Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
And in case they publicly contradict what you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have stated to them [the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan/Allah] then/thereby [do not feel grieved] indeed before them also have so contradicted the people of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and of Aad and of Samued; [22:42]
and the people of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and the nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [22:43] and the people of nation Madyan. And Musa [alai'his'slaam also] was contradicted publicly. Whereupon/for reason [of set principle] I granted respite for those who deliberately and persistently refused to accept, thereafter [on respite period exhausted] I seized them. [Same pronouncement in same words in
34:45;35:26;67:18]o In consequence how was My requital? [22:44] [Read with
11:102;21:11;22:48] Resultantly such like many habitats wherever We effaced/annihilated them, while they respectively were persistently unjust, [Same state in 2:259] thereby they were veiling the devastation/dilapidation/ruins upon their roofs; o and wells lost and abandoned and the lofty castles. [22:45] [Same query in same words in
12:109;22:46;40:82;47:10; similar in 30:09;35:44;40:21] Is it for reason that they do not traverse in the world/land [seeing archeological evidence of past history] whereby for them the hearts may become such that they could with it reflect to differentiate/draw conclusion; or their ears become such that with them they could truly listen [the fats of past being narrated to them]. o [they do not respond] For reason that indeed "the vision-neurological signal stored in memory after interpretation of the image seen" never gets blind but the hearts become blind which are in the chests [to recall/retrieve/again see the stored fact]. [22:46] [Same information in same words in
29:53,54] And they seek you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], for hastening the Doom/the infliction; [Same pronouncement in
30:06] [ask them to wait a little while] And Allah never fail to fulfill His promise. o And indeed a day in the reckoning of your Sustainer Lord is like thousand years as you people count the period. [22:47] [Similar information in
13:32] And many habitats are there for whom I gave respite period while they respectively were persistently unjust, afterwards the lapse of respite period I seized them. [Same pronouncement in same words in
31:14]o And towards Me is the destination/finality. [22:48]
[22:49;26:115;29:50;38:70;46:09;51:50,51;67:26] You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "O you the people! I am for you people only the Distinctly Manifest Warner/Revivalist/Admonisher" [22:49] [Same pronouncement in same words in
22:56] In response those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds [Same pronouncement in in same words
8:74;24:26;34:04]o for them is the forgiveness and and the par excellence sustenance. [22:50] [Same pronouncement in same words in
34:05] And those who intended and made efforts about Our Aa'ya'ay [of the Book] acting as one who subdues and weakens the efficacy,
[Exactly same words in
5:10,86;57:19]o they are the people who shall be the residents/companions of Hell. [22:51] And We did not send in the times before You, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], any Rasoul/Messenger and nor sent to the world any Nabi/Elevated and Chosen Distinct Person [who is later appointed to act as Messenger on reaching strengthen maturity/becoming fully grown man] EXCEPT at a specific time/situation WHEN
[Read with
6:112] that hankered/fascinated what Shai'taan [devil minded from jinn and men] had spread/placed before people [fascinating sayings, in deceitful manner] into the Message/Aa'ya'at of Him,
thereby [sending the Messenger with the Book] Allah replaced what Shai'taan had spread/made popular among people,
thereafter Allah affirms/confirms His Aa'ya'at. [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:26;8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,54,59;49:08;60:10]o And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [22:52] [These enemies of the Messengers are let spreading conjectural fascinating myths-6:112] So that He may make that a trial/test, what Shai'taan has spread/popularized in society, for such people in whose heart is a disease and their hearts are rigid. [Read in conjunction
2:137,176;22:53;38:02;41:52]o And indeed those who go against/differ/contradict/distort [Aa'ya'at of Allah] are certainly in schism/opposition/maintaining a separate identity. [22:53] [Same pronouncement in
34:06] And so that those whom knowledge has been given [which makes people rational and independent from whims, caprices, prejudices and short sightedness] may know that this/Grand Qur'aan is the statement of Proven Fact from your Sustainer Lord, whereby they believe in it and for it their hearts become humble. o And indeed Allah is certainly the Guide [for every moment of life through the Book] for those who accepted/believed on the Straight Path [to Me]. [22:54] And they who have refused to accept will not cease to be in dilemmatic disconcert about it/Qur'aan until comes to them the Appointed Moment all of a sudden o or comes to them the infliction of a Day of absolute disaster. [22:55] The Dominion is for Allah the Day when He will adjudge between them; [Same pronouncement in same words in
22:50] whereupon those who accepted/believed and performed moderate righteous deeds [It is complete Ayah
37:43;56:12]o are entered in the lush green Gardens/Paradise of Delight side by which flow streams. [22:56]
Remain mindful that those people, who deliberately refused to accept and vehemently contradicted in public with regard to Our Aa'ya'at [unitary verbal passages presenting information, facts and knowledge in the Book], whereby they are truly the people, a humiliating punishment is in wait for them . [22:57] [Similar information in
8:72,74,75;9:20;16:41,110;22:58] Indeed those people who left their homes/migrated in the cause/path of Allah thereafter they got killed/murdered or died natural death, certainly Allah will provide them sustenance, most appropriate provision.
[Similar information in 23:72;34:39;62:11]o And indeed Allah is certainly the One Who is the best of sustenance provider. [22:58]
Certainly He will enter them, an entrance that will please them.
[Similar pronouncement in
4:12;22:59;33:51]o And indeed Allah is undoubtedly the Eternally All-Knowing, eternally imperturbably Forbearing. [22:59]