Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Allah is the Creator of visible light of the Skies and the Earth;
The semblance of the Visible Light of Him is like a niche wherein is a lamp/reflector;
the reflector is in a glass;
the glass is like as if it is a planet shining like pearl;
ignited and fueled from a perpetuated tree, an olive, neither east and nor west
whose oil almost glow while though it has not yet been touched by fire.
Ray of Visible Light upon ray of Visible Light.
Allah guides him for His Visible Light [Grand Qur'aan] whom He wills. And Allah quotes/strikes/narrates examples/similitude/equations/contrasts for the people. [Same pronouncement
4:176;24:64;49:16;64:11]o and Allah is eternally the Knower of each and everything. [24:35] Inside the houses, Allah has commanded that therein His Name be elevated and mentioned, o focusing therein attention and effort repetitively stating praises for Him in the mornings and in the evenings. [24:36]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
21:73] The Men whom does not distract the routine business/rotation-selling and buying of goods daily on spot hand to hand and nor the promissory natured commercial transaction business hinders, from the remembrance and mentioning of Allah and from act of establishing/organizing Ass-sa'laat [on prescribed timings] and act of regularly paying Az-Zaka'at; o they fear the Day wherein the hearts and the visions will twitch. [24:37]
[Read with
9:121;16:97;29:07;39:35] [The Last Day is] So that He may pay their reward most appropriate for what they acted. [Same pronouncement in same words in
35:30] and He may excessively increase for them from His Bounty. [Same information in same words in
2:212]o And [worldly gain is no criteria of distinction] Allah gives sustenance, to whomever He wishes, without measure/account/cause and effect relationship. [24:38] And those who have persistently refused to accept, the similarity of their acts is like the mirage in a plain lowland, the thirsty man considers that mirage as water till such time that when he reached there he did not find it anything tangible. And [such non believer will keep running after mirages until] he found Allah before him whereupon He paid him fully his account. [Same information in same words in
2:202]o And Allah is swift in accounting. [24:39]
Have you not seen/given a thought that He is Allah for Whom renders the focus of all effort and repetitive praises whoever is in the Skies and on/in the Earth [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously]. and the birds in rows with wings outstretched. Each and every one has since learnt his Sa'laat [physical demonstrative act of allegiance] and his repetitive glorification praises. [Same pronouncement in
10:36]o And Allah is eternally aware of what innovative acts they people perform. [24:41] [Same pronouncement in same words in beginning of
3:189;45:27;48:14] And for Allah is the dominion of the Skies and the Earth. [Same information in same words in
3:28;35:18]o And towards Allah is the destination/finality. [24:42] Have you not observed that Allah drifts individual middle clouds, afterwards He carried out coalescence between them; afterwards He made it vertically layered mass [Same information same words in
30:48] whereupon you see the rain drop discharging from midst it. and He sends from the Sky that from the Mountains [cumulonimbus-rising like mountain clouds] that in which is part of coldness/hail, whereupon He makes him suffer with it whom He wills and He averts it from whom He wills. o It is near that flash of its [masculine/positively charged-cumulonimbus-rising like mountain clouds] lightening takes away the visions. [24:43]
Allah alternates/revolves the night and the day. [Exactly same information in same words in
3:13]o Indeed in this is certainly a lesson for men of vision and wisdom. [24:44] And Allah created each and every moving creature [Animal Kingdom] from water. Then/for reason [of particular manner of creation] there is one from them who moves on his belly; and there is one from them who moves on two feet; and there is one from them who moves on four.
Allah creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed. [Same information, mirror 2:20,109,148;3:165;16:77,29:20;35:01]o Indeed, Allah has eternally the infinite power over all things. [24:45]