Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              017

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          





























































































Root: ر  ك  ن

Signifies slight inclining; leaning. To trust, rely someone which makes him easy, quiet in mind.



















[Same information in same words in 2:34;18:50;20:116]

Know the history of that point in time when We had said for [to] the Angles, "You people pay obeisance for Adam"; consequently in compliance they did pay obeisance; but Ieb'lees [in response to the command given to him separately] demurred


[on being questioned for disobeying the command given to him] He replied, "Should I make obeisance for the one whom You created "dusty"/from clay?" [17:61]

He said [proudly], "Have you seen this one whom You have honoured over me.

Of course subject to Your granting me respite towards the Day of Resurrection

[Read with 58:19]o

certainly I will firmly bridle his progeny except a small minority". [17:62]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:18;38:85

Allah said, "You go your way, then/for reason whoever from amongst them physically followed you/your footsteps then consequentially indeed Hell is the reward of you people; a commensurate recompense". [17:63]

And you trip/fascinatingly move, whomever from them you have influenced, with your sound [conjectural false hopes void of reality/words]

and you assault them with your "cavalry" and your "infantry" and be an associate with them in wealth and progeny and promise them".


And the Shaitan does not promise them except deceptively. [17:64]

"Indeed upon My sincere allegiants/servants, for you there is no authority upon them.


And your Sustainer Lord suffices as the Guardian/Protector/Disposer of Affairs". [17:65]

The Sustainer Lord of you people is the One Who sails for you people the ships/boats in the sea so that you people may seek from His bounty.

[Similar pronouncement in 4:29]o

  Indeed He is ever Merciful to you people. [17:66]

[Read with 31:32]

And when dangerous hardship touches you in the sea/ocean all those whom you people call [in tranquil circumstances] are forgotten except He exclusively.

[Read with 29:65;31:32]

In response to your prayers when He rescued you people towards the land/shore you people knowingly refrained [from being obliged and thankful].


And the man [most of them] is ungratefully disobedient. [17:67]

[Read with 16:45;67:16]

[On having been rescued to shore/land] Is it for reason that you people have felt secured/protected against that He may cave-in the side of the Earth with you; [Read with 24:40]

[Same warning in 67:17]

or He may send upon you people molten rocks [as was sent upon nation of Luet alai'his'slaam]


Afterwards so happening you people will not find for your selves any guardian/protector. [17:68]

Or have you people felt secured from that He may send you into the sea another time

thereby He may send upon you people a tornado [waterspout] from the particular wind thereby He may drown you people for your ungrateful denials.


Afterwards [on the day of Judgment] you will not find for your selves before us to act as your claimant and helper. [17:69]

And indeed We have hnoured and dignified the posterity of A'adam [alahisalam] and We have made them ride in the Earth and the Water Reservoir;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:93;45:16]

and We have provided them life-sustaining provision from pleasant nourishing things.


And We have bestowed grace in preference over many that We have created quiet distinctly. [17:70]

The Day when We will call all human beings along with their written record book,

then the one whom his book/written-printed record is handed over in his right hand, thereby they are the people who will read word by word their book;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:49; similar 4:77;explained by 4:40,124;10:44;19:60]o

and they will not meet minutest injustice [even to the minimum possible which you could visualize] even equivalent to thin spot on date-stone slit/atom/tiniest. [17:71]

And whoever remained in this worldly life blind [of heart] then he will be blind in the Hereafter.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 25:34;similar 25:44]o

And is comparatively more unmindful/neglectful of way. [17:72]

And their purpose/resolve/attempt was to try you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about the one, Grand Qur'aan, which We have sent to you so that you may say something other than the Qur'aan [which they could then make] attributable to Us;


 And [if you had obliged them with saying something from your own perception other than Qur'aan] in that case they would certainly have made you a fast friend. [17:73] [Read with 7:203;10:15-16]

[Read with 68:08-9]

And  had We not kept you firm in your resolve, indeed the deceptive move/attempt was that you come near to them a little soft and obliging. [17:74]

[Let it be known to people that had you obliged them a little with self composed statement] In that case We would have made you taste the life twice and the death twice [like those who sought evil ways 40:11;45:21]


Afterwards [on the Day of Judgment] you will not find for your self any helper before Us. [17:75]

[by asking you for statements other than Qur'aan-17:73 which causes irritating disturbance] And they approached/intended to disconcert you in the City so that they may make you move out of it.


And in that case they would not have stayed after you except for a little while. [17:76]

Such has been the practice/tradition whom We had sent before you from amongst Our Messengers.

[Similar pronouncement in 35:43]o

And you will not find for Our tradition/practice any variation. [17:77]

