Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              043

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     




























































































And when the quote/example of the son of Maryam [Siddiqa] was made evident [in the Qur'aan], at that point in time/with reference the Nation of you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] refrain from it/Qur'aan talking aloud and perturbed. [43:57]

And they/Elite of Mecca said to people, "Are our various iela'aha better or he? [Son of Maryam who is considered iela'aha by some others]

They have not made/projected that as an issue for you except to raise a meaningless debate/controversy/wrangling.

Nay, the fact of the matter is that they are a people who indulge in vain wrangling-obsessively compulsive argumentation. [43:58]

[The quote of the Son of Maryam simply highlighted] That he was but only a sincere allegiant upon whom We had showered blessings,

and We had made and declared him an example for Bani Iesraa'eel. [43:59]

[Our powers and capabilities are limitless] And if We so willed We certainly could have made some from amongst you people as Angels [possessing Wings] in the Earth, they succeeding. [43:60]

[Read with 7:187; 31:34;41:47;43:85]

[You, the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam pronounce] "And it is a certain fact that with Allah is the Knowledge of the Appointed Moment.

[Read with 42:18]

Therefore you people let not make yourselves curious and questing about it/The Last Moment-Day, and you people consciously transform yourselves to physically follow Me [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in letter and spirit,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:51;19:36;36:61;43:64]

   this is the Path that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility" [43:61]

[Read with 5:91;9:34;11:19;14:03]

And you people let not the Shai'taan hinder you people keep journeying on The Straight Path, [since he is determined to sit there to divert you by deceptive conjectural fascinating myths-7:16]

[Same warning in same words in 2:168,208;6:142;36:60]

  Indeed he is for you people the openly declared enemy". [43:62]

And when Easa [alai'his'slaam] came with unprecedented demonstrative signs, he said,

"Indeed I have come to you people with the pearls of wisdom and for the purpose that I may make for you people distinctly evident and crystal clear some of that in which you people mutually differ.

[Same demand in same words in 3:50; by other Messengers 26:108,110,126,131,144,150,163,179]

      For this reason/therefore you people consciously make yourselves mindful, heedful and cautious of Allah and listen and accept my word. [43:63]

[His similar statement in 3:51;5:72;19:36]

 Indeed Allah is He Who is the Sustainer-Lord of me and the Sustainer Lord of you people, therefore, you people be subservient/allegiant to Him alone;

[His statement in same words in 3:51;19:36-also at 36:61;43:61]

   this is the Path that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility" [43:64]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 19:37]

In response/thereat different groups of people consciously and purposefully differed amongst themselves.

[Similar pronouncement in 19:37;51:60]

For reason/thereby woe/regret is for those people who did unjust confronting the severe infliction. [43:65]

[Same pronouncement in 47:18]

Are they waiting [to believe the Grand Qur'aan] except that the Determined Moment may come to them all of a sudden

[Same pronouncement about last day in 26:202;29:53]

and they have no idea/perception/clue of that particular Moment. [43:66]

That Day the friends will be foes for some others, except the friends of those who are consciously mindful and heedful and avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah. [43:67]

"O My sincere allegiants, Today there is no cause of fear for you people and nor shall you people have any cause of grief [43:68]

[Read with 15:02]

those who accepted/believed in Our Aa'ya'at [of the Book] and they kept physically following the Primordial Code and Procedure of Physical Conduct [till death]. [43:69]

[Read with 15:46]

You people enter into the Paradise, you and spouses of you people, delighted" [43:70]

They will be presented/served in the trays made from gold, and [silver plated crystal] cups/glasses; and therein is served what is desired by selves and the eyes get delighted by presentation beauty, while you people therein will be the permanent residents. [43:71]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:43;19:63]

And this is the Paradise you people have deserved/made it inheritance

 with what you people had done/performed. [ الحمدلله how appreciative and encouraging remarks] [43:72]

For you people therein are fruits in abundance from which you people will eat" [43:73]

    43:74-89                                     Main Page/Index
