Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              006

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


























































































And your nation/community [you the Messenger corporeally belong to] has publicly contradicted it

[Same pronouncement about Qur'aan in 2:91;6:66;32:03;34:06,49;35:31;47:02]

and that [Grand Qur'aan] is a Statement of Established Facts.

[His same pronouncement in 10:108]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I am not for you people responsible/ advocate/disposer of affairs/caretaker" [6:66]

[Read with 54:03]

For each and every news there is an appointed moment for its breaking.

[Similar pronouncement in 6:135;7:123;11:39,93;15:03,96;16:55;25:42;26:49;29:66;30:34;37:170;39:39;40:70;43:89;102:03;04]

And soon shall you people know. [6:67]

[Similar advice in 4:140]

 [you the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam advise each individual what Allah has sent for them in the Book-4:140] "and  when you see such people who irrationally and vainly/jestingly debate about Our Aa'ya'at   

[Similar advice in 4:140]

then for this reason avoid them/joining their company till such time

[Same advice in same words in 4:140]

 they start vain/hypothetical discussion about story/some saying [] other than the Book [Grand Qur'aan];

[and if you were already sitting with them and they started irrational talk about Grand Qur'aan] and if the Satan made you forgetful then you do not continue sitting, after having recalled this injunction of Grand Qur'aan, with the people who distort and alter the fact". [6:68]

[tell them further] and nothing is from their account upon those who are mindful and afraid of Allah

but serious reminding hopefully that may be they become cautious, heedful and mindful [of guidance for all times/situations contained in Grand Qur'aan] and could avoid unrestrained conduct. [6:69]

And leave those people who have adopted their Code of Life as fascinating play and amusement

[Same information in same words in 6:130;7:51]

and the life of this world has put them in deceptive delusion.

And just remind with this [Grand Qur'aan] that a person will be imprisoned for what he earned;

[Same information in 6:51]

for such person there is none as protector nor as intercessor other than Allah.

[Similar pronouncement in 2:48,123;3:91;5:36;6:70;13:18;39:47;57:15;70:11-14]

 and if he could offer all as compensation/fine for remission it will not be accepted;

They are the people who are imprisoned [in Hell-the worst Prison-17:08] for what they earned [in worldly life]

[Same information in same words in 10:04]

For them the drink is hot water and severe punishment for the reason that they deliberately and persistently refused to accept. [preferring worldly interests and fascination] [6:70]

Ask them, "Should we call someone other than Allah which can neither cause us any good nor could harm us and that should we turn on our heels, after Allah has guided us

in the like manner of one whom devils have lured him bewildered in the Earth [worldly life] while his companions from back are calling him  to guidance "come to us".

[Exactly the same verdict in same words, mirror 2:120;explained conversely 3:73]

You [the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell everyone; "Undoubtedly, the Allah's guidance is that/he the One Guidance [The Book of Allah/Qur'aan];

and We have been commanded to accept it for the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds. [6:71]

And that you people remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and remain mindful, heedful, cautious and afraid of Him;

[Similar information in 2:203;3:158;5:96;8:24;23:79;58:09;67:24]

and He is the One towards Whom you people will be gathered to be held accountable by Him". [6:72]

And He is the One Who originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration]. [Similar pronouncement 6:73;14:19;15:85;16:03;29:44;30:08;39:05;44:39;45:22;46:03;64:03]

And the day when He will order "[the end] become evident/come into existence" and resultantly that thing/matter will get physical execution/appearance/existence.

His word is a certain fact.

[Same information in sane words 20:102;27:87;78:18]

And for Him is the dominion on that Day too when sound will be blown in the trumpet.

[Same information in same words in 13:09;32:06;59:22;64:18; Similar 9:94,105;23:92;39:46;62:08]

He is the Knower of what is invisible/non perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures;

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:18;34:01]

And He is The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded and the One fully acquainted/informed. [6:73]

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