Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          








































































[Same information in same words in 7:73]

And towards Sa'mued We sent their brother Saleh [alai'his'slaam].

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:65;73,85;11:50,61,84]

   Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, for you people there is no iela'aha other than Him alone;

 He has produced you from the Earth and has settled you people therein.

Therefore [for what you have been doing hitherto] you seek forgiveness from Him and afterwards you people turn to Him perfecting sincerity/conduct.


Truly my Sustainer Lord is Near/Omnipresent and Responsive [to those who ask of Him]. [11:61]

They said, "O Saleh! you were a brightening hope among us before this [stance of yours].

Are you forbidding us that we should not be allegiant/worship what our forefathers worshipped/were allegiant?

[Same assertion in 14:09]o

And we are indeed in skepticism towards Whom you are inviting us, a doubt/skepticism causing disquiet/duality of thought/disconcert". [11:62]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:28,88]

Saleh [alai'his'slaam] said, "O my nation! Have you thought that if I am on the standpoint of rational and logical reason/Fact [Aa'ya'at] from my Sustainer Lord

[Similar pronouncement in 11:28]

and/since He has given me Blessing from Him.

Then who will help me from Allah if I defy the word/message of Him?


In that case you people [by expecting that] will be adding for me nothing except loss. [11:63]

[Similar pronouncement in 7:73;26:155;91:13]

And O my nation! This is the she-camel, for you people she is a sign/emblem from Allah;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:73]

therefore leave her freely feeding in the land of Allah;

[Similar pronouncement in 7:73;26:156]o

and you people do not touch her with harming intention for which reason you people will be seized by a nearby torment. [11:64]

[Similar information in 51:43]

Then/for reason [extreme defiance] they hamstrung her. On this he said to them, "you people enjoy in your home for [another] three days.


This is the promise, the other of belied/false one" [11:65]

In keeping with the promised word when the time of Our Command reached, We rescued/saved Saleh [alai'his'slaam] and those who had believed along with him with the mercy from Us [in keeping with our promise and self assumed obligation of saving the Messengers and believers], and saved them to watch the humiliation [of their nation] on that day.

[Same pronouncement in 42:19]o

Indeed, O you the Messenger, your Sustainer Lord is the Absolutely Powerful, Absolutely Dominant. [11:66]

And the sound blast [during the daytime causing earthquake-7:78;51:44] seized those who had done wrong/mischief;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:94]o

and resultantly they turned/became debris in their respective houses, [11:67]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 11:95]

[they were smashed into pieces-54:31] as if they had never availed therein.

The fact is that indeed the Sa'mued refused to believe in their Sustainer Lord.


So [in keeping with the laid down principle] distancing away was for the civilization of Sa'mued. [11:68]

