Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              072

   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.               [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 72] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.





































































































































[Read with 46:29]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It has been communicated to me that a party from amongst the species Jinn certainly made themselves attentively listen,

where after they [went to their people to inform-46:29] said, "indeed We have listened Qur'aan, containing remarkably amazing information. [72:01]

[Read with 46:30]

It guides to the Absolute Fact and the Right Way that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility, thereby we have accepted/believed in it;

and [in compliance to its injunctions] we will never associate any one with our Sustainer Lord. [72:02]

And certainly the Sustainer Lord of us has always maintained the Uniqueness-the Isolation-the Oneness that He has neither adopted a companion and nor a son. [72:03]

[Read with 18:14]

And it is a fact that the stupid/fools amongst us used to say things in this regard about Allah going far away from truth. [72:04]

And that indeed we positively consider that never should the human beings and the Jinn species say about Allah blatantly. [72:05]

And it is a fact that there have been men amongst Human species who have been seeking [in their thought and perception] refuge with the men from Jinn species whereat they increased them absorbed and veiled in stupidity. [72:06]

And indeed they/men amongst Human hypothetically thought as you people thought that Allah will never revive/resurrect a single one. [72:07]

[Read with 37:07]

And that we have touched/went into the Sky and we found that it is filled with strong guards and fireballs. [72:08]

And that indeed we used [as you know] to sit in the Sky in some of its sitting places for the purpose of listening.

But now [We have come to know by listening Qur'aan] if anyone endeavors to listen he will find for himself a fireball awaiting him. [72:09]

And that we do not have any information to predict whether irritating disquiet is intended for those who are in the Earth or their Sustainer Lord has intended a Right Way for them. [72:10]

And it is a fact that amongst us are the Perfectionists/Righteous and amongst us are others with opposite attitude.

We have been on divergent paths. [72:11]

And We are certain in our perception/thought that we cannot frustrate Allah throughout the Earth nor can we frustrate Him by flight. [72:12]

And indeed the moment we have listened the Guide/Grand Qur'aan, we have accepted/believed in it.

Therefore whoever believes in his Sustainer Lord thereat he does not apprehend any reduction and nor veiling under burden/stupidity. [72:13]

And it is a fact that amongst us are the Muslims and amongst us are deliberate imbalanced unjust.

For reason/in consequence whoever wholeheartedly accepted [Grand Qur'aan] thereat they are the people who have sought and endeavored for the Right Path. [72:14]

And as for the deliberate imbalanced unjust are concerned in consequence they are the collected scorching matter for the Hell-Prison". [72:15]

[and that it has been communicated to me that] "And if they had consciously maintained themselves steadfast upon the Path/System [prescribed for them by Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile السلام علیہم] indeed We would have given them to drink the drinkable water in abundance, [72:16]

so that We may subject them to a test by that abundance of drinkable water.

And whoever abstains from the Admonition/Book of his Sustainer Lord, he will make him enter into severely felt infliction. [72:17]

And indeed the Mosques are for Allah

therefore you people should not call/invoke anyone along with Allah". [72:18]

And that when the Sincere Allegiant of Allah [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] stood up calling upon Him they almost surrounded him as compacted mass. [72:19]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I only call upon my Sustainer Lord

[Read in conjunction 6:88;13:36;39:65;72:20]

and I do not associate anyone with Him" [72:20]

[Read with 7:188;10:49]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I do not hold for you people any power/control for averting adversity damage, and nor to force putting on beneficial path; [72:21]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed I do know that not anyone can ever protect me against Allah

[Similar pronouncement in 18:27]

and never ever I can find any refuge apart from Him". [72:22]

[and nor to force you to put on beneficial path] except to convey and pass on [the Book] from Allah and His [gradually communicated] Messages"

[Same information in same words in 4:14;33:36]

 And whosoever refuses to accept the words of Allah and His Messenger [recited from Qur'aan],

in consequence indeed for him is certainly the Hell-Prison.

They will reside therein perpetually. [72:23]

[leave them conjecturing] Until such time when they would have seen what is being promised to them

thereat, for reason, soon they will know who is weaker to have helpers and fewer in number [of followers]. [72:24]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I  do not have any information to predict whether that is in the just near future which is promised to you people,

or that my Sustainer Lord will appoint for that a duration. [72:25]

He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable by created ones,

for reason He does not make anyone apparent/knower upon His Secrets, [72:26]

[Read with 3:179]

except from amongst the Messengers whom He at His own has approved and appreciated,

thereat, having revealed, He makes to march before him and behind him as alert guard, [72:27]

so that He may make it known/evident that indeed they have passed on the Messages of their Sustainer Lord. And He has encompassed that which is with them.

And He has accounted for each and every thing, quantitatively/in numbers. [72:28]


73:01-20                            Index/Main Page
