Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              021

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           
































































































And it is prohibited for the town/community which We annihilated to return, certainly they will not return [21:95]


until when Yajooj and Majooj are let opened passage [by shattering of wall] and they will be running from each and every bump/convexity; [21:96]

and the promise of certainty [Last Day] has approached whereupon the eyes/vision of those who persistently refused to accept shall be staring;

[All say this, 21:14, 21:46]

"Woe is for us, indeed we were negligent about this day.


No, we were not merely in heedlessness, but the fact is that we were wrong-doers/unjust" [21:97]


Indeed you people and the ones, that you people worship/express allegiance to apart from Allah, will be the fuel/charred/affected in the Hell-high heated Prison,

you people for her are the visitors. [21:98]

Had those been truly various iela'aha they would not have visited her;


and all shall remain therein for ever. [21:99]

For them therein is sighing and wailing and they therein will not listen [any hopeful news]. [21:100]

Indeed those people who took the lead, for them is from Us the most appropriate reward.


They are the people who are removed far away from Hell-Prison. [21:101]

They will not listen the faintest sound of it.


And they are in [Paradise] where it will be available whatever their selves desired, for ever. [21:102]

[They are in peace on Last Day 27:89]

The greatest terror [surfacing on first blow in the Trumpet on Last Day] will not grieve them


and Angels will meet them face to face, they will tell "This is your Day the one which you were promised" [21:103]

[Read with 39:67;86:11]

That Day We will fold back the Sky like the rolling of parchments for writing books,

like the manner We created/originated in the first instance We will return/revive/take him/man to logical conclusion. This is a promise/obligation upon Us.


Indeed We are the innovatively doer of these things. [21:104]

And indeed We had written in the Az-Zaboor after the mention of advice


that My sincere allegiants who are the perfectionists shall inherit the Earth. [21:105]

Indeed in this/Grand Qura'an is certainly the Delivered message for people who are allegiants  demonstrating servitude. [21:106]

And We have not sent you, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] except as Mercy Personified for the known worlds, all that exists. [21:107]

You, the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed what is communicated to me is

[Same pronouncement in same words in 18:110;41:06]

that the Iela'aha of you people is the Singular One Iela'aha;

[Same query in same words in 11:14]o

Then, for this reason, do you people surrender to it?" [21:108]

In response if they turned away thereupon you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "I have announced to you people equally/unambiguously,

[Similar pronouncement in 71:25] o

and I do not have the perception whether that which is promised to you people is in the near era or farther era. [21:109]

Indeed He fully knows whatever is openly/loudly stated;


and He fully knows what you people conceal/withhold from saying. [21:110]

[Read with 26:205]

And I do not perceive, perhaps that may be a trial for you people

[Similar information in 2:36;7:24]o

and means of livelihood up to an appointed time". [21:111]

He said, "O my Sustainer Lord! You decide on the basis of absolute fact;

[Same pronouncement in 12:18]o

and our Sustainer Lord Ar'Reh'maan is the One sought for help upon what they people conjecture" [21:112]

