Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[after first Bing Bang all will die, there will be no one to close the wide open eyes of the dead]
And when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] prayed, "My Sustainer Lord, Declare and make this city the provider of security and tranquility, o and You keep me and my progeny that We might ever worship/show allegiance for the hand sculpted statues. [14:35] My Sustainer Lord, indeed they have strayed many among the humanity. Therefore/for reason [that I never did that] whoever physically followed me in letter and spirit then for that reason he is indeed of me [whether or not related by blood] and whoever refused to accept my word, o then [judgment is Yours], indeed You are oft-forgiving, the Fountain of Mercy. [14:36]
Our Sustainer Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we proclaim [Similar information in
3:05]o And nothing is hidden/secreted from Allah from anything in the Earth nor that in the Sky" [14:38] [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام said] "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has granted me in old age Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq [علیھم السلام]. o Indeed My Sustainer Lord is certainly the eternally listener of the prayer. [14:39] My Sustainer Lord, make me the maintainer/organizer/establisher of congregational physical prostration prayer; and similarly from my progeny. o Our Sustainer Lord, and accept my prayer. [14:40] Our Sustainer Lord, You grant forgiveness for me and for my forefathers and for the believers on the day the accountability will be held" [14:41] And you should certainly not presume Allah being unmindful of what the evil mongers/ distorters/ conjecturers-altering realities and equations/falsifiers are doing. [Read with 21:97]o Indeed He is delaying/postponing [requital for] them for the day in which the visions will be open/staring uninterruptedly, [14:42] [Towards whom they will run, read
70:36] runners towards a point, with their heads raised, their eye lash is not turning back to them; o and their hearts are empty/lurching. [14:43] And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] admonish/warn/caution the humanity of the day the infliction will arrive to them, then/for reason of having seen infliction those, who did evil/distorted/conjectured-altered realities and equations/falsified, will say, "Our Sustainer Lord! You respite us for a shortly near period, we will respond to Your call and we will physically follow the Messengers in letter and spirit". o [let them know the response] "Were you not hitherto solemnly proclaiming that for you people there is nothing of the sort of fall/decline? [14:44] And you dwelled in the abodes of those who had done wrong to their selves [in the days before you] and it had become unambiguously evident for you people how We had dealt with them. o And We had struck/quoted/narrated for you people the examples/similitude". [14:45]
And indeed they had planned their strategies and all their strategies are [worthless] before Allah even if their strategies were such that with it the mountains should fall. [14:46]
Therefore you should certainly not presume that Allah betrays His promise with His Messengers. [Similar pronouncement in
3:04;5:95;39:37]o Indeed Allah is the Dominant, the Authority to award due punishment to criminals. [14:47] The day the Earth will be substituted with other of the Earth and the Skies will be changed, [Same information in
14:21;40:16]o And [that having been done, on second Bing Bang all resurrected] they all appeared in the open, for the only One Absolutely Dominant over all irresistibly. [14:48] [Read with
25:13;40:71;55:41;69:30;76:04] And you will see the criminals on that Day the moment they are tied together in the chains. [14:49]
Their garments/wearing from charcoal and the fire/scorching heat will veil their faces, [14:50] so that Allah may recompense each and every self what she had earned. [Same information in same
words in 3:199;
2:202;3:19;13:41;24:39]o [it should be known] Allah is indeed swift in accounting/measuring/judging/evaluating/reckoning. [14:51] This [Grand Qur'aan] is the delivered source [for achieving ultimate objective of salvation/saving from failure in the test/exam] for people and so that with this they get warned/admonished/awakened and so that they may convincingly know that He is the Only One Iela'aha; o and so that those who look into matters objectively without overlapping it with emotions/prejudices/ biases/whims/caprices may remember/narrate. [14:52]