Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              050

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy           [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة  [Chapter 50] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.


Syllabic Letters/ consonants of Arabic language.














































































Qa'f with prolongation sign/mark above it. [the twenty-second consonant of 29 letters of Arabic Alphabet; its place of utterance is between the root of the tongue and the uvula in the furthest part of the mouth; and it is strongest of the letters and of the most certain of them in sound].

[Similar swearing in 36:02;38:01; same information in 85:21]

And swearing is by the Qur'aan, peculiarity of which is that it is Ever Lasting and the Infinite. [50:01]

[Read with 7:63,69;10:02;38:04]

Nay, the fact of the matter is that they have considered it strange that a Warner/Revivalist has come to them from amongst themselves whereat those/elite segment of society who had refused to accept said to people,

[Read with 38:05]

"This is a strange/unaccustomed thing. [50:02]

Is it that when we would have died and become dust [we will be resurrected as he proclaims]

[Read with 13:05;17:49,98;23:35,82;27:67;37:16,53;50:03;56:47]

This return is a far fetched, far off  possibility" [that which you people are being promised] [50:03]

Certainly We know that which the Earth diminishes partly from them/the dead bodies,

and with Us is the Book that guards the record of such losses of the bodies. [50:04]

[About Qur'aan similar pronouncement in 4:105,170;5:48;6:05;16:102;23:70;29:68;37:37;39:02,41;42:17;43:78]

Nay, the fact of the matter is that  they have contradicted Grand Qur'aan-the Book containing Statement of Proven Fact when this has reached to them.

Resultantly, they people are bogged down in resolving the matter pregnant with agitating and disturbing import. [50:05]

Is it [this perplexity about resurrection] for reason that they have not yet seen towards the Sky above them

that how have We structured it and adorned it,

and that it has not any rifts? [50:06]

[Exactly same words in 15:19]

And the Earth, We did spread/stretch her;

[Same information in same words in 15:19]

And We placed therein anchored/stabilizing mountains;

[Same information in 22:05]

and We produced/sprouted therein every kind of beautiful species of plants. [50:07]

All these facts are manifestly visually bright void of illusion, and a constant source of alarm/ remembrance for each and every person who makes himself return towards his Sustainer Lord. [50:08]

Moreover, We have intermittently descended water from the Sky, peculiarity of which is that it is [quantitatively] perpetuated. Thereby with this water, We sprouted gardens and the cultivated grain crops which are reaped. [50:09]

[Read with 6:99;26:148]

And tall palm-trees, for them are couch-frame spikes. [50:10]

This is the sustenance for the people.

And We rejuvenated/revived with it-water the dead piece of land/locality

[Read with 43:11]

Like this is the Resurrection/Exit [from beneath the Earth on Day of Resurrection]. [50:11]

[Read with 38:12;40:05]

Before them publicly contradicted the people of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], the residents/people of "Ar-Rass" and the civilization Samued [50:12]

And Aad and Pharaoh and brothers of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [50:13]

and the residents of "Al-Aikate" [afforested land-Nation Madyan-people of Shoaib alai'his'slaam] and the Nation of "Tubba".

All of them publicly contradicted the Messengers whereupon execution of My warning became incumbent upon them. [50:14]

[Negation in 46:33;50:38]

Were We then weary with the originating creation?

No, [there was even not the slightest weariness as earlier told you 46:33] the fact of the matter is that they are in a state of veiling about the afresh creation/resurrection. [50:15]

50:16-45                     Index/Main Page
