Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              080

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.            [Note] It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of سُورة [Chapter 80] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator.

80:01-02 Detailed Analysis



























































































  • The rich notable boastful of being self-sufficient scowled-wrinkled his face with annoyance and disgust, and reflexively turned and departed.

  • He did so on seeing [74:21-25] the Blind Man has come to him-Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] [80:02]

And what can give you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the perception of his arrival, since you are deeply occupied in advising that he/rich notable might reflexively cause himself to elevate [from polytheism] or he consciously inclines himself to remember the advice and then its recalling may benefit him; [80:03-04]

[Arrival of blind man was not noticed] since you have made yourself deeply occupied in paying  concentrated attention for him who has consciously made himself assume as free from need, though you are absolved of any blame if he is purposely determined not to elevate and purify himself [by leaving idolatry]. [80:05-07]

And as for that blind person who came to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] with effort and affection and he is a person who fears Allah but/the stated reason has caused your attention to remain away from him. [80:08-10]

No [that notable's remark that it is saying of a man is incorrect], the fact is that this is a reminder/admonishment. [80:11]

[Replica/Mirror 74:55]

Therefore, whosoever so willed he remembered/secured in memory/memorized/read/conveyed it [Grand Qur'aan] to others; [from where?] [80:12]

written/transcribed on papers; considered exalted/containing life saving inscriptions; [80:13]

kept at elevated places, kept aloof free from contamination/admixing; [80:14]

upon which this Qur'aan is written by the hands of those honourable, pious and just writers/scribes who write nicely making every word evident/prominent/unveiled. [80:15-16]

Let the man [who persistently refuses Qur'aan] be cursed, kept away discarded; what made him to refuse to accept it? [80:17]

[man should reflect] From which matter/thing He has created him, the human being [man and woman]? [80:18]

 He has created human being from part of a single sperm [which had to be pushed into water secreted from somewhere else being incapable of self movement] and then He had proportioned him [created complicated relationships of cells/with universe]. [80:19]

Thereafter lapse of time [on attaining maturity and free will], He made passage/path convenient/easy for him [with the sent guidance/Aa'ya'at, the Book]. [80:20]

Afterwards lapse of time [expiry of his term of life] caused him to die for which reason He caused him [segregated/alienated and] placed in grave. [80:21]

 Afterwards/lapse of time when Allah willed He will raise him to life again/scattered among people. [80:22]


If the man does not fulfill what it/Qur'aan has commanded

 then let look the man at his own feed. [80:23-24]


 [what are the processes involved in making it reach him] For his feed We sent water from above, in the manner of pouring/flowing on Earth; [80:25]

[Read with 86:12]

afterwards We cut path through Earth in the manner of making pores in it [to enable the sprout to be discharged, take birth/come out like the manner of a mother giving birth to a human child]; [80:26]

and then in her We made visible/emerge/produced the sprout of grain crop/grasses, ( grass; cereal crops, grains; Division: Angiosperm;Class: Liliopsida; Monocotyledoneae)[80:27]

and grapes and vegetable's shoots;(Angiosperms; Class: Magnolippsida; Dicotyledoneae) [80:28]

 and olive and date plant; [respectively dicotyledonous and monocotyledon] [80:29]

 and the buds characterized with thick neck overpowering [bud scales and "cottony" packing material which gives it overpowering control over coldness] [80:30]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 79:33]

and fruits and fodder/grass-pasture, [80:31] respectively serving as means of sustenance for you, and for the  mammals of you people. [80:32]

Then/for reason [blowing in Trumpet by command of Sustainer Lord] when the big bang [very loud sound] is heard; [80:33]

that Day man will run away frightened from his brother

and from his mother and his father

and from his wife and children; [80:34-36]

that Day each and everyone [from rejecters] will be in a state of self concern making him indifferent to all/everything. [80:37]

That Day some faces will be bright/beaming, laughing joyfully/achievement pleasure; [80:38-39]

and that Day other faces will seem dust-stained, veiled by blackness, [80:40-41]

These faces are of the people who deliberately and persistently floated in denial to accept. [80:42]

81:01-29                              Index/Main Page
