Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.
















































































































[Same information in same words in 10:90]

And We led Bani Iesraa'eela safely cross over [the dried up passage-fringing Reef] the Gulf;

Thereby, [after departing having seen Pharaoh and his troops drowned] they reached/passed by a people who were devotedly gathered upon statues that were declared/made idols-gods for them.


 They said, "O Musa, appoint/declare/get for us an iela'aha like various sorts of  iela'aha are provided for those people" [Refer 7:138]


He repudiated them saying, "Indeed you people are indulging in emotionalism/passions" [7:138]

Indeed those are destructive decoration in which they are absorbed and scum/meaningless/of no effective result is what they people are doing". [7:139]

He further said, "Should I search/find for you people something as iela'aha other than Allah;

[Read with his statement in 14:06]o

and He is the one Who has given you people distinction/blessing over other people [when He saved and rescued you from Pharaoh and his nation]  [7:140]

[Similar information in 2:49; 14:06]

And  when We delivered you people from the fold of Pharaoh; they subjected you to great torment,

[Same information with substitution of in 2:49, also in 14:06;28:04]

they used to kill your male children and they let your females alive.

[Same information in same words in 2:49; 14:06]o

  And in it was a tremendous trial from your Sustainer Lord.  [7:141]

[Read 2:51]

And remember when We mutually appointed thirty nights with Musa [alai'his'slaam] and We completed with ten nights [of his earlier arrival-20:83] thereby/hence he completed/accomplished the term of forty nights set by his Sustainer Lord [as was earlier fixed].

And [before leaving] Musa [alai'his'slaam] had said for [to] his brother Haroon [alai'his'slaam], "Execute my command/rule in my nation and straighten matters;


and you should not let follow the way of distorters/creators of imbalances". [7:142]

And when Musa [alai'his'slaam] had come to our appointed place and his Sustainer Lord conversed with him, he requested, "My Sustainer Lord! show me [Yourself] so that I may look at You"

He told him, "You can never see Me, however [for you to prove it ] you look towards the mountain, then if the mountain remains stationed at its place [after reflection of Glory] then in that case you may see Me".

Then when his Sustainer Lord reflected a glimpse of Glory for the mountain that Glimpse of Glory made the mountain as crumbled dust and Musa [alai'his'slaam] fell on ground unconscious.


Then when he recovered from unconscious state he said, "Glory is for You, I apologize to You [for this request] and I am the first of the convinced ones [of this fact that mere Glimpse of Glory of Allah crumbles the hard rocks as dust, therefore no scope of seeing Him]" [7:143]

[the matter became non issue] He said, "O Musa [alai'his'slaam] I have chosen and given you distinction upon people, with assignment of conveying and delivering My messages, and with My compilation of Words [written/engraved on the tablets];


therefore hold that what I have granted you and be of those who express thanks and reveal" [7:144]

And We had written down for him [Musa علیہ السلام] in the Tablets

[Read with 6:154]

a polite and affectionate advice regarding each and every matter/act of appropriate conduct,

[Same information in same words in 6:154]

and containing distinct and separate [advice/injunction] for each and every thing/matter.

[reverting from parenthetic to Our command] "Therefore hold these firmly and you command your nation that they should adopt the best of it [part describing conduct of the obedient];


I will keep showing  you people [in the Book being "Visualizer" for people which narrates everything in the manner that can be perceived as visual image in the mind] the abode of those who transgress/go out of the bounds/restraints. [7:145]

[Read with 6:110]

I will keep let those turn away from My Aa'ya'at [of the Book and unprecedented demonstrative signs] who demonstrate arrogant grandeur in the Earth without factual reason/cause.

[Same information in same words in 6:25]

And even if they see each and every verse/evident demonstrative unprecedented sign they will not accept/believe in it.

And if they see the path of orthotropous/dextral/righteous they do not adopt that as path/course

and if they see the path/conduct of one of aberrance/deviousness/rambling they adopt it as course/path;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:136]

this [keep let those turn away] is because that they indeed persistently contradicted our Aa'ya'at [and demonstrative evident signs] and since they remained indifferent/unmindful of them. [7:146]

[Similar information in 2:217;3:22;9:17,69;18:105]

And those people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at and facing the hereafter their acts went fruitless/yielded nothing/of no value and weight.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 34:33]o

Are they getting recompensed except what they used to do". [7:147]

[Read with 20:88]

And the nation of Musa [alai'his'slaam], after his departure/leaving them behind/in his absence, adopted [as iela'aha] a model of calf sculpted [by Samri] from their precious metal ornaments, body of which was such that produced lowing sound.

[Similar pointing  in 20:89]

[Why they got befooled by wordless sound] Did they not see/observe that it was certainly not speaking with them

and nor that guided/told them about the course/path.


[ignoring such simple evident facts] They adopted him and they were distorters and wrong doers. [7:148]

And when [on drawing attention to common sense points and advice by Musa alai'his'slaam-2:54] they felt regrettably embarrassed and astonishingly ashamed and they realized/understood that indeed they went neglectfully lost


they prayed, "In case our Sustainer Lord does not shower mercy upon and He forgave us we will undoubtedly be amongst the losers" [7:149] [Resultantly Allah over looked and forgave them-2:54]

