Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              014

       Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.    












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Have you not yet reflected how Allah has emerged/surfaced/defined the equation/example of a pleasant, meaningful, benefiting and result yielding assertion/statement;


it is like a pleasantly beneficial and result yielding female/fruit bearing tree. Its Root is firmly entrenched and its stem/trunk rising high in to the Sky. [14:24]

it yields its fruit each and every time with the permission of its Sustainer Lord.

[Similar pronouncement in 39:27]o

And Allah quotes/strikes/narrates examples/similitude for the people so that they may conveniently save it in memory/remember/take lesson and recall to narrate [the point explained]. [14:25]

And the parallel of a conjectural statement is like a picayune tree which has been uprooted over the Earth, for such uprooted picayune tree there is no place for stationing it [which could yield it some respectability and worthiness]. [14:26]

Allah strengthens/firms perpetually, those who have accepted/believed with a firm and ever lasting statement, in the worldly life and in the hereafter;

and Allah lets them neglectfully wander those who are evil mongers/distorters/conjecturers/falsifiers


And Allah innovatively does whatever He likes and wills. [14:27]

Have you not given a thought towards those people who changed/substituted the favour/blessing of Allah with persistent refusing ingratitude,


and they settled for their nation the place of destruction [14:28]

Hell Prison, wherein they push in to scorch;


and the wretched place of permanent resident. [14:29]

And they [the leaders/elite] ascribe for Allah partners/equals with the intention that they may make people digress/straying away from His path [that leads to Him/the destination]


 You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people avail the benefit [worldly gain by deceiving people], resultantly/consequence indeed your eventual destination is towards the Fire-Hell Prison". [14:30]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for those of My servants who have accepted/believed that they may, secretly/privately and publicly, establish, maintain/manage/ organize/stand for the performance of Ass-sa'laat and spend out/part of the worldly resources, which We have given them as sustenance,


before that the Day comes in which there shall be no forward commitment, nor friendship. [14:31]

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:73;7:54;10:03;11:07;14:32;17:99;25:59;32:04;36:81;46:33;57:04]

Allah the One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth;

[Also exact these words are in 2:22;20:53]

And from the Sky He sent water,

[Same information in same words in 2:22]

 then with that He took out a variety of fruits/shrubs, as your means of subsistence.

[Similar information in 14:32;17:66;22:65;31:31;45:12]  

And He has subjected [subjugated to a set discipline/relativity with air 30:46] the ship for you people so that it may sail/move in the water reservoir by the commanded affair of Him.


And He has subjected for you people the water flows. [14:32]

And for you people He has subjected the Sun and the Moon submissive as the two who persistently/without break/halting follow their course/circle/orbit.


And for you people, He has subjected the Night and the Day. [14:33]

[Read with 55:29]

And He gave you people from everything what you people asked of it,

[Same pronouncement in 16:18]

and if you people wish/attempt to count the favours/things of benefit granted/created by Allah you people will not encompass them.


[Despite innumerable favours] Indeed the humanity [majority of them] is certainly distorter/altering realities and equations/falsifier and persistently denying/disavowing ingrate. [14:34]

