Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          









































































































[Replica/Mirror 28:74]

And the Day He will call them [who adopted sculpted idols as partners] whereupon [on gathering] He will question, "where are My those partners about whom you thought and publicly pronounced as partners" [28:62] [Similar questioning in 6:22;7:37;16:27;18:52;26:92;28:62,74;40:73;41:47]

[Same information in 46:18]

Those/leading elite upon whom the Promised Word is established and become incumbent said,

[Read with 37:32]

"O our Sustainer Lord! these [our followers] are the people whom we divagated, we divagated them like [same motivation of vested selfish interests] that we divagated ourselves.

[Read with 2:166]

We have absolved ourselves before You [of their digression],


they were not exclusively allegiant to us [they had their own interest and motive]" [28:63]

[Read with 7:194]

And the Day it is said, [to those who adopted sculpted idols as partners], "You call  your partners those which you people proclaimed [as various iela'aha];

[Same information in same words in 18:52]

in compliance thereof they called them but they did not respond for them.

[Same information in same words in 2:166]

 and seeing the eminent punishment;


[they aspired this could have been averted] had that they been guiding themselves. [28:64]

[Read with 7:06]

And the Day He will call them [the elite who adopted sculpted idols as partners] whereupon [on gathering] He will question, "What is that which you people responded to the Messengers" [28:65]

Thereby that Day the information/news became blank for them whereby they will not enquire from one another [to answer the question]. [28:66]

[Similar pronouncement in 19:60;20:82;25:70,71]

[knowing like the watching of happenings of the Day of Judgment] Therefore as for the one who recognized/repented [his earlier conduct] and accepted/believed and conducted perfectly


then, in consequence, perhaps that he may be amongst those who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [28:67]

[Similar pronouncement  in 3:47;30:54;39:04;42:49]

And your Sustainer Lord creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed and whatever He chooses;

 There has never been a choice for them [sculpted idols which they ascribe as partner Iela'aha].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:91;37:159]

Allah is Infinitely Glorious and the focus of all effort;

[Same pronouncement in  7:190;10:18;16:01,03;23:92;27:63;30:40;39:67] o

and He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [28:68]

[Same pronouncement in 27:74]

And your Sustainer Lord fully knows what their hearts hide [hold/conceal] and what they say publicly/openly. [28:69]

And He is Allah, there is no such reality as lord/deity/iela'aha except Him alone.

The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally and exclusively is for Him in the beginning and in the End-Hereafter.

[Same pronouncement in 6:62;28:88]

 And decision/commanding the matters is for Him,


[Exactly same information in same words in 2:245;10:56;11:34,28:88;36:22,83;41:21;43:85; Except 29:17]

   and you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [28:70]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Have you people thought/considered that If Allah were to make over you the Night perpetual  to the Day of Judgment,

which iela'aha is there other than Allah who could bring to you heat and visible light [electromagnetic radiation],


[having told this possibility] Would then you people not listen?" [28:71] 

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Have you people thought/considered that If Allah were to make over you the Day perpetual  to the Day of Judgment,

which iela'aha is there other than Allah who could bring you the Night in which you could take rest?


[Consider this and] Will you still not see/focus?" [and remain plunged in darkness] [28:72]

And this is from the Mercy of Him that He has made for you people the Night and the Day,

so that you people may have rest/stillness during it/Night and so that you people may engage in the pursuit of sustenance/livelihood from His Bounty;

[Same expectation in same words 2:185;16:14;30:46;35:12;45:12]o
 and so that you people keep expressing gratitude.

[Replica/Mirror 28:62]

And the Day He will call them [who adopted sculpted idols as partners] whereupon [on gathering] He will question, "where are My those partners about whom you thought and publicly pronounced as partners" [28:74] [Similar questioning in 6:22;16:27;18:52;28:74;41:47]

And We brought forth from each and every generation/nation a witness whereupon [in his presence] We asked them, "You people people put forward your evidence/evidence"

thereat they convincingly realized that the undeniable fact is for Allah

[Same pronouncement in same words in 6:24;7:53;10:30;11:21;16:87]o

and that lost/vanished from them what they kept conjecturally fabricating. [28:75]


