Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              056

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy           [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 56] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.








































































































[Same pronouncement in 69:15]

When the Determining Event will have made the happening/occurrence; [on second Blow in Trumpet] [56:01]

certainly at that point in time of its occurrence there will be no one who denies and contradicts. [56:02]

It will be downgrading for some and elevating for some. [56:03]

When the Earth would have been shaken, quaking;  [56:04]

and the mountains would have been crumbled, powdery [56:05]

And you people were bifurcated into three groups, [56:07]

[Described in 56:27;defined in 90:18]

Thereat the companions of the group "Right Handed", who are the companions of the group "Right Handed"? [56:08]

[Read with 56:41;defined in 90:19]

and the companions of the group "Left Handed", who are the companions of the group "Left Handed"? [56:09]

And the Lead Takers, yes they will be the Foremost, [56:10]

they are the people who are made the Nearest Ones, [56:11]

[Replica/Mirror 37:43]

are in the lush green Gardens/Paradise of Delight. [56:12]

[Replica/Mirror 56:39]

They are in quite large number from amongst earlier generations, [56:13]

And a small number from amongst the later generations. [56:14]

[In the Paradise of Delight] Upon the decorated thrones, [56:15]

[Same pronouncement in 15:47;37:44]

sitting upon those confronting each other. [56:16]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 76:19; read with 52:24]

And immortal grandsons/young children keep moving around them, [56:17]

[Read with 37:45]

with [crystal] glasses and flagons and serving [hard] drinks brought from source reservoir, [56:18]

[Read with 37:47]

that with which they will neither subjected to hangover/headache and nor would they loose senses; [56:19]

and fruits which they would like to select, [56:20]

and the flesh of edible birds that which they would individually desire. [56:21]

And therein their wives are whitish and decent natured big eyed, [56:22]

[Read with 37:49]

their semblance is like the pearls protected in the shell. [56:23]

[Similar information in 19:62;78:35]

They will neither listen therein any meaningless and baseless utterances nor irritating ones; [56:25]

except sayings of peace and tranquility. [56:26]

[Read with 56:08]

And the companions of the group "Right Handed", who are the companions of the group "Right Handed", [56:27]

they are the ones who are in the gardens of thorn less trees, [56:28]

and layered banana trees, [56:29]

and extended shades; [56:30]

and water poured forth; [56:31]

and fruits in abundance, [56:32]

neither their supply is cut nor are forbidden. [56:33]

And elevated/honored in ranks companions/wives. [56:34]

  • It is a fact that We have resurrected-revived them: the Wives in the manner of anew creation. [56:35]

  • Thereby, fulfilling the given information/promise We have rendered them virgins. [56:36]

  • They are coequal, delightful, devoted, eloquent of same species; [56:37]

  • Women of such characteristics will be the spouses for the members of group declared "Right Handed". [56:38]


[Replica/Mirror 56:13]

They are in quite large number from amongst earlier generations, [56:39]

and they are in quite large number from amongst later generations. [56:40]

56:41-56                       Index/Main Page
