Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              070

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

 [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 70] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.




































































































































[Read with 52:07]

A seeker of information asked about the certainly to happen infliction [70:01]

for the Non-Believers, for which there is none to prevent it befalling on them, [70:02]

from Allah, the holder of all levels of ascension. [70:03]

The Angels and Gib'raa'eil ascend towards Him in a Day the time measure/reckoning of which has been fifty thousand years. [70:04]

Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] remain coolly perseverant, the most dignified perseverance. [70:05]

Indeed they see/contemplate it/the inevitable happening far off, [70:06]

while We see it quite near. [70:07]

The Day when the Sky will be in appearance like molten copper, [70:08]

[Same information in 101:05]

and the Mountains will be like the disintegrated [carded] wool. [70:09]

[Read with 26:101;69:35]

And no friend will ask [about wellbeing of] the friend [70:10]

though they are made to see them.

[Similar pronouncement in 3:91;5:36;6:70;13:18;39:47;57:15]

The Criminal would desire that Day that he may be remitted/ransomed from the punishment at the cost/fine/recompense of his sons, [70:11]

and his wife and his brother, [70:12]

and his nearest kindred who sheltered him, [70:13]

and whoever is on the Earth all together, thereafter that rescues him. [70:14]

No, his desire will never get fulfilled. Indeed that/Certain to happen Infliction is the Heat/Scorching temperature of Hell, [70:15] it is excoriating for skin and scorching, [70:16]

it calls the one who turned his back and left away; [70:17]

and collected and thereat hoarded [the wealth]. [70:18]

Indeed someone has mingled/molded the man with hastily anxiousness. [70:19]

When the adversity, irritating disturbance touches him he becomes distressed, [70:20]

and when affluence, soothing circumstance touches him he becomes niggardly; [70:21]

[this behaviour is peculiar with man] except those who are the performers of Salaat, [70:22]

those who are persistent and regular upon performing their Salaat [Congregational bowing and prostrating on appointed timings]. [Read in conjunction 6:92;23:09;70:34] [70:23]

[Same information in 51:19]

And in their wealth is a known right/share [70:24]

[Same information in in same words in  51:19]

for those who ask and for the deprived ones; [70:25]

and those who accept and hold to the truth of the Day of Accountability; [70:26]

and they are those who remain fearful about the infliction of their Sustainer Lord. [70:27]

Indeed the infliction of their Sustainer Lord is the one otherwise of secured thing. [70:28]

[Replica/Mirror 23:05]

And they are the ones who are conscious guards for their genitalia-chastity/[sexual abstinence]; [70:29]

[Replica/Mirror 23:06]

[sexual abstinence] except seeking their mates [from protected families if they are holders of position and protection] or from the right which they possessed [upon house-maid-male servants with permission of their family/believing married woman in the fold of non-believer who has migrated to believing society]. In consequence indeed they are not the blamed ones. [70:30]

[Replica/Mirror 23:07]

Thereby any one who wanted/pursued for something different/beyond from it then such are the people who are transgressors. [70:31]

[Replica/Mirror 23:08]

And they are the ones who for their trusts and for their promises/commitments are observers to retire them. [70:32]

And they are the people who firmly stand by their testimonies; [70:33]

[Similar pronouncement in 6:92;23:09]

And they are careful/watchful upon their persistently performing of Salaat [Congregational bowing and prostrating on appointed timings]. [70:34] [Read in conjunction 70:23]

They are the people who are in the Paradise, honoured and respectable. [70:35]

  • Thereat, what is the purpose-explanation of this activity of those who had persistently refused to accept that they are hurriedly heading in fear and docility to be face to face with you- Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], keeping their uninterrupted focus upon you? They are approaching from your right and left side in small groups. [70:36-37]

  • Is it that by approaching you [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in fear and docility each of them vehemently hopefully desires that he might be caused entry in a Paradise of Delight?  [70:38]

No, this desire of Non Believing will not be entertained.

Indeed they know that from which We have created them. [70:39]

Therefore, We emphasize upon you, "I swear as the Sustainer Lord of all the East-each point of Sunrise [Orient] and all the West-each point of Sunset [Occident] that We have certainly the full command and control [70:40]

[Same pronouncement in 56:61]

upon that We might cause their replacement with people better than them

[Same pronouncement in same words in 56:60]

and that We are certainly never frustrated-outwitted. [70:41]

[Replica/Mirror 43:83]

Therefore, having told them, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave them playing in their conjectural discourses till they meet-encounter the Day, the one which is promised to them. [70:42]

The Day they will get out from the graves quite swiftly [the Earth becoming porous over them]

[Read with 54:07]

like as if they were [expanding swarm of locusts] hastening towards an erected point; [70:43]

[Same information in same words in 68:43]

with their visions dazed/downcast and humiliation overwhelmed them.

This is the Day which was promised to them". [70:44]

71:01-28                                  Index/Main Page
