Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 69] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
The Inevitable Fact, when is the Inevitable Fact, and what is that which could give you the perception/lead-clue as to when is to emerge the Inevitable Fact. [69:01-03]
[Read with
13:31] People of Samued and Aad publicly contradicted the knocking warnings. [69:04] Thereat as for Samued are concerned, for reason they were annihilated with thunderous bump up. [69:05] And as for Aad, for reason they were annihilated with a chilling wind of great intensity, [69:06] which He imposed upon them that blowing for seven nights and eight days successively [Read with
54:20] whereupon you would have seen the Nation therein thrown on ground like as if they were the roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down. [69:07]
Thereby, do you see for them any left over remains? [69:08] Know that Fir'aoun-Pharaoh, and those who were in time and space before him, and the Cities who were Perverting the established norm conversely, they all had adopted the sinful conduct. [69:09] Thereby, in response they refused to accept the word of the Messenger of their Sustainer Lord, whereby in consequence He seized them, a stretched seizure [uprooted completely without leaving posterity]. [69:10]
Indeed when We overflowed the water, We uplifted you people in the state of sailing [69:11]
So that We may make that happening/episode for you people a message-memory-narrative; and so that the ears having characteristic of acting as retainer/receptacle may remember/retain it. [69:12] [Same pronouncement in same words in
read with 39:68] In consequence when the sound would have been blown in the Trumpet, one singular blow/BigBang; [69:13]
[Read with
20:107;56:05;89:21] and the Earth and the mountains would have been uplifted vertically, whereupon they both will be crushed and spread in singular level. [69:14] [Same pronouncement in
Thereat is the Day when the Determining Event will have made the happening/occurrence; [on second Blow in Trumpet] [69:15] And the Sky would have become porous whereat that Day at that point in time it will be loose/frail. [69:16] And the Angels will be on its edges And above them eight are responsible that Day for the Throne of your Sustainer Lord. [69:17]
That Day you people will be exhibited [the record/Book], nothing secret will remain hidden from you. [69:18] Thereat as for he is concerned whom his book/record is given/handed over in his right hand,
upon that he will say, "here, you people read my Book/record, [69:19] indeed I was positively sure that certainly I will be confronting my account" [69:20]
101:07] Resultantly he is in affluent pleasantly enjoying life,[69:21]
88:10] in the elevated Garden, [69:22]
[Read with
76:14] its clusters of fruits are hanging near [in hand reach for plucking]. [69:23] [Similar information in
52:19;77:43] [they will be told] "you people eat and drink with satisfaction for that which you people sent forward in the days gone". [69:24] And as for he is concerned whom his book/record is given/handed over by his left side, upon that he will say to himself, "Alas, I had not been given my book/record [69:25] and I would not have known as to what is my account. [69:26] Alas, I wish it had been the conclusive end. [69:27] [Read with
My wealth has not benefited/availed to divert anything from me. [69:28] [Read with
89:25] My authority/control over people has vanished". [69:29] [Read with
14:49;25:13;40:71;55:41;76:04] [It will be commanded] "You [the Angels-on Police duty] seize him and thereat shackle him. [69:30]
Afterwards, [push him in and] scorch him in the Hell-Prison. [69:31] Afterwards, for reason you insert him into the chain the length of which is seventy cubits". [69:32]
Indeed he used not to believe in Allah the Greatest. [69:33]
107:03] and neither persuades (himself/others) to feed the destitute/indigent. [69:34] [Read with 26:101;70:10] Consequently for him today here there is none for him any devoted friend, [69:35] and nor the meal except from left over decayed bad smelling food. [69:36]
None will eat that food except the persistent sinners. [69:37]