Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
alai'his'slaam proclamation in
10:72] He has ordained for you people, the humanity, from the Code of Conduct and Physical Procedure the same Path/the Fountain of perpetual flow/Source/Ordinance with which He had tied/enjoined on Noah [alai'his'slaam], [Read his proclamation in
27:91; in
45:18] and which We have communicated to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], [Read with
2:132;4:131;6:153] and with which We had tied and enjoined upon Iebra'heim and Musa and Easa علیھم السلام that Universal Ordinance is "you people keep yourselves firm and steadfast for the Prescribed Code of Conduct and Physical Procedure, and you people should not transform yourselves in divisions/sects in it. This universally ordained Ordinance towards which you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] invite them is heavy upon those who worship hand sculpted Statues considering and calling them as various iela'aha.
Allah chooses for grouping towards Him the one whom He wills, and/i.e. He guides towards Him the one who determines to turn [on the Ordained Straight Path] [42:13] [Similar information in
2:213;45:17] And they did not differ/made sects, except after having reached them that which brought them the knowledge, because of grouping/classes/vested interests amongst them. [Read with
10:19;11:110;41:45] And had a word/promise/decision, of a duration to culminate on determined moment, not preceded from your Sustainer Lord the matter would have indeed been adjudged/resolved between them; [Read with 40:53] and indeed those who were caused [Bani Iesraa'eel] to inherit the Book, they are certainly in doubt/skepticism regarding it/Grand Qur'aan, that doubt/skepticism which causes disconcert/duality of thought/disquiet. [42:14] Therefore for/towards this Universal Ordinance you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] call people and you keep maintaining yourself in your resolve firm and steadfast as you have been advised, and do not consider worthwhile following their conjectures and wishes and/instead you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I have believed in that which has since been communicated to me in the Book. And I have have been advised that I should do justice between you people. [Similar pronouncement in 2:139] Allah is the Sustainer Lord of us and the Sustainer Lord of you people; [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:139;28:55] for us are the deeds of ours and for you are the deeds of you people; there is no conflict and controversy for winning over between us and between you people. Allah will arrange assembly amongst us [the believers], [Same pronouncement in same words
except waw 40:03] and/since towards Him is the destination/finality". [42:15] And those people who argue/dispute in the Ordinance of Allah after that it has by self directed will been responded for Him their polemics is slippery and precarious in the judgment of their Sustainer Lord. [Read wit
16:106] And upon such people is incumbent the liability of criminal cognizance and for them is a grave torment [in wait on the Day of Resurrection]. [42:16] [Similar pronouncement in 3:03;4:105,170;5:48;6:05;16:102;23:70;29:68;37:37;39:02,41;42:17;43:78;50:05] Allah is the One Who has since communicated the Book as the Statement of Fact; [Same pronouncement in
57:25] and as Criterion/Weighing Scale for ad judgment/evaluation/appreciation/weighing/Equity [In time and space the Book of Allah is the sole Criterion-the Weighing Scale for upholding principle of Equity and Justice in evaluation of people-57:25]
[Same pronouncement in
33:63] And what is that which could lead you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] to the perception that perhaps/may be the Determined Moment is in near future? [He was questioned twice and asked twice to pronounce it 21:109;71:25] [42:17]
Only those people seek [mock] to hasten the Determined Moment who do not accept/believe in it.
And those who have believed feel terror of it since they know, it is indeed a fact [proven/unavoidable] [Read in conjunction 6:02;43:61;44:50] The fact of the matter is that those who indulge in controversy [are in search/create confusion and illusions regarding point of occurrence] about the Appointed Moment, indeed they are in prolonged heedlessness. [42:18]
Allah with His created ones is au fait of all niceties and delicacies/subtlety/refinements, He grants sustenance [in abundance] to whom He wills/desires.
[Same pronouncement in
11:66] And He is the Absolutely Powerful, Absolutely Dominant. Whoever desires and seeks gain of the Hereafter, We will increase for him his gain and whoever desires and seeks the worldly gains We give him out of it [Same warning in 2:200] and for him is no share in the Hereafter. [42:20] Or for them are the associates/partners who have ordained an ordinance for them from the Code of Conduct and Physical Procedure for which Allah has not granted the permission? [Read with 42:14] And had the Word of Day of Segregation/Separation/Compartmentalization not preceded [from their Sustainer Lord] certainly the matter would have been finalized between them.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
14:22] And indeed the distorters/wrong doers are the ones for them is severe punishment. [42:21] [Read with
18:49] You will see the wrong doers/creators of imbalances/distorters perplexedly frightened from that [seeing written in their record book] which they had earned, and that is going to happen with them. [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:82;4:57,122;7:42;29:07,09,58;35:07;40:58;42:22;47:02] And those who accepted/believed and did act righteously/moderately as directed, [Same information in
30:15] are in the beautiful parks of delight and comfort. [Same pronouncement in
16:31;25:16;39:34;50:35] For them is/will be everything which they desire from their Sustainer Lord, [Same pronouncement in same words in
35:32] This is that which is the greatest Bounty. [42:22]