Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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And when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was subjected to a trial [for exposure of his potentialities] by his Sustainer Lord with certain commands, therefore, for reason, he fulfilled/complied the commanded words.

And be informed that when the Sustainer Lord of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] had Personally assigned to him certain matters aimed at exposure of his potentialities, he responded and consciously accomplished those commanded words.

His Sustainer Lord said: "I declare you as Imam/Leader for the people." He asked: "And would some out of my progeny be made Imam/Leader!".  He answered: "But My Promise will not extend to the evil-doers [of your progeny]" [2:124] [A person can become Imam only when it is established that he is not distorter/evil doer]

And be informed that when [on completion] We appointed/declared "The House" as the place of pilgrimage/return/assembly for the people and a place of safety/shelter/amnesty;

 and, We commanded; "You people consciously adopt any part of the standing place of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] [outside/around four walls of House where he stood while raising it] as a standing/assembly place of Sa'laat" and We had enjoined/imposed a pledge/duty upon both Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile [علیہم السلام];

[Similar in 22:26]

   that assigned responsibility was, "You both cause to maintain/manage the cleanliness/sanctity of My House for those people who walk around it, and for those who stay around it, and for those who kneel and prostrate". [2:125]

And be informed that when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] had said: "My Sustainer Lord, declare this land/valley a place that affords Peace-law and order;

and feed its inhabitants with rich sustenance, who from amongst them became believer in Allah and the Last Day."

  He replied: "and for reason [being the Sustainer Lord of all] I will also feed him who refused to accept, for a little period; thereafter [on the Day of Judgment] I will cause him to be driven to the torment of fire, which is the vile abode/destination to land in." [2:126]

And be informed that when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was raising the foundation walls of The House [on the plot/land identified for him-22:26]; with Iesma'eile [علیہ السلام] they were praying; "Our Sustainer Lord! Accept this service from us;

 Certainly You are The Ever Listener, The Knowledgeable. [2:127]

Our Sustainer Lord! keep/declare us as two Muslims, for ever surrendering for You, and keep/declare from the progeny of two of us a Muslim community, subservient exclusively for You;

and You please cause the demonstration for our watching/let our eyes observe our methods/modalities/procedures; and turn in mercy towards us. It is a fact that certainly You are The One Who with utmost Mercy attends to prayer". [2:128]

Our Sustainer Lord! and among them [our generation] send a revivalist/re-awakener as Messenger from amongst them [Muslim community of Iesma'eile's progeny],

who will recite upon/for them Your Aa'ya'at [of the Book], word by word/syllable by syllable, and he will educate/instruct/teach them [all Aa'ya'at of] the Book and [thus reveal the knowledge about invisible] wisdom/the invisible information/data [contained in Aa'ya'at] and he will  intellectually raise/uplift/ sanctify/elevate them [by removing shackles of all conjectural myths/distortions in belief].

 It is a fact that You are certainly the All Pervasive and eternally The Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded." [2:129]

Be thoughtful, who is he who would like to invert his inclination away from the prescribed procedure of the Community of Iebra'heim? None turns/diverts his inclination away except the one who made of himself a fool.

Remember the fact that certainly We had, with Our pleasure, selected/elevated/chosen him [also for friendship-4:125] in this world. Of course, it is a certain fact that in the Hereafter he is certainly in the ranks of the Righteous-the Perfectionists. [2:130]

[reverting from parenthetic] be informed, when his Sustainer Lord had said to him: "You remain subject to Prescribed Method/Code of life-Deen of Islam", He had submitted; "I have consciously surrendered/submitted for the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds/All that exists" [2:131]

And this was the legacy that Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] bound his sons [grand son included], and likewise did  Ya'qoob [علیہ السلام]; "O my sons! Allah has since graciously chosen the Code and Procedure/Model of Conduct for you;

[Same injunction in 3:102]

  therefore you should not die except being in the state of consciously practicing Muslims." [2:132]

[Why you people keep talking ill/conjectural myths/hearsay about the brothers of Yusuf?] Were you people the witnesses/present when the death became apparent to Ya'qoob  علیہ السلام whereupon he said for enquiring from his sons: "After my death whom you will serve/be allegiant?"

