Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Same pronouncement in
40:81] He is the One Who shows to your eyes His evident demonstrative physical signs, and He sends for you people from the Sky the provision of life, o and/but people do not make themselves notice/remember/get cautioned except the one who heeds. [40:13] Therefore you people [the heedful] call upon Allah remaining acting as exclusively sincere devotee/ allegiant for Him in the physical conduct/code/procedure of life, [Same pronouncement in same words in
9:32]o without caring how much it made feel aversive to those who have persistently and deliberately refused to accept/believe. [40:14] He/Allah has the Absolute Elevation [above all the degrees, conceivable/perceivable by people], the Possessor of Absolute Sovereignty, the Granter of elevated positions [to His created ones]. He causes to be presented the Essence of His Will/Decision/Command [the Book] to the person chosen [and given elevated distinction] by Him from His sincere servants/allegiants, o so that he may warn people about the Day of gathering face to face [collection/joining of all men and jinn for accountability]". [40:15] [Same information in
14:21,48] The Day they will appear in the open; nothing of any sort is hidden from Allah about them the One for Whom is the Dominion and Dispensation of Justice this Day; [[Same pronouncement in same
words in
14:48]o [they will appear in the open] for the only One Absolutely Dominant over all irresistibly. [40:16] This Day each and every person shall be paid back that which he had earned/acts performed, this Day is such that there is absolutely no injustice for anyone, [Same information in same
words in 3:199;
2:202;3:19;13:41;24:39]o [it should be known] since Allah is indeed swift in accounting/measuring /judging/evaluating/ reckoning. [40:17] [Read with 53:57] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] warn/admonish them about the Day which is ever approaching nearer and nearer [to end moment of determined duration] the Day when the hearts will bulge unto throats, extremely terrified and perturbed ones. o For the distorters/creators of imbalances/evil doers there will be none from amongst friends and nor intercessors who may listen them. [40:18] He even fully knows the stealthy glances of the eyes o and that which the chests conceal/holdback from mentioning. [40:19] And Allah decides/concludes the matters on the basis of truth and established/proven fact. And those whom they call other than Allah they decide and conclude nothing of the sort. o Indeed Allah is the One Who is eternally the Hearer [of what is said, at whatever frequency] and is of Vision [everything/act is in His focus]. [40:20]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
Is it that they have not yet traversed in the world/land [Read also with 12:109;22:46;40:82;47:10]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
12:109;30:09;35:44;40:82;47:10] whereby they may see the remains/archeological evidences as to what was the end of those who were before them [and take heed/lesson].
[Same pronouncement in
30:09;35:44;40:82] They were mightier in power than them;
[Same pronouncement in same words in
40:82; similar
information in
30:09] and in the matter of leaving impressions/monuments in the Earth, [Same pronouncement in same words in
3:11;8:52] thereat for reason of their persistent crimes Allah seized them. [Same pronouncement in
13:34]o And for them there was no defender to save them from Allah. [40:21] [Same information in
64:06] This happened certainly because of the reason that their Messengers used to come to them with the distinct unprecedented demonstrative signs/Aa'ya'at whereupon they persistently refused to accept/believe thereby in consequence Allah seized them, indeed He is the Most Powerful, severe in awarding punishment/is watchful/examines matters minutely till conclusion. [40:22]