Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              024

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    
















































































































[Same information in 24:34]

Indeed We have sent the Aa'ya'at that make evident/distinct/manifest/crystal clear [the information and injunctions contained in the Book].

[Same information in same words at end 2:213]o

 And Allah guides [through His Book/Aay'aat] the seekers of guidance towards the straight path to destination. [24:46]

And they proclaim, "We have believed in Allah and the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and We have affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted the word"

Afterwards a group from them turned away from this proclamation.


And they are certainly not the believers. [24:47]

[Read with 3:23]

And when they are called towards Allah and His Messenger so that he may adjudge between them at that point in time a group from them knowingly refrains. [24:48]

And if it were for them a rightful thing they come to him as promptly obedient ones. [24:49]

Is there a disease/personality disorder in their hearts? Or are they perplexed? Or are they apprehensive that Allah will be biased against them and His Messenger.


It is a wrong apprehension, the fact of they matter is that they are the people who are unjust and imbalanced. [24:50]

Indeed the statement of the true believers, when they are called towards Allah and His Messenger so that he may adjudge between them, is only this that they say,

"We have heard [Qur'aan] and we have affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted the word".

[Same verdict in same words in 2:05;3:104;9:88;30:38;31:05] o

And they are the people [almuef'li'hoona active participle] who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [24:51]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:13;33:71;48:17]

And whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],

and he fears Allah and is always conscious of Him,

[Same information in 9:20;23:111;59:20]o

resultantly such are the people who are the perpetually successful ones. [24:52]

And they swore by Allah, their swearing being emphatic, that indeed if you had ordered them certainly they would go forth/move out [for participating in war].

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "You people do not swear.

Affectionate acceptance of word is quite a recognized thing.

[Replica 5:08;59:18]o

 Indeed Allah is fully informed/aware of all what acts you people are doing". [24:53]

[Similar injunction in 3:32,132;4:59;5:92;8:01,20,46;24:54;47:33;58:13;64:12]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for everyone, "You people listen and affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the words of Allah and You people listen and affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the words of the Messenger [contained and recited from Qur'aan]"

In response, if you people turned away without paying heed

[Read with 94:02]

 [it makes no difference for him] since/then upon him is only that burden which is assigned to him and upon you people is that burden of responsibility which is laden upon you people.

And if you people affectionately accept his word [recited by him from Qur'aan word by word] you will be guided [to destination of perpetual success].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 29:18]o

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;42:48;64:12;72:23,28]

And upon the Messenger there is no responsibility except to deliver/convey/pass on the message [to your ears and hands, orally and in writing; and to take it to your heart and brain is your own burden] [24:54]

[Same information in 5:09;48:29]

It is the promise of Allah, as self imposed obligation with those from amongst you people who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [as directed in the Book of Allah prevalent in time and space]

that He will certainly grant then succession in the Earth in the like manner as He granted succession to those before them;

and the He will establish for them their System and Code of Life the one He has approved for them;

and that He will certainly replace after their state of fear and insecurity to state of tranquility and peace.

They are exclusively allegiant to Me, they do not associate anything with Me.

And whoever refused to accept after this

[Same pronouncement in same words 3:82;5:47;24:55; similar 9:67;24:04;59:19]o

 then for that reason, they are the people who are transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [24:55]

[Same direction in same words in 2:43,83,110;4:77;73:20]

And you people remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and you give the az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality];

and you people affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the words of the Messenger [recited by him from Grand Qur'aan]


so that you people are dealt/subjected with mercy. [24:56]

[Same pronouncement in 29:22;42:31]

These people who have persistently refused to accept should not think they will be able to thwart [Allah's Book] in the Earth.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:151]

  And their abode is the heated-Hell.


And of course that is the wretched destination. [24:57]

24:58-64                      Main Page/Index