They all said: "We are and we shall serve and be allegiant to the Iela'aha of you, and the Iela'aha of your fathers, Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq, The Only One Iela'aha;

  And we are for Him-Allah the Muslims, those who keep consciously and heartily following the Path/Way of life prescribed by Him." [2:133]

[Replica/Mirror 2:141]

That was a generation that has passed away. That which they had earned is in stock for them. And that which  you people have earned is in account for you. And you people will not be questioned regarding the acts they [earlier generations] used to keep performing. [2:134]

And they [People of Book] said: "Be a Jew or Christian; you people would be guided."You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce; "No, that is not the way to get guided; on the contrary the fact is that adopting incessantly the path/way of life/community of Iebra'heim, the ever Sincere/ever upright, lets one guided.

  And be mindful, he, Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was never ever from amongst the idolaters who consciously and purposely assign partners/associates with Allah". [2:135]

[Recurrence: (1)2:136(2)3:84=2]

You people pronounce; "We believe in Allah, and in that/Grand Qur'aan which has since been sent/communicated to us,

[Recurrence: (1)2:136(2)3:84=2]

and in that which was sent/communicated verbally to Iebra'heim, and Iesma'eile, and Ies'hauq; and Ya'qoob and  his multiple/excessively numbered progeny;

[Recurrence: (1)2:136(2)3:84=2]

and in that which was given/delivered to Musa and Easa,

   and in that which was given/delivered to all the Elevated, Chosen and distinctly dignified Persons [plural of Nabi علیہم السلام]  from their Sustainer Lord.

[Recurrence: (1)2:136(2)3:84=2]

We do not draw/propagate a line of demarcation-segregation-differentiation [in any peculiarity/trait-their elevated/chosen unique position above all other humanity, communication of the Book to all, and their assignment as Revivalist-Messenger-conveyor of glad tidings and warning] between one and another of them.

  And we are for Him-Allah the Muslims, those who keep consciously and heartily following the Path/Way of life prescribed by Him." [2:136]

Consequently/in response if they consciously and heartily inclined to accept/believe likewise as you people have consciously believed with the assistance of that/communicated to you-Grand Qur'aan, thereat the effect is indeed that they made themselves guided on the right path;

but if they purposely decided to turn back reflective of their negative response, it is for reason that they are only in schism/opposition/desirous of retaining separate identity. Eventually Allah will continue to suffice you as against them, since He is eternally the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. [2:137]

[Reverting from parenthetic keep suggesting them, what we have told you people is in essence] "This is the method of transformation prescribed by Allah.  And who can prescribe a more balanced and appropriate course of transformation other than Allah? And we are for Him the sincere allegiants". [2:138]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Do you dispute with us about Allah while being aware of the fact that He is the Sustainer Lord of us and is the Sustainer Lord of you people?

[Recurrence: (1)2:139(2)28:55(3)42:15=3]

And deeds of ours are [requitable] for us and the deeds of you people are [requitable] for you.

    And know it that we are consciously and persistently exclusively sincere for Him". [2:139]

Or do you mean to say that Iebra'heim and Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob and his progeny [tribes, grand sons] were Jews or Christians?

[If this is their presumption] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Do you know better or Allah knows the best?"  And who is more unjust than the one who concealed/withheld from pronouncing the information, conveyed by Allah, which is with/known to him [from the mention in the Book]?

[Recurrence: (1)2:74(2)2:85(3)2:140(4)2:149(5)3:99=5]

 And be mindful that Allah is never unmindful of that which acts you people keep performing. [2:140]

[Replica/Mirror 2:134]

That was a generation that has passed away. That which they had earned is in stock for them. And that which  you people have earned is in account for you. And you people will not be questioned regarding the acts they [earlier generations] used to keep performing. [2:141]

 2:142-152                                                       Index of English Articles          Urdu Books
