Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              042

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          
































































































Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; active [Form IV] + Subject pronoun
































[Same information in 28:60]

Therefore all that which you people have been given from tangible/material things is for reason of sustenance of the worldly life and its attraction,

[Similar pronouncement in 16:95;28:60]

and that which is from Allah is far better and more lasting for those who believed;

[Same information in same words in 8:02;16:42,99;29:59]

and they have consciously adopted the attitude of placing reliance, trust and hope in the Sustainer Lord of them. [42:36]

[Similar information in 4:31;53:32]

And those people who consciously restrict themselves to avoid committing major and grave sins [that cause serious and deep rooted disturbance in society] and the illicit sexual activities.

And at the point in time when they were seized by anger they forgive that which caused this.  [42:37]

And those who consciously made themselves to respond for the Sustainer Lord of them,

and they remained steadfast in performing As-Salat;

and their affair is on the basis of consultation and consensus between them;

[Same information in same words in 2:03;8:03;22:35;28:54;32:16]

and out/part of the worldly resources, which We have given them as sustenance, they spend [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah]. [42:38]

And those are the people that when oppressive infliction is caused to them they consciously react in self defense. [42:39]

[Same injunction in 40:40]

And the retaliatory punishment/requital for a wrong/bad/damaging act is proportionate/similar one to the wrong/bad done;

thereat in response the one who overlooked pardoning and reconciled correcting the matters, thereupon his reward is due upon Allah,

[Similar pronouncement in 3:57;3:140]

   Indeed He does not approve/like for nearness the evil-mongers/unjust/distorters/oppressors. [42:40]

And certainly the one who retaliated in self defense consequent upon the wrong done to him, thereat such are the people upon whom there is no indictment. [42:41]

Indeed the indictment is upon those who do injustice and oppress the people

[Same pronouncement in 10:23]

and they make excesses in the Earth without there being any justification/rightful cause.

[Exactly same pronouncement in same words in 3:91;29:23]

They are the people for whom is severe punishment [in wait], [42:42]

And certainly the one who remained steadfast coolly perseverant and he forgave,

[Similar pronouncement in 3:186;31:17]

no doubt that it is indeed of matters of strong determination/will power. [42:43]

And Whomever Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying/wandering/ indifferent,

thereat/for this reason there is none rightfully guiding guardian/patron for him after Him.

And you will see when the wrong doers/evil mongers would have seen the imminent infliction they will say

"Is there any turn away/way out from indictment?" [42:44]

And you will see them depressed in humiliation on they being exposed to it/Hell Prison, they will be watching with stealthy glances.

And those who had accepted/believed said,

[Same pronouncement in 39:15]

"Certainly the losers are those  people who have made their selves and their household to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures] on the Day of Judgment" [Read with 7:09;23:103]

Unquestionably it is a fact that the wrong does/distorters/unjust people are in the perpetuating/ enduring infliction. [42:45]

And there is none from protectors other than Allah who could help them.

And Whomever Allah causes to be exposed/lets him remain in neglectfully straying/wandering/ indifferent,

[Same pronouncement in 4:88, 4:143]

 then for this reason, for him is no way out [to get out of his circular wandering]. [42:46]

[Read with 8:24;13:18]

You people make yourselves consciously respond affirmatively for the Sustainer Lord of you people

[Same pronouncement in same words in 30:43]

before that the Day may arrive when there is no possibility of its reverting by Allah.

That Day for you people there shall be no place to flee,

and nor for you people shall be any chance/excuse for denial. [42:47]

[Similar eventuality in 4:80;41:13]

In response [to the Aa'ya'at of Qur'aan]/for reason if they knowingly and deliberately refrained from those [it is their choice/freedom granted/discretion, why should you worry, let them go]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:80; similar in 6:107]

for reason/since We have not sent you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] for acting as guard upon them. [Allah is watching them-42:06. Messenger pronounced it in 6:104;11:57,86]

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;4248;64:12;72:23,28]

since the only responsibility upon you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] is to deliver/convey/pass on the message [to their ears and hands, orally and in writing; and your responsibility is not to keep always watching them]

And indeed We, when We make him taste mercy/affluence and pleasantness from Us, he rejoices it boisterously,

[Same pronouncement in same words in 30:36]

And when infliction/adversity reaches them for reason/as result of what they had sent forward/done [at that point in time they are despaired]

[Same pronouncement in 17:67;22:66;43:15]

It is rue that the man [most of them] is ungratefully disobedient. [42:48]

For Allah is the dominion of the Skies and the Earth.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:47;28:68;30:54;39:04]

He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;

He grants daughters for the one whom He wishes and He grants the sons for the one whom He wills [42:49]

or He groups the progeny males and females

and He leaves whom He wills as without progeny.

Indeed He is eternally the Knowledgeable, the absolutely Dominant. [42:50]

42:51-53                 Main Page/Index
