Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              067

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 67] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; active; [Form VI]. Root: ب ر ك
























































 . Root: ع ق ل  

































[Read with 43:85]

The One in Whose hands/under Whose Authority and Command is the Dominion/Worlds/All that exists has made it vividly apparent that He is The Omnipresent, the Perpetual, the Absolute,

[Same pronouncement in same words 5:120;11:04;30:50;42:09;57:02;64:01]

and He has eternally the power over each and every thing to set them right/fix them in measure. [And He has eternally infinite power over each and every thing/matter]. [67:01]

The Omnipresent, the Perpetual, the Absolute is the One Who created the matter and the life,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:07; similar 18:07]

for the purpose/so that He may expose/test you people as to who amongst you people conducts/acts in moderate/nice/balanced manner.

And He is the All Pervasive Dominant, the Oft-Forgiving. [67:02]

[Same information in 65:12;71:15]

He is the One who created seven Skies in harmony/adjoining one above another.

You will not see any incongruity/lack of proportion/rift in the creations of Ar'Reh'maan,

for reason to verify, you focus the vision, can you see any sort of flaw? [67:03]

Afterwards you again focus your eyes second time/alternatively,

the Vision will cause itself turn back to you totally failed and in a fatigued condition. [67:04]

[Same information in 41:12]

And We have indeed decorated the lowest Sky of Earth with Comets,

[Same information in 15:17;37:07]

 and We have made those a source of hurling for the Shai'teen [Evil Ones amongst Jinn who come there to listen something]

And We have prepared for them the punishment of the scorching heat. [67:05]

And for those who persistently refused to believe in the Sustainer Lord of them is the punishment of Hell-Prison.

[Same information in same words 2:126;3:162;8:16;9:73;22:72;57:15;64:10;66:09]

 and it is an evil abode/destination to land in. [67:06]

When they would have been put in it, they will listen sighs for it, and it is heated. [67:07]

Almost bursting with fury; 

every time a Group of people is cast in her, Wardens of her will ask them,

[Same question in 6:130;39:71]

"Did a Warner/Admonisher/Awakener not come to you people?" [67:08]

They replied to the Warders, "No, the fact is opposite;

Indeed Warner had come to us

then/in response [to his telling the Aa'ya'at] we publicly contradicted and we said, "Allah has sent nothing of the sort, actually you are but in great delusion"

Know it that they further said, "Had we listened or had we applied intellect/differentiating faculty we would not have been in the resident company/group of  high/scorching temperature of Hell-Prison" [67:10]


Thus they consciously confessed the guilt of their sins, resultantly condemnation is for the residents of the scorching Hell-Prison. [67:11]

Indeed those people who remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord  without being in their sight,

[Same pronouncement in 11:11;35:07;67:12]

 for them is the forgiveness and magnificent reward. [67:12] [Read also 21:49;35:18;36:11]

And whether you people cause your oral utterances as whispers or you proclaim it openly,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:43;11:05;35:38;39:07;42:24]

[it is one and the same] since/indeed He is absolutely aware of what is possessed inside the chests. [67:13]

[why don't you consider simple realities] Would He not know who has created?

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:103]

And He is eternally Aware/Knowledgeable au fait of all niceties and delicacies/subtlety/refinements. [67:14]

He is the One Who has made for you people the Earth manageable/subservient/suited/cultivable;

so traverse you through its tracts and eat from the Sustenance produced by Him.

And upon Him is the Resurrection-evidently spread reappearance. [67:15]

67:16-30                                Index/Main Page
