Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

























































































































[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:50]

And towards Aad We sent their brother Hud [alai'his'slaam]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73,85;11:50,61,84]

Hud [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;

[Same questioning in 10:31;23:23,32,87]o

Would you people then for this reason not take heed and be cautious? [7:65]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:90]

The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who refused to accept/believe said to him,


"Indeed we certainly see/consider that you are plunged in foolishness and indeed we think you are from amongst the liars " [7:66]

He replied, "O my nation, absolutely nothing of foolishness is with me;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:61]o

on the contrary I am the Messenger from the Sustainer Lord of the known/existing Worlds. [7:67]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:62]

I am conveying/delivering/passing on to you people the messages of my Sustainer Lord


and I am a trustworthy cleanser/perfectionist for you people [to straighten the distorted and conjectural version of Allah's Deen] [7:68]

[Same in 7:63]

Or have you people felt it strange that the Book has come from your Sustainer Lord upon a man from amongst you so that he may awaken/admonish you people.

And you people recall that He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after the [fall/annihilation] of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam] and increased you people [from a small minority] in creation/population extensively.

[Same injunction in same words in 7:74]

Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah

[Same probability in same words 2:189;3:130, 200;5:90,100;7:69;8:45;22:77;24:31;62:10] o

so that you people attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [7:69]

They argued, "Have you come to us so that we may be allegiant to Allah solely and exclusively and we should leave what our forefathers used to worship.

[Same demand in same words in 46:22]o

[we are not going to accept it] Therefore bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the truthful. [7:70]

He said, [about that the knowledge is with Allah] "But indeed from your Sustainer Lord the brain scattering/disconcert/fidgeting/commotion/ruckus and criminal cognizance has become eminent/established upon you people.

Do you people dispute/indulge in controversy with me in these feminine names which you people and your forefathers have coined/innovated for which Allah has sent no affirmation/authority for it.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:20,102]o

Therefore you people wait [for the promised thing to happen], I am indeed with you people from the waiting ones". [7:71] [Read with 46:22-26]

[then that happened] For reason [of migration before time and in discharge of Our promise-10:103] We saved/escaped him [Hud alai'his'slaam] and those who were along with him [the believers] with mercy from Us.

[Similar information in 6:45;8:07;15:66]

And We cut/annihilated the back altogether without posterity of those people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'aat [words of the Book/demonstrative signs-emblems].


And they were not believers. [7:72]

[Same information in same words in 11:61]

And towards Sa'mued We sent their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65,,85;11:50,61,84]

 Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said,, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;

indeed a demarcating/segregating sign/emblem has since come to you people from your Sustainer Lord.

[Similar pronouncement in 11:64;26:155;91:13]

This is the she-camel, for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:64]

therefore leave her freely feeding in the land of Allah

[Similar pronouncement in 11:64;26:156]o

and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by terrible torment. [7:73]

And you people recall when He/your Sustainer Lord appointed you people the rulers after  [fall/annihilation] of Aad civilization;

and settled/established you people in the Earth the plains of which you adopt for palaces

[Same information in 26:149]

and you people carve out the mountains for houses.

[Same injunction in same words in 7:69]

Therefore you people remember/recall to your memory the blessings of Allah

[Same prohibition in exact these words in 2:60;11:85;26:183;29:36]o

and do no like mischief-doers create intellectual distortions/conjectural myths/disquiet in the society. [7:74]

The ruling elite/chiefs of his nation who showed arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur said

to the people from the weaker segment/downtrodden of the society, of course to those ones who had accepted/believed, "do you people really know that Saleh is the one who has been sent as Messenger by his Sustainer Lord?"

They replied, "Certainly we are the believers in what he has been sent with" [7:75]

Those who showed arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of superiority and grandeur, said  "Indeed we are the refuters/rejecters of that one you people have believed in" [7:76]

For reason of arrogant rejection they hamstrung the she-camel and thus went to irreversible extreme against the command of their Sustainer Lord.


And they said, "O Saleh! you bring to us that what you promise/warn us if you are from amongst the Messengers" [7:77]

[Replica/Mirror 7:91]

Consequently the earthquake seized them and they turned/became debris in their area. [7:78]

[Same information/words in 7:93]

[returning from parenthetic] In response to their extreme misconduct he turned away from them saying, "O my nation! I have undoubtedly conveyed/delivered to you people the message of my Sustainer Lord and I cleansed/perfected for you people


but you people do not like the perfectionists/sincere advisors" [7:79]

