Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              020 

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          


































































In this manner, We replicate verbally to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], step by step/event by event some of the news, that which has since preceded in the past.


And indeed We have since given to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], from Our Grace the Reminder-Grand Qur'aan. [20:99]

Whoever having known and seen turned away from it/Grand Qur'aan then in consequence he will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection [before being sent to Hell-Prison] [20:100]


They will remain in the burdened condition permanently. And evil for them is the burden on the Day of Resurrection. [20:101]

[Same information in sane words 6:73;27:87;78:18]

The Day when [second] sound will be blown in the Trumpet,


and We will gather the convicts/criminals that Day with eyes dimmed. [20:102] [Read with 19:86;37:23]

They will be murmuring amongst them that, "not you remained [in dead state] except for ten days". [20:103]

We know fully what they say murmuring when says the largely followed one that, "not you remained [in dead state] but for a day" [20:104]

And they people enquire from you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], about the mountains.


In response you pronounce, "My Sustainer Lord will blast them, as dust particles. [20:105]

Then He will leave them plains smooth and leveled;

exactly leveled that you will not see/find therein crooked/variation in alignment and curve/uneven surface". [20:107]

The Day they will follow the Caller, no defiance for him.

And the voices humbled for [Grandeur and fear of] Ar'Reh'maan,


therefore you will not listen except faintly. [20:108]

[Same pronouncement in 34:23]

The Day the intercession [recommendation/pleading] shall not benefit;


except i.e. intercession will be accepted of the one for whom Ar'Reh'maan granted the permission and He has approved for him am oral statement. [20:109]

[Exactly same information in same words in 2:255;21:28,22:76]

He fully knows what is before/in their present and past and what is after/future of them.

[Similar information in 2:255]o

And they people cannot encompass it with certain/conclusive knowledge. [20:110]

And the faces will be humbled for [Grandeur and fear of] the Ever Living, Self Subsisting, The Eternal, The Absolute [Perpetually living; not subject to death. Refer 25:58];


And indeed he is abased [in the end] whoever carried the burden of wrongdoings/injustices/ distortions/fabrication of conjectures. [20:111]

[Same pronouncement in 4:124;16:97;21:94;40:40]

and the one who acted/performed from the righteous/moderate deeds/acts of perfect import and/provided he or she is a true believer/one who accepted,


and they will neither apprehend minutest injustice nor any deprivation. [20:112]

