Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              022

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



















































































































22:57 Detailed Analysis
























And in case they publicly contradict what you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] indeed before them also have so contradicted the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and of Aad and of Samued; [22:42]

and the people of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and the nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [22:43]

and the people of nation Madyan.

And Musa [alai'his'slaam also] was contradicted publicly.

Whereupon/for reason [of set principle] I granted respite for those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept, thereafter [on respite period exhausted] I seized them.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 34:45;35:26;67:18]o

In consequence how was My requital? [22:44]

[Read with 11:102;21:11;22:48]

Resultantly such like many habitats wherever We effaced/annihilated them, while they respectively were persistently unjust,

[Same state in 2:259]

 thereby they were veiling the devastation/dilapidation/ruins upon their roofs;


and wells lost and abandoned and the lofty castles. [22:45]

[Same query in same words in 12:109;22:46;40:82;47:10; similar in 30:09;35:44;40:21]

Is it for reason that they do not traverse in the world/land [seeing archeological evidence of past history]

whereby for them the hearts may become such that they could with it reflect to differentiate/draw conclusion;

or their ears become such that with them they could truly listen [the fats of past being narrated to them].


[they do not respond] For reason that indeed "the vision-neurological signal stored in memory after interpretation of the image seen" never gets blind but the hearts become blind which are in the chests [to recall/retrieve/again see the stored fact]. [22:46]

[Same information in same words in 29:53,54]

And they seek you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], for hastening the Doom/the infliction;

[Same pronouncement in 30:06]

[ask them to wait a little while] And Allah never fail to fulfill His promise.


And indeed a day in the reckoning of your Sustainer Lord is like thousand years as you people count the period. [22:47]

[Similar information in 13:32]

And many habitats are there for whom I gave respite period while they respectively were persistently unjust,

afterwards the lapse of respite period I seized them.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 31:14]o

 And towards Me is the destination/finality. [22:48]


You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "O you the people! I am for you people only the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/Admonisher" [22:49]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:56]

In response those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds

[Same pronouncement in in same words 8:74;24:26;34:04]o

for them is the forgiveness and and the par excellence sustenance. [22:50]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 34:05]

And those who intended and made efforts about Our Aa'ya'ay [of the Book] acting as one who subdues and weakens the efficacy,

[Exactly same words in 5:10,86;57:19]o

 they are the people who shall be the residents/companions of Hell. [22:51]

And We did not send in the times before You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], any Rasoul/Messenger and nor sent to the world any Nabi/Elevated and Chosen Distinct Person [who is later appointed to act as Messenger on reaching strengthen maturity/becoming fully grown man]  EXCEPT at a specific time/situation WHEN

[Read with 6:112]

 that hankered/fascinated what Shai'taan [devil minded from jinn and men] had spread/placed before people [fascinating sayings, in deceitful manner] into the Message/Aa'ya'at of Him,

thereby [sending the Messenger with the Book] Allah replaced what Shai'taan had spread/made popular among people,

thereafter Allah affirms/confirms His Aa'ya'at.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:26;8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,54,59;49:08;60:10]o

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [22:52]

[These enemies of the Messengers are let spreading conjectural fascinating myths-6:112] So that He may make that a trial/test, what Shai'taan has spread/popularized in society, for such people in whose heart is a disease and their hearts are rigid.

[Read in conjunction 2:137,176;22:53;38:02;41:52]o

 And indeed those who go against/differ/contradict/distort [Aa'ya'at of Allah] are certainly in schism/opposition/maintaining a separate identity. [22:53]

[Same pronouncement in 34:06]

And so that those whom knowledge has been given [which makes people rational and independent from whims, caprices, prejudices and short sightedness] may know that this/Grand Qur'aan is the statement of Proven Fact from your Sustainer Lord,  

whereby they believe in it and for it their hearts become humble.


And indeed Allah is certainly the Guide [for every moment of life through the Book] for those who accepted/believed on the Straight Path [to Me]. [22:54]

And they who have refused to accept will not cease to be in dilemmatic disconcert about it/Qur'aan

until comes to them the Appointed Moment all of a sudden


or comes to them the infliction of a Day of absolute disaster. [22:55]

The Dominion is for Allah the Day when He will adjudge between them;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:50]

whereupon those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds

[It is complete Ayah 37:43;56:12]o

are entered in the lush green Gardens/Paradise of Delight side by which flow streams. [22:56]

Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [unitary verbal passages presenting information, facts and knowledge in the Book], whereby they are truly the people, a humiliating  punishment is in wait for them . [22:57]

[Similar information in 8:72,74,75;9:20;16:41,110;22:58]

 Indeed those people who left their homes/migrated  in the cause/path of Allah

thereafter they got killed/murdered or died natural death,

certainly Allah will provide them sustenance, most appropriate provision.

[Similar information in 23:72;34:39;62:11]o

And indeed Allah is certainly the One Who is the best of sustenance provider. [22:58]

Certainly He will enter them, an entrance that will please them.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:12;22:59;33:51]o

And indeed Allah is undoubtedly the Eternally All-Knowing, eternally imperturbably Forbearing. [22:59]

