Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              042

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          































































































Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active; [Form III] Root: ج د ل



That is the one Allah gives advance congratulations/glad tidings to those allegiants of Him

who accepted/believed and did act righteously/moderately as directed [in the Book],

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:90; similar in 12:104;25:57;34:47;38:86;42:23;52:40;68:46]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them, "I do not demand/ask you any worldly remuneration for telling you this guidance;

except maintaining affection of near of akin".

And whoever shall cause himself earn good We will increase for him in that, appropriately.

[Same pronouncement in 35:30,34]

Allah is indeed The Oft-forgiving, the Recognizer, the acknowledger and appreciative. [42:23]

What! Do they say, "He [sincere servant upon whom the Book has been sent] has drafted/ compiled/fabricated/forged/slandered upon Allah?".

 [They slander] Because if Allah had so willed he could have placed seal/cover over your heart [that would have disabled you to recite or write Qur'aan for them]

And Allah blots out the scum/fabricated/concocted/conjectural matter and establishes the fact/proven reality by His words.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:43;11:05;35:38;39:07;67:13; similar 57:06]

Indeed He is absolutely aware of what is possessed inside the chests. [42:24]

[Same information in 9:104]

And He is the One Who accepts the repentance and regrets from His created ones

and He overlooks forgivingly the illicit acts done.

And He fully knows the acts which you people perform for the first time. [42:25]

And He responds to those

 who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [according to Book].

and He will increase them from the Bounty of Him.

[Similar warning in 3:04;35:07]

And those who deliberately/persistently refuse to accept [Aa'ya'at of Allah and refused till the time of death] for them is a severe punishment [in wait]. [42:26]

And had Allah abundantly outstretched the provisions for His servants/created ones they would have certainly rebelled in the Earth,

[Same pronouncement in 15:21]

but/therefore He sends it in the known quantity/measure that which He willed.15:21

Indeed He is fully aware and ever watches/focuses attention about His servants/created ones. [42:27]

And He is the One Who sends the Rain after that [drought] because of which they felt despaired and He spreads His Mercy

and He is the Protector/Caretaking Lord, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [42:28]

And amongst His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs is the creation of the Skies and the Earth

[Similar information in 2:164; 31:10]

  and  that which He scattered all kinds of animals in both two of them.

And He has full command and control over their collection as and when He so willed. [42:29]

And whatever distressing and unpleasant reached you people, that is caused by reason [of cause and effect] of that which the hands of you people had earned,

and He overlooks/forgivingly ignores from many [acts by stopping their negative impact to take effect] [42:30]

[Same pronouncement 29:22]

And you people certainly cannot frustrate/avert His decisions in the Earth.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:107;9:116;29:22]

 And for you people there is neither a guardian/protector and/nor a helper except/other than Allah. [42:31]

[Same information in 55:24]

And amongst His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs are the ships in the oceans like tall and long mountains. [42:32]

If He so wills He can cause the air to become still whereupon those ships will become motionless upon the surface of it/ocean.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 14:05;31:31;34:19]

Indeed in it are certainly evident signs for each and every persistent coolly perseverant, ever thankfully obliged. [42:33]

Or He could tear them apart-destroy for the reason-result of what they people had earned;

and He overlooks/forgivingly ignores from many [acts by stopping their negative impact/deferring punishment to take effect] [42:34]

[Same information in 40:69]

And those have made themselves active to wrangle in Our Aa'ya'at with conjectures and void of substance talk they may know that for them there is no place for escape and refuge. [42:35]

42:36-50               Main Page/Index
