Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              029

    Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           






























































































Prefixed conjunction فَ cause and effect/response + Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine; active. [Form-X]
























[Same information in same words in 7:80;27:54]

And Luet [alai'his'slaam] We sent him when he said to his nation;

[Same information in 7:80]o

It is a fact that you people certainly come to that type of illicit sexual activity for which act there is not even a single precedence in the people in times before you people. [29:28] [Read with 26:165;27:55]

What is it that you people indeed come to men [lustfully-heterosexuality]

and you people block the road,

and you people come to the "unfamiliar" in your counsels

[Same information in same words in 27:56]

[The perversion was so overwhelming that even they did not feel shy] In response his nation had no explanation/response

except that they said, "You bring upon us the punishment of Allah 

[Same assertion in 26:154]o

if you are from amongst the truthful in your statement". [29:29]

Luet [alai'his'slaam] prayed, "O my Sustainer Lord!You help me against the people who are the creators of imbalances/disequilibrium and pollution. [29:30]

And when Our Messenger reached to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] with good news [of son],

they said, "It is certain that We are going to annihilate the residents of this town,


undoubtedly its inhabitants have persistently been unjust evil mongers" [29:31]

Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] said, "But certainly Luet [alai'his'slaam] is present therein"

They replied, "We are certainly aware of whoever is therein.

We will certainly first rescue him/Luet [alai'his'slaam] and his household

[Similar pronouncement in 7:83;15:60;26:171;27:57;29:33;37:135]o

except his wife, she was from amongst those who stay behind. [29:32]

[Same information in 11:77]

And when Our Messengers came to Luet [alai'his'slaam] he felt distressed by their coming and felt straitened by their presence with uneasiness

 and they said, "Please be not apprehensive and nor you be grieved.

It is certain that we will rescue you and your household,

[Similar pronouncement in 7:83;15:60;26:171;27:57;29:32,33;37:135]o

except your wife, she is from amongst those who stay behind" [29:33]

It is certain that We are going to bring down upon the inhabitants of this Town

 disquieting punishment from the Sky


since they persistently transgressed/went out of the prescribed bounds". [29:34]

[Read with 15:75;51:37]

And in that We have certainly left an evident visible sign for those people who discern/distinguish [from signs/marks]. [29:35]

[Same information in same words in 7:85;11:84]

And towards Madyan nation We sent their brother Shoaib [alai'his'slaam].

For reason [of their idol worshipping] Shoaib [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah,

and you people expect the Last Day

[Same prohibition in exact these words in 2:60;7:74;11:85;26:183;29:36]o

and neither you should, like mischief-doers, create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society". [29:36]

In response they publicly contradicted him.

[Same information in same words in 7:78,91]o

Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their houses; [29:37]

and the civilizations of Aad and Samued, and certainly from their dwellings it has become distinctly self evident for you people [about their sudden destruction]

[Replica 27:24;Similar information in 6:43;16:63]

And Shaitan had made their deeds/acts alluring for them thereby he stopped them from the Path


though they were intelligent visionary people. [29:38]

And Qa'roon and Fir'aoun/Pharaoh and Haa'maan;

and certainly Musa [alai'his'slaam] had come to them with demonstrative evident signs,

whereupon they persistently demonstrated arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur and superiority in the country,


but they could not take the lead [in visualizing future events despite being visionary] [29:39]

Consequently We seized all of them for reason of their individual slander and sins.

Thereat from amongst them is the one upon whom We sent a violent storm,

and from amongst them is the one whom seized an awful sound-earthquake

and from amongst them is the one with whom We cave-in the Earth

and from amongst them is the one whom We drowned.

[Similar pronouncement in 9:70; 30:09]

And it was not for Allah that He should do injustice to them

[Same pronouncement in same words 2:57;7:160;16:33,118;29:40;30:09]o

but in fact they kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [29:40] [Read with 89:13]

