Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [ Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 58] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
Indeed Allah has listened the statement of the woman who was presenting, before you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], her views/arguments in support of her stance in the matter of her husband, and she was consciously and purposely exposing her grievances directing towards Allah. And Allah was listening the arguments being exchanged in the dialogue of both of you,
[Same pronouncement in same words in
22:75;31:28] indeed Allah is eternally the Hearer [of what is said, at whatever frequency] and is of Vision [everything/act is in His focus]. [58:01] Those amongst you who alienate themselves from their wives by orally declaring them as their mothers should know that they are not their mothers since factually their mothers are only those who had given them the birth. And indeed what they say is certainly unrecognized and obnoxious in the oral utterance and an evident falsity contrary to fact. [Except And indeed Allah is certainly ever pardoning/remitting and forgiving. [58:02] Take note those who consciously make themselves alienate to avoid matrimonial relation with their wives by orally declaring and sanctifying them as their mothers and thereafter they retract from that which they had said, thereat a slave has to be freed before that they, husband and wife, may become active for mutual "matrimonial association". This prohibition and resultant fine is the admonition for you people. [Same warning in same words in 2:234,
271;3:180;57:10;58:11;64:08] And Allah is informed/aware of all what acts you are doing. [58:03] For reason, the one who suffers impracticability to release a slave thereby for him is to observe fasting during two months following both consecutively before that they, husband and wife, may become active for mutual "matrimonial association". However, if one could not, for reason, find himself physically capable then in that case the substitute is providing meal to sixty poor people; this decree is for the purpose that you people may incline yourselves to accept/believe in [the word of] Allah and the Messenger of Him [and never alienate from wives by orally declaring them as mothers] [Also in
2:187,229,230;4:13;65:01] and these are the limits/restrains/demarcations prescribed by Allah. [Same information in same words at end
2:104] And for those is a grievous punishment who deliberately/persistently refuse to accept. [58:04] [Same pronouncement in same words in
58:20; read with 9:63] Indeed those who obstruct and hinder [the Path of] Allah and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] they stand frustratingly disgraced as were frustratingly disgraced those who were before them. [Same pronouncement in
2:99;22:16] And We have since communicated evident/distinct/Manifest Aaya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge in the Book]; [Same information in same words at end
2:90] And humiliating is the punishment for those who deliberately/persistently refuse to accept. [58:05] [Same pronouncement in same words
in 58:18] The Day Allah will revive them to life/resurrect, all together [Same pronouncement in same words
in 24:64] whereby He will inform them about that which they did. [Read with
36:12;78:29] Allah has elaborately enumerated/enfolded it [in writing in the book] and they have forgotten it. [Same pronouncement in same words
in 85:09] Allah is Ever Witness/Observer over each and everything/matter/affair. [58:06]
[Same pronouncement in
5:97;49:16] Have you not visualized/understood the apparent fact that indeed Allah knows whoever/whatever is in the Skies and whoever/whatever is in the Earth;
in the secluded mutual planning consultations there has never been three persons except He being the fourth in them,
and neither there have been five except He being the sixth in them,
and nor any smaller number than those nor larger except that He has always been along with them wherever they may have been.
Afterwards on the Day of Judgment He will inform them about that which they did. [Same pronouncement in same words in
8:75;9:115;29:62] Indeed Allah is eternally the Knower of each and everything. [58:07] Have you not seen/given a thought about the psyche of those who were prohibited from holding secret discourses for deceptive tactics, afterwards they indulge in what they were forbidden, and they consciously and purposely involve in holding secret consultations [Prohibition in same words in 58:09] for/with devising of dilapidating course, and the methods of creating rifts and distancing and for the denial of the words of the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]; and when they come to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] they greet/address you with that with which Allah has never and will never greet/address you; and they say in their hearts, "why is it that Allah does not punish us for that which we say" Sufficient and appropriate for them is the Hell-Prison, they will "scorch" [serve as fuel of] it.
resultantly what an evil abode/destination is it to land in. [58:08]
O you who declare to have accepted!
when you people mutually meet in privacy for consultations thereat you must not involve indulging in discourses
for devising of dilapidating course, and the methods of creating rifts and distancing and for the denial of the words of the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam];
and you mutually discuss about righteousness and about devotion to remain cautiously heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct.
5:96] And always consciously keep yourselves inclined to remain mindful/cautious/simultaneously hopeful and afraid of Allah, the One towards Whom you people will be gathered/resurrected to be held accountable by Him. [58:09] Indeed the secretive inspiration and advices from the [brothers of] Shai'taan are only aimed at to cause grief for those who have accepted/believed, though he can never harm them even the least except with the prior tacit approval of Allah. [This instruction in same words is also in
3:122,3:160;5:11;9:51;14:11;64:13] And upon Allah, therefore for reason [He being the possessor of absolute power], the true believers should transform themselves perpetually retaining their trust/confidence/reliance/affair/hope. [58:10]
O you who declare to have accepted!
when it is said for you people, "adjust yourselves to make space in the gatherings", thereat you people adjust yourselves to make room for others; Allah will make room for you people.
And when it is pronounced, "you people rise up", thereat you people get up.
Allah will elevate those of you who accepted/believed;
and those who were bestowed with knowledge have degrees of elevation. [Same warning in same words in 2:234,
271;3:180;57:10;58:03;64:08] And Allah is fully informed/aware of all what acts you are doing. [58:11]
O you who declare to have accepted! when you people decide to call upon the Messenger to seek advice, thereat, you monetarily donate with affection some poor before you hold meeting in seclusion. This course of action is for you people comparatively more flourishing and is comparatively more pure/clean. Thereat/for reason if you did not find something to donate [then nothing to worry] [Same information in same words
2:192,226;3:89;5:03;16:115;24:05;64:14] since Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving/overlooking faults, the Merciful. [58:12] Did this advice made you feel apprehensive of negativity in upholding private meetings that you may first donate, therefore, if you have not done it, and Allah has forgivingly graced upon you, [Same direction in same words in
2:43,83,110;4:77;24:56;73:20] therefore, you people remain steadfast in performing/organizing assembly/standing for As-sa'laat and you give the az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality]; [Same pronouncement in same words in
8:46] and you people affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the Word of Allah and His Messenger. [Exact same information in same words in
3:153;9:16;63:11] And Allah is always aware of what you people do/are doing. [58:13]