Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              023

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          




































































































And had the Fact molded itself/compromised with their conjectures and desires certainly the Skies and the Earth and whoever is therein would have suffered imbalances, distortions and alterations.

[Read with 21:42]o

No [their whimsies are false], the fact of the matter is that We have brought them their Admonition whereupon/for reason they having seen/listened aversively refrain/keep away from their Reminder/ Admonition-Grand Qur'aan. [23:71] 

[what else is the reason of avoidance] Or you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask from them a recurring fee [for communicating them this Reminder, you do not ask this], for reason/since the recurring fee payable by your Sustainer Lord is the best.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 34:39; similar 22:58;23:72;62:11] o

And He is the One Who is the best of sustenance provider. [23:72]

[Same pronouncement in 42:52]

And beyond an iota of doubt,  you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly inviting them towards the Straight Path [leading to the Sustainer Lord]. [23:73]

[About them read also 6:150;16:22;23:74;27:04;53:27]

And indeed those who do not accept/believe in the Hereafter


are certainly the deviators from the Path. [23:74]

And if We were kind to them and We removed the hardship they were faced with [in the high sea] they certainly kept rising in their brimming out of bounds, wandering clueless. [23:75] [Read with 10:22;29:65;31:32]

And indeed We had seized them with affliction [as eye opener] whereby/resultantly neither they gave in for their Sustainer Lord [their past practices/conjectural concepts] and nor they used to humble/soften [which was the objective of such eye opening afflictions-6:42]; [23:76]

until when We opened upon them a gate of possessor of great affliction

[Same information in 6:44]o

 at that point in time they were plunged in despair. [23:77]

[Same information in 16:78;32:09;67:23]

And He is One Who has developed for you people the organs/faculty of listening and the vision and interpretation/reasoning/reflection-heart and mind.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:10;32:09;67:23]o

Very little is the gratitude that you people express. [23:78][let us be not like majority and say الحمدلله]

[Same pronouncement through Messenger in 67:24]

And He is the One Who has spread you people in the Earth and you people will be gathered/ resurrected for accountability by Him. [23:79]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 40:68]

And He is the One Who gives life and death;

And for Him is the alteration of the Night and the Day.

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;28:60;37:138]o

 Is it for reason that you do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate? [which is the basic job of intellect] [23:80]

No, the fact of the matter is that they said resembling what earlier peoples [scholars/elite] had said. [23:81]

[Same information in same words in 37:16;Similar in 17:49,98;56:47]

They posed to people, "Is it [possible] that when we would have died and would have become dust and bones are we certainly going to be revived/resurrected? [23:82]

[Same statement with different construction 27:68]

Indeed We were given this promise, We and our forefathers, earlier also,

[Same assertion in same words 6:25;8:31;23:83;27:68; similar 16:24;25:05;46:17;68:15;83:13]o

This [promise/Grand Qur'aan] is nothing except the tales of ancients" [23:83]

[Similar question 6:12]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them as for whom is the Earth and whoever is on/in the Earth, if you people know. [23:84]

They will say, "for Allah".

[Same query in same words in 10:03;11:24,30;16:17;37:155;45:23]o

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "[why you deviate] Is it for reason that you people consciously decide not to reflect?". [23:85]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies numerically seven in number;

[Pronouncement in 9:129;27:26;23:116]o

and the Sustainer Lord of the Exalted Throne of Sovereignty" [23:86]

They will say, "That is for Allah".

[Same questioning in 7:65;10:31;23:23,32]o

Thereby you ask them, "Would you people then for this reason not take heed and be cautious?" [23:87]

[This information is in 36:83]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Who is He in Whose hands is the system of governance/dominion of each and everything that exists;

and He secures/protects/provides asylum and none is secured from Him

[Same in the end 2:184, 2:280;6:81;9:41;16:95;23:84,88;29:16;61:11;62:09]o

   if you people understand/know it?" [23:88]

They will say, "That is for Allah".


You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "[despite knowing all this] Then how you people become illusory?" [23:89]

No [their other whimsies are false], the fact of the matter is that We have brought them the Statement of Fact and undoubtedly they people are certainly the liars. [23:90]

23:91-118                      Main Page/Index
