Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              034

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.          






























































































































And those/Elite of Jews and Polytheists who refused to accept said, "We will never accept/believe in this Qur'aan and nor in the One [Injeel] which was before it"

[Read with 6:30;32:12;37:24]

And would that if you could see/imagine when the wrong doers/evil mongers will be made to stop for their Sustainer Lord [for questioning while being led to Hell-Prison],

[some of them confronting each other] Some of them will throw back the word to some,


saying those who were made the weak/ruled segments of society to those who demonstrated arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur, "had you not been there we would have certainly been believers" [34:31] [Read with 14:21;40:47]

those who demonstrated arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur replied to those who were made the weak/ruled segments of society, "Did we avert you from The Guidance [Book of Allah] after that it had reached you people?

[Read with 37:29]o

No, the fact of the matter is that you people were yourself the criminals". [34:32] [See 6:112; 11:116; 25:31;34:32]

And said those who were made the weak/ruled segments of society for [to] those who demonstrated arrogance having made themselves obsessed with pride of grandeur,

"No the fact is that it were your deceptions day and night when you kept commanding us that we refuse to accept [the word of] Allah and that we declare for Him equivalents"

And they tried to conceal the regret when they saw the punishment [from those upon they ruled].

And We placed the shackles in the necks of those who had persistently refused to accept.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:147]o

Are they getting recompensed except what they used to do? [as they had put shackles around their brain not to allow any revealing fact enter into brain]. [34:33]

[Read with 43:23]

And We did not send an Admonisher/Awakener [before you] in a community/city except whom the ruling elite of it said/responded,

[Same response in 43:24]o

"Certainly we refuse to accept that with which you have been sent" [34:34]

And they boisterously said, "We are affluent wealth wise and strength of sons,

[This boisterous claim is complete verse 26:138; same in 37:59]o

and we are certainly not the ones receiver of punishment. [34:35]

[He was so told in 17:30]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It is a fact that my Sustainer Lord alone expands the sustenance for whom He wills and restricts to measure for whom He wills.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:187;12:21,40,68;16:38;30:06,30;34:28;40:57;45:26]o

but most of the people they do not accept it/intend to recognize this fact".[34:36]

And neither wealth and wherewithal of you people and nor your progeny will cause you any nearness to Us in position,

however except [wealth and progeny will supplement for nearness in position] the one who believed and conducted perfectly,

therefore they are the people for whom is two-fold reward for that which they did


and they are peacefully and comfortably in the lofty dwellings. [34:37]

[Same pronouncement in  22:51;34:05]

And those who intend and make efforts about Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book] acting as one who tries to subdue and weaken the efficacy,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 30:16]o

 they are the people who are brought up ones in affliction. [34:38]

[Same information in 29:62]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "It is a fact that my Sustainer Lord alone expands the sustenance for whom He wills from His created ones and restricts to measure for whom He wills. [Read with 13:26;17:30;28:82;29:62;30:37;34:36,39;39:52;42:12]

And that anything which you generously spent thereat [He knows 2:270] He will compensate for that.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:72; similar 22:58;62:11] o

And He is the One Who is the best of sustenance provider. [34:39]

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:128]

And the Day He will gather them altogether;


thereafter He will ask the Angels, "Were these people used to worship/show allegiance to you?" [34:40]

They replied, "Glory is for You; You were our Companion, other than them,

nay, the fact is that they used to worship/were allegiant to the Jinn species,


most of them were believers in them" [34:41]

[It will be told] "Consequently Today, some of you people do not possess any power/capacity/ authority/control for affording material gain to someone and nor for averting adversity/harm"


And We will say to those who wronged themselves, "you people taste the torment of heat the one which you people used to contradict publicly" [34:42]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:15;19:73;22:72;45:25;46:07]

And when Our evident/distinct/Manifest Aa'ya'at [of The Book] are narrated to them, word by word,

they said to people, "He is none but a grown man who wants that he may divert you people from that which your fathers used to worship/were allegiant".

and they said to people, "This [Book pronounced as from Allah] is none but a lie fabricated"

[Same pronouncement in same words in 46:07]

And those/elite ruling class who knowingly refused to accept said to people about the Fact/Qur'aan  when it was brought to them,

[Same assertion in same words in 5:110;6:07;11:07;34:43;37:15;similar 27:23;43:30;46:07;61:06]o

"this/Qur'aan is nothing except an evident illusion/falsity". [their statement is deceptive since illusion relates only to eyes/vision and the moment one touches the thing creating illusion, the illusion vanishes] [34:43]

And We had not given them [Bani Iesma'eile-in many generations before this Qur'aan] from the Books which they were studying;

[Read with 28:46;32:03;34:44;36:06;62:02]o

and nor We had sent towards them before you [Muhamad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] any revivalist/admonisher/awakener. [34:44]

And those people/civilization which existed before them publicly contradicted whom We had given that the one tenth of which has not reached to these ones; they in response publicly contradicted My Messengers.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 22:44;35:26;67:18]o

[Read the record about them in Qur'aan and see] In consequence how was My requital? [34:45]


