Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ر ك ن Signifies slight inclining; leaning. To trust, rely someone which makes him easy, quiet in mind.
[Same information in same words in
2:34;18:50;20:116] Know the history of that point in time when We had said for [to] the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Adam"; consequently in compliance they did pay obeisance; but Ieb'lees [in response to the command given to him separately] demurred [on being questioned for disobeying the command given to him] He replied, "Should I make obeisance for the one whom You created "dusty"/from clay?" [17:61] He said [proudly], "Have you seen this one whom You have honoured over me. Of course subject to Your granting me respite towards the Day of Resurrection certainly I will firmly bridle his progeny except a small minority". [17:62] [Similar pronouncement in
7:18;38:85 Allah said, "You go your way, then/for reason whoever from amongst them physically followed you/your footsteps then consequentially indeed Hell is the reward of you people; a commensurate recompense". [17:63] And you trip/fascinatingly move, whomever from them you have influenced, with your sound [conjectural false hopes void of reality/words] and you assault them with your "cavalry" and your "infantry" and be an associate with them in wealth and progeny and promise them". o And the Shaitan does not promise them except deceptively. [17:64] "Indeed upon My sincere allegiants/servants, for you there is no authority upon them. o And your Sustainer Lord suffices as the Guardian/Protector/Disposer of Affairs". [17:65] The Sustainer Lord of you people is the One Who sails for you people the ships/boats in the sea so that you people may seek from His bounty. [Similar pronouncement in 4:29]o Indeed He is ever Merciful to you people. [17:66] And when dangerous hardship touches you in the sea/ocean all those whom you people call [in tranquil circumstances] are forgotten except He exclusively. [Read with
29:65;31:32] In response to your prayers when He rescued you people towards the land/shore you people knowingly refrained [from being obliged and thankful]. And the man [most of them] is ungratefully disobedient. [17:67] [On having been rescued to shore/land] Is it for reason that you people have felt secured/protected against that He may cave-in the side of the Earth with you; [Read with 24:40] [Same warning in
67:17] or He may send upon you people molten rocks [as was sent upon nation of Luet alai'his'slaam] o Afterwards so happening you people will not find for your selves any guardian/protector. [17:68] Or have you people felt secured from that He may send you into the sea another time thereby He may send upon you people a tornado [waterspout] from the particular wind thereby He may drown you people for your ungrateful denials. o Afterwards [on the day of Judgment] you will not find for your selves before us to act as your claimant and helper. [17:69] And indeed We have hnoured and dignified the posterity of A'adam [alahisalam] and We have made them ride in the Earth and the Water Reservoir; [Same pronouncement in same words in
10:93;45:16] and We have provided them life-sustaining provision from pleasant nourishing things. o And We have bestowed grace in preference over many that We have created quiet distinctly. [17:70] The Day when We will call all human beings along with their written record book, then the one whom his book/written-printed record is handed over in his right hand, thereby they are the people who will read word by word their book; [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:77;explained by
4:40,124;10:44;19:60]o and they will not meet minutest injustice [even to the minimum possible which you could visualize] even equivalent to thin spot on date-stone slit/atom/tiniest. [17:71] And whoever remained in this worldly life blind [of heart] then he will be blind in the Hereafter. [Same pronouncement in same words in
25:44]o And is comparatively more unmindful/neglectful of way. [17:72]
And their purpose/resolve/attempt was to try you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the one, Grand Qur'aan, which We have sent to you so that you may say something other than the Qur'aan [which they could then make] attributable to Us;
o And [if you had obliged them with saying something from your own perception other than Qur'aan] in that case they would certainly have made you a fast friend. [17:73] [Read with 7:203;10:15-16] [Read with 68:08-9] And had We not kept you firm in your resolve, indeed the deceptive move/attempt was that you come near to them a little soft and obliging. [17:74] [Let it be known to people that had you obliged them a little with self composed statement] In that case We would have made you taste the life twice and the death twice [like those who sought evil ways 40:11;45:21] o Afterwards [on the Day of Judgment] you will not find for your self any helper before Us. [17:75] [by asking you for statements other than Qur'aan-17:73 which causes irritating disturbance] And they approached/intended to disconcert you in the City so that they may make you move out of it. o And in that case they would not have stayed after you except for a little while. [17:76] Such has been the practice/tradition whom We had sent before you from amongst Our Messengers. [Similar pronouncement in
35:43]o And you will not find for Our tradition/practice any variation. [17:77]