Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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  With Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan [I begin reading Qur'aan] Who is The Infinitely Merciful.           



















































































[He has seen the greatest signs of his Sustainer Lord] Have you people then factually seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzza [53:19]

and the last third one Manat? [53:20]

Are for you people there is male/son and for Him is the Female/daughter? [53:21]

This division is then quite arbitrary! [53:22]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:72;12:4]

[you have not seen Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, since they don't exist] Indeed these are merely feminine names which you people and your forefathers have coined/innovated for which Allah has sent no affirmation/authority for it.

[Similar information in 6:116;10:36.10:66;53:23,28]

Indeed they consciously and purposely follow nothing but the fabricated conjecture and hypothetic non verifiable assertions and that which their selves desire;

while the fact is that the Guide [Qur'aan] has since come to them from the Sustainer Lord of them. [53:23]

Is for the Man is all that which he desired?; [53:24]

[that is not the case] since/for reason, for Allah is the Last and the First. [53:25]

And there are many from amongst the Angel in the Skies the recommendation of whom does not avail anything

except after that Allah may grant permission for the one whom He willed and whom He may approve [53:26]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:74;27:04]

It is a fact that those who do not accept/believe in the Hereafter

they indeed name the Angels by assigning them feminine names; [53:27]

[Similar pronouncement in 43:20]

while there is nothing for them in support about it from knowledge;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 53:23]

in fact they consciously and purposely follow nothing except conjecture and hypothetic non verifiable assertions.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:36]

And indeed conjecture and non verifiable imaginative matter does not avail anything in the presence of proven fact/eternal reality. [53:28]

Therefore you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] refrain from the one who has turned away from Our Admonition/Grand Qur'aan

and he seeks nothing except the Worldly Life. [53:29]

That is the extreme acquirement of them from the knowledge.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 16:125;68:07;similar  6:117]

Indeed your Sustainer Lord is He Who knows the one who has lost away from His Path,

and He certainly knows the one who has consciously and purposely made himself moving on guidance. [53:30]

And for Allah is everyone/thing who/what is in the Skies and the Earth [All are for Him subservient/ dependant willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].

so that He may requite those, who did evil, for reason what they performed,

and He may reward those who who acted moderately and appropriately with magnanimity. [53:31]

[Similar information in 4:31;42:37]

And those people are those who consciously avoid committing major and grave sins [that cause serious and deep rooted disturbance and dilapidation in society] and illicit sexual activities except the minor occasional lapses.

Indeed the Sustainer Lord of you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is vastly generous in overlooking and forgiving.

He absolutely knows you people when He produced you people from the Clay and when you were fetuses in the bellies of your mothers.

[Read with 4:49]

Therefore you people should not boast of your selves of elevation/sanctification.

He fully knows the one who has made himself mindful, cautious, heedful and avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. [53:32]

53:33-62                                  Index/Main Page
