object was unnecessary since understood to the person whom this advice was given. It is evident for us also since the complaint of that person has been mentioned prior to it in Ayah 38:41 that "when he called his Sustainer Lord, that "I [am in pain], the Cobra has bitten me causing dizziness/weakness and pain". It is obvious that no one advises for "beating-striking" the wound/bite area with anything, except projecting-raising the point of bite for cleansing the wound in depth to make some venom flow out to earth.

This Prepositional Phrase relates to the preceding verb:  بـِ Inseparable preposition; Personal Pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine referring back to handful/scoop of water taken in his hand.

The Cobra bite can be life threatening if preventive measures are delayed, particularly when the man is lonely in pain and distress. It was, therefore, emphasized upon Ayub alahissalam:

"And mind it, you should not desist-deviate [this given advice in quickly doing it]".

Appositive/Conjunction particle. 

Prohibitive Particle.

:Verb: Imperfect; Second person; singular; masculine; Mood: Jussive; intransitive; Subject pronoun hidden.

It seems strange about those writers, otherwise known as learned scholars, who preferred to depend upon conjectural gossips of "oath of beating wife with hundred strokes" while translating and explaining this Ayah/Unitary Verbal Passage of Qur'aan. Here such writers, by their imaginative flight and under influence of irrational and insulting stories spread about the Elevated Messengers,  "import into desert" the object of Verb as "the wife of you-Ayub alahissalam". They naively forget the agony, fatigue, pain expressed by Ayub alahissalam, the cause of this feel of pain and anxiety, the command of Allah the Exalted to prod the surface of Earth with his heel, emergence of washing water, causer of cooling and soothing effect. All this happened in the desert away from his home and family.

It is all the more strange that majority of writers also naively forgot that this episode is mentioned earlier too:   


"It is a fact that I am in pain, the Physical Adversity has touched me" [Refer 21:83]

Whereupon We responded for him. Thereby/for reason We removed that with which he was in the state of pain and distress [by telling about washing water and treatment-38:42]. And [saving him from life threatening incident] We gave him-let him meet his family, and other like of family with them, for showing the mercy from Our Grace [to all of them]. [21:84]

The Cobra bite to a person all alone in the midst of desert, can cost him life. He was saved after having experienced life threatening incident and went home. Not only his family is mentioned but also other persons who are like the members of family. It is understandable that the family and others having similarity of family members must be worried about his non arrival. The entire episode was reflection of the mercy of Allah the Exalted upon all of them that a man bitten by Cobra has come back safe and sound. This fact is again mentioned as parenthetic clause while describing the incidence

  • And [saving him from life threatening incident] We gave him-let him meet his family, and other like of family with them, for showing the mercy from Our Grace [to all of them].

  • And to make mention of this episode as a piece of advice for men of wisdom who look into matters and conduct objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/whims/conjectural fascinating myths.

Please ponder how ridiculous was the story concocted by some earlier writers regarding "undertaking oath for beating his wife". It is stated that she came late when she was called by him. Thus, these so called scholars portrayed him as an exaggeratedly impatient person. On the contrary, Allah the Exalted discloses this observation about him:


It is a fact that We had found him coolly perseverant. What a remarkable sincere servant was he! It is a fact that  he was ever mindful/heedfully returning [to Allah the Exalted].  [Refer 38:44]

This is the observation of Allah the Exalted about him. Do you think [disregard for a moment what the scholars have been gossiping all along; apply your own mind to answer it] that a coolly perseverant, a remarkable praiseworthy person can become so impatient and emotional against his wife, deciding and taking oath to beat her with hundred lashes, merely because she did not attend him quickly when called? I know your answer. Therefore, start deleting from the memory all irrational, derogatory, non substantiated, irrational, conjectural stories. We must remember, that attributing any thing of little import or irrational and derogatory nature not becoming of the stature of elevated and dignified persons, the Elevated Messengers of Allah the Exalted, is a great slander and sin. Disregard the persons who might have attributed it.

1 Noun: Definite; Masculine; broken plural; nominative. (1)2:102(2)6:71 (3)26:210(4)26:221=4                                                                          اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-جمع مكسرمذكر  
2 Noun: Definite; Masculine; broken plural; accusative. (1)2:102(2)6:121 (3)7:27(4)7:30(5)19:68(6)19:83(7)38:37=7                                      اسم:معرفہ باللام منصوب -جمع مكسرمذكر  

Noun: Definite; Masculine; broken plural; genitive. (1)17:27(2)21:82(3) 23:97(4)37:65=4                                                                                 اسم:معرفہ باللام -مجرورجمع مكسر مذكر

4 Proper Noun: Definite; Masculine; singular; nominative. (1)2:36(2)2:268 (3)2:275(4)3:155(5)3:175(6)4:38(7)4:60(8)4:120(9)5:91(10)6:43(11)6:68(12)7:20(13)7:27(14)7:175 (15)8:48(16)12:42 (17)12:100(18)14:22(19)16:63(20)17:27(21)17:64(22)18:63(23)20:120(24)22:52 (25)22:52(26)22:53(27)25:29(28)27:24(29)29:38(30)31:21 (31)38:41(32)43:62(33)47:25(34)58:19=34

                                                                                                                    اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-واحد مذكر

5 Proper Noun: Definite; Masculine; singular; genitive. (1)2:168(2)2:208(3)  3:36(4)4:76(5)4:76(6)5:90(7)6:142(8)7:200(9)7:201(10)8:11(11)16:98(12)24:21(13)24:21(14)28:15  (15)41:36(16)58:10 (17)58:19(18)58:19(19)59:16=19                             اسم:معرفہ باللام -مجرورواحد مذكر  
6 Noun: Definite; Masculine; singular; accusative. (1)4:83(2)4:119(3)7:22(4) 12:05(5)17:53(6)17:53(7)19:44(8)19:44(9)35:06(10)36:60=10             اسم:معرفہ باللام منصوب -واحد مذكر  
7 Noun: Definite; Masculine; broken plural; accusative. (1)6:112=1

                                                                                                                          اسم: منصوب -جمع مكسرمذكر

8 Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; Masculine; plural; genitive +  Suffixed  Pronoun: Third Person; plural; masculine; genitive. (1)2:14=1

                 الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مجرور-جمع مكسر مذكر/مضافضمير متصل-جمع  مذكر غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه

9 Noun: Indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative. (1)15:17(2)22:03(3)37:07(4) 81:25=4                                                                                                                   اسم: مجرور -واحد مذكر  
10 Noun: Indefinite; Masculine; singular; accusative. (1)4:117(2)43:36=2

                                                                                                                                اسم: منصوب -واحد مذكر

11 Prepositional Phrase: لِ Inseparable Preposition  + Noun: Definite;  Masculine; plural; genitive. (1)67:05=1

                                                         جار و مجرور = لِ حرف جر +   اسم:معرفہ باللام -مجرورجمع مكسر مذكر

12 Prepositional Phrase: لِ Inseparable Preposition  + Noun: Definite;  Masculine; singular; genitive. (1)19:45=1

                                                                     جار و مجرور = لِ حرف جر + اسم:معرفہ باللام -مجرورواحد مذكر


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